Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 638: fel orc settlement

From the Gulf of Albert to the east is the Grey Valley. It crosses the Nevada Mountains on the east side of the valley and enters the large basin on the plateau. The area is comparable to five or six imperial provinces. The terrain is complex and dry all the year round. Even if there is no abyss invasion A thousand miles of barrenness.

During the Third Age, this great basin was called "Death Valley" by the dwarves.

There are not many abyss monsters in Death Valley. After passing through, it is the Rockches Mountains that separate the New World.

This mountain range runs through the New World from north to south, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, dividing the earth into two, becoming the natural boundary between the western mountain plateau and the eastern plain, and also the climate boundary of the New World.

The Rokches Mountains are thousands of miles wide, with numerous branches, hundreds of peaks covered with dense and dark forests, countless deep valleys and mountains, towering peaks and magnificent scenery.

However, in the mountains and forests, there are countless monsters contaminated by fel energy.

The sky is also shrouded in endless clouds, the whole world is dark, the evil energy is deeply immersed in the land here, the water is turbid, and every grass and tree becomes strangely twisted. It has long been a forbidden area for human beings.

Climbing the Roqueches Mountains is extremely dangerous, and even the Soul Hunters seldom do so.

But today, on a mountain on the edge of the mountain range, faint ripples of void appeared in the dark forest, and after a few seconds, five figures appeared, stepping on the thick rotten leaves, making a sound, spreading to the surrounding potential darkness ear of the beast.

Izt looked around the quiet and eerie pitch-black forest.

His gaze penetrated the shadows of the treetops and looked eastward. At the foot of the mountain was an endless plateau. From west to east, the terrain gradually became lower, and there were no mountains to block it.

There is a black vortex in the distant sky, the overall shape is like a funnel, I don't know how high.

The lower part of the vortex connects to the ground and rotates constantly.

Anyone who has a little understanding of the abyss knows that this vortex is composed of the purest evil energy. Countless evil energy spews out through the gate of the abyss. Magical creatures, turning this world into an abyss wasteland little by little.

The closer you are to the fel vortex, the stronger the power and the greater the number of demons.

The central source of the Fel Vortex is the Abyss Gate.

Such a large fel energy vortex is rare in the New World. Only a large gate of the abyss can reach this scale. It also means that there are powerful demon lords guarding the gate.

"We have arrived."

The dark elf pointed in the direction of the fel energy vortex and whispered: "This is already Dima'ertu's territory, and fifty miles east of the mountain is Dunmorpher."

Raistlin and the others looked at the Fel Energy Vortex.

Even if you are separated by dozens of miles, you can feel the terrifying surging energy, as if you are under the violent storm at sea, which makes you feel extremely small, and your body and mind feel very depressed. The air is full of strong evil, and every time you breathe, you will involuntarily inhale evil energy and silently invade your body.

All other energies here are squeezed by Fel, affecting the power of elemental and arcane spells.

The evil god's babble in the wind is also exceptionally clear. Although he still can't understand the content, it is transmitted to the brain in waves, affecting the mind all the time, making people irritable.

Only Izt is like a fish in water, the evil energy has no effect on him, but his strength has increased.

Daunthos raised his hand to cast a spell.

The sacred light illuminated the forest, and a six-ringed "mass purification technique" fell on the four people other than Izt, dispelling the uncomfortable feeling, and feeling refreshed.


The savage priest continued to cast spells and quickly blessed his teammates with spiritual protection.

Even though Raistlin and Athena had told him beforehand that they each had their own means and their minds would not be polluted by interference, he cautiously blessed both of them.

"I hate the smell."

Barack sneezed, pulled out the two soul guns around his waist and held them in his hands. The golden runes on his armor glowed, and a layer of holy light barriers emerged from his body.

Athena also took off the round shield behind her, holding the shield in her left hand and the blue one-handed sword in her right hand.

The Aegis Aegis is a legendary equipment. In order to avoid being recognized, Ren made some changes to the shield surface with mithril when he was in Modu, which did not affect the function of the shield, but covered the characteristics of easy identification. Looks like a superbly enchanted round shield.

Even so, when Athena held the sword and shield, her teammates couldn't help but stare.

They glanced at the mithril round shield, and then landed on her sword, which was a long sword forged by the titan elder Sorim with the teeth of an ancient blue dragon.

The elite titan power armor on her is also a full set of epic gear.

The three of them couldn't help shaking their heads secretly. This luxurious weapon and equipment was simply shocking, and they became even more curious about the mysterious origins of Athena and Raistlin.

"I'll make the way."

Athena walked at the forefront with a shield, and Izzet quickly followed.

He held a pair of dark green odd-shaped war blades in his hands, like a pair of huge crescent moons. The length of the war blades was almost as high as his, with sharp edges. The blades were engraved with ancient abyss runes. The green evil energy radiates out.

Behind the dark elf was Barack with a gun, walking lightly and swiftly.

Raistlin blessed himself with the flying technique, lifted his feet off the ground, and flew quietly behind the Holy Lance Ranger. The burly savage priest followed closely behind Raistlin, who was responsible for protecting the casters in the team from being raided by the enemy.

This is the most common action formation for an extraordinary team.

After walking a short distance in the forest, the five arrived at the edge of a rock wall, from which they could look at the opposite mountain, about three kilometers apart. The sky is dark, and it is impossible for ordinary people or ordinary people to see anything at such a distance.

But the five of them were all legendary high-ranking people, and they could clearly see the scene on the opposite side.

It was a fel orc settlement.

After the abyss invaded the new continent, the evil energy polluted this world, and all creatures living here, including animals and plants, mutated to varying degrees and became the minions of the abyss.

After the beasts living in the forest were polluted, some of the most powerful individuals absorbed large amounts of fel energy and became fel orcs.

They are usually upright humanoids, with human-like torso, arms and legs, but their heads have the characteristics of beasts, half-human and half-beast, and there are many kinds. The mutated body of the fel orcs can be twisted into inhuman shapes, possessing lower intelligence and beast characteristics, mastering fel energy, filthy, but much more powerful than ordinary humans and even superhumans.

Fel orcs are more savage than the most primitive trolls, consuming blood, hunting wild beasts in the forest, or devouring other races.

They cannot reproduce, but they will gather together in groups to form powerful settlements, and the strongest will be selected to become the leaders of the settlements through **** slaughter.

Because of the constant mutation of beasts, the number of evil orcs is extremely large.

The evil orcs occupy all the forests on the new continent. They are listed as the four major abyss forces, along with the Netivite Demons, the Demonized Elves, and the Abyss Dwarves. They are not pure demons, but they also worship the four abyss evil gods. The earth is transformed into an abyssal wasteland.

At this moment, there is a settlement of evil orcs in the forest on the opposite mountain.

Raistlin looked up and saw a fel-energy beacon of smoke rising from the middle of the settlement, soaring into the sky.

In the settlement, dozens of rudimentary wooden sheds were built with stones and wood, not even houses, and could only be used for shelter from wind and rain.

A large group of Evil Orcs sat around the bonfire. In the fire, I don't know if it was a beast or something. Without removing the fur and internal organs, they directly set it on the fire and burned with a sizzling sound, and blood was pouring out.

Everyone's eyes fell on these evil orcs.

Most of the members of this settlement are wild boars. They are bloated and over two meters tall when they stand up. They have thick black manes all over their bodies. Ferocious fangs grew out of the big mouth of the basin, green eyes stared at the food on the bonfire, and a large amount of saliva dripped from his mouth.

But none of the wild boar dared to grab the food, they were just the lower class warriors in the settlement.

The closest to the campfire were a dozen or so minotaurs.

They are very similar to the tauren of the Old World, but they are taller, nearly three meters tall, their muscles are as hard and strong as rocks, their limbs are as thick as pillars, and the horns on both sides of their heads are curved. The bell-like eyes were full of madness and tyranny.

Minotaurs are the most common and powerful monsters among Beastmen. They have at least mid-level strength, and most of them can be promoted to high-level after a few years.

They are promoted to the legend is the doomsday bull.

Raistlin found three doom bulls in the settlement, the largest being a Legendary Intermediate.

It was sitting on the stone chair next to the devil's nest. Its huge body was like a hill, with a **** black iron giant axe at its feet, weighing at least three or four thousand pounds.

There is also a group of horned beasts with the same strength as the Minotaur. The black horns on their heads are straight, like a sharp sword facing the sky.

Sheephorn is half a meter shorter than the Minotaur, and its strength is slightly weaker, but it is faster, and can walk on the ground in rugged mountains and forests, and a few Sheephorns have the ability to cast spells, similar to the shamans in the settlements. status.

The All-Seeing Eye swept across the entire settlement.

Twenty-five bullhorns, one hundred and thirty wild boars, and thirty-eight horned beasts; among them three bulls of doom, a shadow priest of the horned beast of the legendary realm.

Raistlin counted the evil orcs in a matter of seconds. The number seemed small, but their overall strength was far superior to the gnoll tribe in Grey Valley.

After half a minute of secret observation, the team retreated from the rock wall to the forest.

Raistlin waved his staff lightly.

An invisible force field shrouded himself and his teammates, and then released the "mental link", allowing everyone to communicate directly in their hearts.

Izt's voice sounded in the hearts of the four of them: "Starting from this evil orc settlement, kill them all, destroy the magic nest, end the battle as quickly as possible, purify the fel energy, and then teleport away."

Everyone nodded silently.

This is Izzet's plan, very simple, relying on the high mobility of Raistlin's teleportation spell to destroy a large number of the magic nests near Dunmorpher and weaken Dima'ertu's power. As the demon lord guarding the gate of the abyss, maintaining the expansion of the abyss wasteland is its primary responsibility.

The reduction in the number of magic nests will shrink the abyss wasteland, and it will also mean that its territory will become smaller, which is absolutely unbearable.

As long as the Demon Nest is destroyed enough, the Demon Lord will definitely come out to hunt down.

Balor Flame Demon will use advanced teleportation techniques, and the gate of the abyss is connected to the magic nest in the territory. If any magic nest is destroyed, it will immediately know, and it may be directly teleported.

However, the Balor is extremely intelligent, cautious and cunning.

If it knows that someone has set a trap for itself, it is likely to return directly to the abyss to ask for help, so before it leaves the gate of the abyss, it must not let its information leak, leave a living hole, and cannot meet the demons under its command, so as not to cause trouble Suspect.

Once the Balor is far away from the Abyss Gate, there is an excellent chance to kill it.

Izzet took a deep breath.

"let's start."

Daunsos picked up the Holy Tome of the Earth on his waist and opened it, his soul power surged, and rays of light shone on himself and his teammates, blessing the previous divine arts.

The first is five blessings.

Blessing of Strength, greatly enhances strength; Blessing of Tenacity, improving defense and resistance; Blessing of the Earth, as long as you stand on the ground, you can continuously restore physical strength; Blessing of Concentration, speeding up casting speed and combat response; Blessing of Life, triggered when you are injured therapy;

Extremely effective spiritual protection, canceling five magic attacks against the mind within one hour, the effect is second only to the nine-ring spiritual barrier;

Holy Armor, which eliminates negative energy attacks and reduces spell damage;

Holy Infusion, when the weapon hits the target, it has divine power, causing more damage to the demon.

The power of the gods, the power element is upgraded by one level;

Freedom spell, move within a quarter of an hour without being bound by spells;

Feather of Heaven, increase movement speed;

Divine Favor, doubles the effect of the Divine Spell that has been blessed on the body.

A total of twelve divine arts fell on him, and some of them, Izt, because of his evil power, not only could not be blessed, but would also cause damage to him.

Others have no problem at all.

Athena and Barack get the scary buff.

Especially Athena, the power of the Titans was originally thirteenth level, and the enchanting effect of the full set of elite titan power armor increased her power by one level. And approaching the fifteenth level!


Athena felt the boundless power in her body and didn't know what to say.

Daunthos' blessing was not over yet, he locked his eyes on Raistlin and released two more divine spells, Elemental Echo and Arcane Echo, respectively increasing the casting speed of elemental spells, arcane spells, and the power of spells, equivalent to a transcendent element. level of affinity.

Barack is not far behind.

He blessed his teammates with "Light of Power" and turned on the "Aura of Piety" that could only take effect within a certain distance, making everyone's strength and defense rise again. This is the ability of the Sun Knight.

Raistlin finally made his move.

He waved his staff continuously, and spells of spiritual light fell down one after another.

Advanced Giant Power Technique, Advanced Acceleration Technique, Advanced Stone Skin Technique, and Advanced Spirit Armor Technique increase strength, speed, defense and resistance respectively, and they are all 7th-level spells.

The expressions of the teammates changed slightly.

They thought that Raistlin was only good at teleportation and killing, but they didn't expect to have such a powerful auxiliary spell. It seems that there is no one he can't. Even Athena is the first to know.

But Athena couldn't care less about curiosity at the moment.

The blessings of more than a dozen divine arts and spells finally pushed her power to the fifteenth level!

This is her unprecedented experience!

Izzet, Barack and Dawnsos were also experiencing their strong physical fitness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a few activities, they gradually got used to it.

Even the frail Raistlin found that his strength had soared to level 7. His physique, stamina, and speed were comparable to those of a legendary transcendent, and he could directly knock people with the Endless Storm Staff.

"It feels great!"

Barack looked at his arm and couldn't help sighing.

He originally only had a fifth-level strength, but now he is close to a legend. He feels that he can kill the Doomsday Bull with one punch without using a soul gun.

Everyone looked at the evil orc settlement in the forest on the opposite mountain, eager to try.

"Ready to fight!"

Raistlin whispered in his heart, holding a silver staff in his hand, he quickly cast a mass teleportation technique, and the teleportation location selected the middle of the fel orc settlement.

Seven seconds later, all five of the team disappeared at the same time.

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