Warhammer Wizard

: plot leave

Sitting in front of the computer for hours.

The content of the next chapter is the plot that has been set before the book is opened, and it is also the main line of the book. As you should have guessed, the next volume "The Golden Throne" will officially unfold these contents.

There are nine volumes in the whole book, and in a few days, the sixth volume is over, and the progress of the whole book is about 70%, that is, at least 4 million words!

I've been pressing down on the protagonist's level. Ren's body hasn't been upgraded to level 20, which is also related to this. However, on the whole, Ren's level still follows the outline, with an average level of about every 150,000 words.

In addition, I'm also thinking about how to write about Ren's relationship with the teacher.

How will each Holy Soul Wizard react to what Ren is going to do, what stance will he take, and how will it develop in the future... I spent hours trying to figure out a lot of details. Looking back at my own setting data (120,000-word EXCEL table), and the previous content, it only took a few hours to look at it, and I still have no clue...

Allow me to take a day off to think about it, and write the outline of the volume by the way.

If it can be updated tomorrow afternoon, there will be two chapters. If not... I don't dare to guarantee it, for fear of being beaten!

I continued to pull my hair...

(I just found out that the side story I wrote a few days ago is already available for viewing. It's in the last chapter. If you are interested, you can click to open it!)

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