Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 634: Violent priest

Two days later.

To the east of the Gulf of Albert is a "Grey Valley", sandwiched between the mountains on the west coast and the Nevada Mountains. The valley is thousands of miles long, but the widest point is less than a hundred miles. Abundant, it was the largest food producer for the dwarves during the Third Age.

The Grey Valley is like the Bay of Albert magnified a hundred times, surrounded by mountains, and the only exit is the Bay of Good Albert.

The once fertile valley has long been occupied by monsters.

More than 50 years ago, the three city masters of Albert Bay reached a consensus that the next strategic goal is to clear the magic nest in the Grey Valley and rebuild it into a granary, so that the Bay of Albert can be self-sufficient and get rid of the food dependence on the old continent. .

However, the Grey Valley is too large, and it is impossible to build a city wall on the surrounding mountains like Albert Bay. It can only build a fortress at an important mountain pass to block the traffic arteries and prevent the large-scale invasion of monsters.

More than a dozen fortresses are far from enough, and there are still monsters that continue to climb over the mountains, enter the valleys to wreak havoc, build demon nests to guide evil energy, and transform the earth into abyss wasteland.

The extraordinary legions of Albert Bay regularly sweep away monsters and dens, purifying the land contaminated with fel energy.

But the monsters are as inexhaustible as weeds, and it won't be long before they make a comeback.

The extraordinary legion under the three city lords was exhausted, so they issued a mission in Albert Bay to let the soul hunter, mercenary group and extraordinary people participate in the eradication of monsters.

This low-risk, high-reward clearing mission is popular.

After decades of perseverance and the completion of countless clearing missions, most of the Grey Valley has been recovered, and ordinary monsters do not dare to break into the valley to seek death.

In the southern part of the valley, a low hill rippled in the void, and after a few seconds three figures appeared.

The leader was a young wizard with a silver staff, wearing a black magic robe, with an indifferent face, it was Raistlin.

To his left and right are Athena and Izzet.

"It should be around here." Izzet looked around.

There was a pungent smell of sulfur in the air, and the sky was overcast with clouds, and the sun could not be seen.

The earth around the hills seemed to have been perfused with blood, and it became dark and deep. The river water in the small river not far away was turbid, giving off a foul smell, like a stinky ditch.

The original vigorous vegetation has also mutated to varying degrees, becoming dark green, bright red or pitch black, and the color is very exaggerated. Beasts, insects, and fish all seem to disappear, when in fact they become even more terrifying when infected, lurking in the shadows.

The wisps of black wind blowing from nowhere brought inexplicable ravings, which kept piercing into the ears, listening carefully but not being able to catch them, making people feel irritable and depressed.

If there are weak-willed people here, within three days, they will be driven crazy by the ubiquitous ravings, and then be invaded by the negative energy invisible to the naked eye, and degenerate into a delusional monster.

This is like a world in a nightmare, an abyss wasteland polluted by fel energy.

The three people on the hill were all used to it.

In the past two days, they have been looking for the legendary priest in the Gray Valley. Izzet inquired about the news, and the other party took the task of clearing and suppressing it, and the location was in the southern part of the valley.

Even with mission guidance, finding people in the vast valley is not easy.

That guy acted alone and took five or six clearing missions at the same time, but he didn't follow the direction of the mission location, and his whereabouts were erratic. Raistlin teleported dozens of times, followed the traces of the battle that had just happened, and searched for two days before finally pinning down the approximate location of the priest.

Raistlin glanced around the hill, his eyes paused, and he said lightly, "I found him."


Athena and Izzet did not find out.

"Look over there." Raistlin pointed in one direction.

About half a mile from the foot of the hill, there were some mounds scattered on the undulating ground, mixed with weeds and inconspicuous.

Izzet's lavender pupils narrowed.

"The lair of the demonized bear goblins!" He had been on adventures in the new continent for many years, and at a glance he could see that there were caves dug by the bear goblins under the mounds, but they were far away, and he hadn't discovered them immediately.

He used his own experience to judge and said in a low voice: "It should be a medium-sized goblin bear tribe, with at least 500 goblin bears. It is estimated that it will not be more than three months after the construction of the magic nest, so the fel pollution is not yet. Very serious."

Raistlin nodded, the soul's eye could see the energy directly.

The devil's nest was very obvious in his eyes, a foul energy like a faint green beacon, shot straight into the sky, spreading in all directions, covering the sky and the earth for about thirty miles.

The location where the fel energy spewed was the Demon Nest, a cave deep underground.

Not far from the entrance to the cave, the All-Seeing Eye saw through the invisibility of a figure. Raistlin observed it and confirmed that this person was the priest he was looking for.

Before he could point out where the priest was, the fight broke out.

The light shines.

A heavy mace appeared out of thin air. Except for the side connected to the handle, the square hammer had a huge thorn on the other five sides, which was terrifying.

The whole hammer is one and a half meters long and is held in the hands of a tall and strong man. He is dressed in heavy mail, covered with a white shirt, tied with a wide metal belt, and hung with an iron lock on his waist. The quaint brown-skinned scripture, embroidered on the chest and back of the shirt is the holy emblem of the Mother Earth, a tree of life that grows from the earth.

At this moment, layers of divine light erupted from the nearly two-meter-tall priest, and his big bald head became brighter, like a high-power light bulb.

In one breath, the priest blessed himself with more than a dozen layers of magic.

He held his mace high and hit the ground with all his might.


The ground sank, and a chain reaction occurred immediately.

A large area of ​​the ground in front of the priest collapsed, and the crack spread forward with his feet as the dividing line, and expanded to hundreds of square meters in a few seconds. Countless dirt and rocks fell, exposing the cave below, and there were screams and screams. I don't know. How many goblin bears were directly crushed to death.

Raistlin, who was watching on the hill, picked up a wave of bargains, and the power in the spirit pool was rising.

The eye of the soul saw the fel energy swaying, and the priest's hammer directly destroyed most of the underground magic nest.


An angry roar sounded from the ground, and a large number of bear goblins rushed out of the surrounding mounds.

Their name carries "goblin", and they are indeed closely related to the cowardly, short greenskin goblins, but they have little resemblance other than the same strong reproductive ability and low intelligence.

The bear goblin is like an upright bear, with a minimum height of more than 1.8 meters, a face with the outline of a goblin, an extremely strong body, and brown hair covering the whole body. Their limbs are as nimble as human beings, they wear rudimentary leather armor, and armed with maces and javelins, they roar at the priest.

These are demonized bear goblins, with dark hair, bloodshot eyes, and twisted faces like ghouls crawling out of hell.

All creatures that are demonized by evil energy have their minds lowered, but their strength will skyrocket.

The same goes for the enchanted goblin bear.

The first group of bear goblins that rushed to the priest's body, more than two meters tall, were as strong as a wall, and they all went into a frenzy state, waving mace and stone hammer, and surrounded the priest from all directions. The weapon is smashed.


The priest turned his left hand upward, and the palm released a pure light, like a fireball explosion, the huge sacred energy exploded, and violently impacted the evil body of the bear goblin.

Immediately, golden flames ignited on the goblin bear.

This sacred fire not only burns the skin and flesh, but also penetrates deep into the soul. They scream in pain like falling into a frying pan.

Some goblins suppressed the pain and continued to charge forcibly.

However, they were greeted by a huge mace, the priest's hammer smashed on the head, the light burst, the ugly head exploded like a watermelon, the brain spattered, and even the body was torn apart.

bang bang bang...

The priest swung a mace, killing a demonic goblin bear with one blow.

His strength is terrifying, and the mace in his hand weighs thousands of pounds. At most, these high-level demonized bear goblins can't stop a hammer.

In just a few seconds, a circle of goblin corpses lay beneath the priest's feet.

After being demonized, the goblin bear was not afraid of death, and more goblins stepped on the bodies of the clansmen and rushed up, surrounding the priest and smashing all kinds of weapons. There are also goblins throwing javelins in the distance, regardless of whether they accidentally injure their people.

In a blink of an eye, the priest was overwhelmed by goblins.


Another "Holy Nova" erupted, pushing the Goblin Bear away, leaving the priest in the middle unscathed. Taking advantage of the opportunity for the goblins to be burned by the sacred fire and screaming in pain, he raised his mace in a hurry and smashed them to death one by one as if they were being named.

His speed is not slow, but his two fists are no match for four, not to mention hundreds of demonized bear goblins.

Soon, the priest was overwhelmed by goblins again.

Holy Nova!

After blasting the enemy with the divine technique this time, the priest suffered minor injuries on his neck and face. A healing technique fell, and the wound healed instantly.

Then continue to swing the hammer to kill the enemy.

The three people watching the battle on the hill had different expressions, and they were all a little surprised at the same time.

The priest's fighting method is too simple. He doesn't talk about any tactics. He just blessed himself with more than ten layers of magic. His strength, defense and recovery all skyrocketed. Relying on his incomparable physical fitness, he didn't dodge or evade. Killing an enemy is like a human-shaped meat grinder.

If it weren't for his ability to perform magic, who would dare to believe that this was a priest, not a berserker?

The priest under the blessing of divine arts has a legendary power.

The lethality of each of his hammers is terrifyingly high, and the mace is also blessed with divine arts, with divine blows attached to his attacks, and his melee skills are extremely clever. beat.

Nonetheless, these demonic goblins pose little threat to priests.

Goblin Bear's attack hit him, and most of them were as ineffective as scratching. Occasionally, a few wounds were left, which were healed in a blink of an eye.

After a few rounds of fighting, the goblin bear was a quarter dead.

A legendary bear goblin rushed out of the collapsed cave. It was the chief of this tribe. It was two and a half meters tall. Waving a mace as thick as a tree trunk, it went straight to the priest under siege.


Three seconds later, the bear goblin chief was hammered in the head by the priest.

It's the same as a normal goblin, and it's indistinguishable in front of a tough cleric, who doesn't even give it a second glance.

If it was a normal goblin horde, if the chief was killed, they would immediately run away.

But the enchanted goblin bear doesn't.

They have no concept of fear at all, and the mad siege of the priest has become more intense, surrounded him, and there is only one thought in their minds, and that is to kill this human being.

The battle continues, and it won't end for a while.

Athena on the hill shook her head and sighed, "It turns out that he deliberately used this method to deal with the goblin bear tribe."

"That's right."

Izt's face was also stunned, "But this should also be his most common fighting method."

As for other legendary powerhouses, facing the siege of hundreds of demonized bear goblins, even if you can kill some of them, it will consume a lot of physical strength, and in the end, it is likely to be grinded to death by a large number of enemies.

Killing goblin bears with one hammer at a time can save a lot of stamina.

Moreover, the priest has the blessing of magic, his physical strength is bottomless, and he is not afraid of the enemy's consumption, which is his advantage.

The number of goblin bears is slowly decreasing, and the encirclement is also shrinking.

The priest's body has been dyed red, but it is all the blood of the enemy. He is still intact, his eyes are bright and firm, and his strength and physical strength have not declined much.

The speed of swinging the mace is still fast and accurate.

Izzet was amazed.

He is a demon hunter. He kills enemies with agile speed and spells. His defense is relatively mediocre. He rarely fights the enemy head-on. The way he fights with the priest is a typical example of the negative. He has never experienced such a hearty battle. .

Over the years, he has been secretly observing the legendary powerhouses in Albert Bay, looking for teammates who hunted down Balor, and selected this priest, and heard about his battle storm.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, I was still shocked.

"How many magical spells has he blessed!" Izt was speechless.

The dark elf just exclaimed, not really wanting to know the answer, and then unexpectedly heard Raistlin reply: "A total of twelve."

"So much!" Izt couldn't believe it in his eyes.

With his eyesight he could only discern four or five divine arts, but Raistlin could discern twelve. How did he do it?

Raistlin smiled without further explanation.

The eye of the soul has long seen clearly that the professional level of this violent priest like a berserker is seventeen, a legendary high-level, and has mastered many auxiliary magical techniques, and is extremely powerful.

The fighting style can be inferred from the magic he masters.

Mainly melee combat, supplemented by magic.

The priest's own physical fitness is extremely outstanding, tenth-level strength, tenth-level tenacity, four-level agility and transcendent elements, earth pulsation, as well as multiple melee elements suitable for mace, heavy blow, power burst, battle frenzy, anger control, Earthquake shock, armor-piercing bludgeoning, etc.

Before entering the battle just now, he blessed himself with Strength Blessing, Tenacity Blessing, Earth Blessing, Concentration Blessing, Life Blessing, Extreme Spiritual Protection, Divine Infusion, Divine Armor, God's Power, Divine Favor, Heaven's Feather, Freedom technique!

A full twelve divine arts, even a sick patient who is too weak and only breathed, can get up and kill the Quartet.

A priest in his prime, even if Athena fights him head-on, won't necessarily win.

It was even easier to slaughter a goblin bear tribe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, blood flowed into a river beneath the hill, and dark red blood soaked a large area of ​​the ground. None of the five hundred goblin bears escaped, and the corpses piled up like a mountain.

The strong priest stood in the middle of the corpse, covered in blood and flesh, as if he had just crawled out of a pool of blood.

He gasped lightly, raised his hand and released a cleansing technique for himself.

The light of the divine art washed over the priest's body like a stream of water, quickly washing away the dirt, revealing the white shirt, looking brand new. He turned his head to look at the hill, his eyes swept over the three of Raistlin, and finally stopped on Izt's body, frowning slightly.

Izzet sighed softly, "It's time for us to pass."

Raistlin waved his staff and opened an arbitrary door to lead in.

The three appeared in front of the priest, and Izt saluted gracefully: "Lord Dawnsos, we have been looking for you for two days."

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