Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 879: Succubus holy swordsman

Ren was used to seeing stunning beauties for a long time, but at the first sight of this succubus, he was still stunned.

At this moment, the succubus was sleeping in a dark cave, revealing his true face.

Her appearance is flawless, like a work of art favored by the creator, with a tall and delicate nose, flawless white skin, and rosy and plump lips like a bottomless abyss, which can make people fall without speaking. A pair of curved devil horns grew from her forehead, and the horns swept back. The long purple hair was naturally slightly curled, dense and dense, with bright colors, like a strange flame burning.

Even when her body is curled up, the thrilling curves can be seen.

The heavily damaged silver armor revealed a bee's waist that was gripped tightly, and there was not a trace of fat on the flat lower abdomen, and the broken place in front of the breastplate revealed a bottomless magnificent scenery.

The skirt armor covers the round and strong thighs. From the calf down, there are reverse joints that are completely different from human beings. From shallow to deep, a layer of delicate lavender scales grows, covering the pair of demon hooves under the feet.

She pressed a pair of broad red bat wings under her body as a cushion, and she could vaguely reach a smooth and slender tail with an arrow-shaped spike at the end.

The sight of Sleeping Beauty made Raistlin reluctant to look away.

In all fairness, this succubus has a very beautiful appearance, not more beautiful than Viola and Oxilia, but her temperament is too special.

She exudes a kind of extreme charm all over her body, and she doesn't have to do anything, just a glance can trigger the most primitive desire in men's hearts.

This is the terrifying charm of the succubus!

Whether it is humans, elves, or other messy intelligent races in the main material world, or the heavenly clan, the demons in the abyss, or whatever their hobbies are, as long as they are males, they will be easily seduced by succubuses and become their skirts. Subordinate ministers, being used, driven, drained... willing to die.

This seductive ability is the most powerful talent of the succubus, and its name is "charm".

"Charm" is just a transcendent element, but with the primitive instincts of the creature, its effect is no less than the legendary element.

The more beautiful the succubus, the stronger the temptation.

The appearance and figure of this succubus are rare in the world, pushing the power of the "charm" element to the extreme, even the succubus queen is probably nothing more than that.

Ren and Raistlin both have the will to truth, but they couldn't help but admire them a few more times.

The will of truth can only resist external attacks, but the impulsive desire in his heart cannot be stopped. Ren took a deep breath and suppressed the fire in his heart.

He was sitting in the office of the Lotus Palace, but luckily no one was around.

Raistlin, who was in the wilderness of sighs, wasn't feeling well either, but he was originally a pure-hearted clone. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. His eyes had returned to their usual calm and indifference.

Raistlin continued to observe with his soul's eye.

It's not surprising to meet a succubus in the abyss. What's strange is that she is a holy swordsman!

"Succubus holy swordsman..."

Ren whispered the word, feeling ridiculous.

Succubus are out-and-out evil creatures. They were originally a race born naturally in the abyss, and were later transformed by the Lord of Chaos to possess various powerful abilities. Of course, the most famous thing is their beauty, and their appearance is similar to that of human beings. Compared with other strange-shaped demons, the senses are vastly different.

But no matter how beautiful or tempting, a succubus is a demon.

They are born devils, from the essence of their souls to what they do, they are the enemies of the good camp.

Succubus regards the mortal race as prey and food. Since its birth, they have killed many mortals and caused countless disasters in the main material world.

The appearance of succubus in an area often means disaster.

The Holy Swordsman is the exact opposite.

This extraordinary profession created by Tyrael, the **** of justice, takes maintaining order, guarding justice, and protecting goodness as their mission. They regard all evil as their mortal enemy. Destroying demons is the lifelong career of holy swordsmen. They will never show mercy and never stop. !

The holy swordsman and the succubus are like two extremes.

One represents justice, the other practices evil; one maintains order, and the other creates chaos; the two are mortal enemies, and once they meet, they will die.

If you tell people in the empire that succubus can also become a holy swordsman, you will be scolded for being stubborn, but at worst, it will be considered blasphemy and you will report it to the Church of Justice.

Ren wouldn't believe this kind of fantasy if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

But it really happened.

Raistlin carefully observed that the silver armor on this succubus was exactly the same as that of the holy swordsman. The weapon she refused to let go even when she was sleeping was the holy swordsman's unique silver sword.

And this set of armor and weapons seems to be a few years old and has an epic quality.

The succubus' holy swordsman level is also very high, reaching the nineteenth level.

She is a genuine holy swordsman!

Although she is not a legendary pinnacle, her strength is quite strong, but it is not enough to rely on personal efforts to break through the holy rank. Every Juggernaut of the Righteous Church has passed the test again and again, practiced the teachings, and made a lot of contributions to the church, and was blessed by Tyrael and eventually promoted.

It is almost impossible for a succubus to get Tyrael's blessing.

Her presence is a blasphemy.

The Eye of the Soul saw some clues. The soul of this succubus is very complicated. Only half of it is a demon, and the other half seems to be an angel!

And it is a very powerful angel, holy and vast, easily suppressing the soul of the devil, thus controlling the body of the succubus.

But between angels and demons, deep in the soul, there is the essence of mortals.

"The world's great wonders!"

Ren fully understands this sentence. The reason why this succubus can become a holy swordsman is probably because her soul is human in nature, and she has the ability to fuse demon souls from the very beginning. characteristics of the devil.

Searching all over the abyss of the heavens and countless planes, I am afraid I cannot find a second similar example.

Her experience must have been bizarre.

The Eye of the Soul confirmed that the essence of this succubus is good, just like other holy swordsmen, with a transparent mind and advocating justice and order.

At this moment, the sleeping succubus lightly frowned, and a look of pain appeared on his beautiful face.

She is in poor condition.

Not only injured, but also poisoned.

Raistlin hesitated for a moment, not yet deciding whether to help her or not. Just then, there was a sigh in the wilderness, which seemed to wake up the succubus. She suddenly rolled over and sat up, opening a pair of beautiful golden eyes, and looked around alertly. .

The silver holy sword in the succubus's hand glowed, and the transparent light illuminated the dim cave.

It also made her appearance more clearly displayed.


Ren, sitting in the lotus palace, couldn't help shaking his head in admiration, what a natural stunner!

He decided not to alert the other party for the time being, the succubus probed for a few seconds, but did not find that there was a human archmage spying on him above the sky, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

She rested for a while, blessed herself with a blessing of justice, regained her spirits a little, then stood up with her tail supporting the ground, the broad and smooth silver holy sword was suspended in front of her as a mirror, and suddenly began to take off her armor.

"Uh, don't take a peek."

Ren subconsciously wanted Raistlin to move his eyes away. He considered himself a gentleman and saw no evil, but he didn't know what was going on. Raistlin's eyes didn't blink at the succubus in the cave, and he didn't want to turn at all. The meaning of the head, it seems that he does not listen to his own orders.

"It's what Raistlin wants to see, it's none of my business."

"I was forced to appreciate."

Soon, the beautiful and flawless body of the succubus was exposed, and the movement of her taking off her armor brought a rhythmic throbbing, which could be seen in front of her eyes.

Ren sucked in a breath of cold air, but felt a fire burning under his abdomen, and cried out in his heart, "Damn it, this is too exciting!"

"See no evil! See no evil!"

"I'm going to help her check her body... No! She will check herself, wait and see if I can help her treat..."

Ren thought silently in his heart, staring closely at the succubus's movements.

She first woke up facing the Silver Sacred Sword for a while, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't seem to contain her charm, but she quickly regained consciousness and turned around, revealing her beautiful back. There was a shocking wound at the base of her wing, which had festered, and black blood was constantly seeping out, and the surrounding skin had also turned dark red, apparently infected with toxins, and it was spreading.

This injury made the succubus lose its ability to fly, and she finished the inspection and put on the armor again.

The beautiful scenery could not be seen, and Ren had a sense of loss.

"Her situation is not optimistic."

Ren murmured in his heart.

The succubus also knew that his situation was not good. After a while, he fell asleep again exhausted. Even in his deep sleep, his face was worried and I saw pity.

"Well..." Ren touched his chin, thinking in his heart.

He originally had a long-term plan to enter the abyss, the most important part of which was to create a clone disguised as a demon, and the Ultramarines also pretended to be some kind of strange demon, occupying the area near the source crystal mine, so as to cover up the mortal legion's march into the abyss. The truth, more durable and secure mining.

If it goes well, you can even rule an entire abyss plane and be promoted to the abyss lord.

But this plan has a hidden danger.

The abyss lord must establish a connection with the abyss plane where he is, and get the power of this plane.

Not every plane can produce an abyss lord, only a plane with enough area and enough demons can give birth to an abyss lord.

Because of this, there is a huge gap between the upper limit and the lower limit of the abyss lord.

The most powerful abyss lord, the power is comparable to the main **** of the world of Alanus, such as the co-lord of the 45th, 46th, and 47th planes, the "Dark Lord" Grazt, who once confronted many gods. And winning, the prestige is terrifying.

In fact, some abyss lords on some planes are gods themselves, such as Yeenogu, the **** of gnolls on the 422nd floor, and the abyss lords on the 65th and 66th floors, the spider queen Rose.

The weakest abyss lord, the strength is similar to that of the ordinary saint-level powerhouse.

However, no matter how strong or weak, when the souls of the abyss lords are connected with the plane, they are the masters of this layer of abyss, the so-called master of planes, and one of the incarnations of the will of the abyss. And the will of the abyss, to a certain extent, refers to the four gods of the abyss.

Ren couldn't guarantee that when his clone became an abyss lord, his soul would not be eroded.

The avatar is so closely related to the main body, if the avatar falls, can the will of truth prevent the soul of the main body from being polluted?

He originally planned to capture a weaker abyss lord for research, and then decide whether to carry out the plan.

Now that I see the succubus, I immediately have a new idea.

Maybe you don't need to take risks with your own clone, you can control the succubus first and help her become the lord of the abyss. As long as she doesn't betray, she can detour to her goal.

Of course, the succubus can also benefit from having powerful powers to fulfill her wishes.

If she has any wish...

The succubus holy swordsman has half the devil's soul, the will of the abyss will not oppose her, and the fel pollution has no effect on her. She can remain in the abyss for many years and still maintain her kindness and rationality, which shows her firmness of mind.

Ren thought for a long time and decided to give it a try.

This is not a conspiracy, but an exchange of interests.

After saving the succubus holy swordsman, he told her his plan openly and aboveboard, the decision was in her hands, and she would never force it.

"That's it." Ren stood up and thought no more.

In fact, he knew very well that the original intention of his sudden change of plan was not simple, and there was a trace of expectation in his heart, which was the kind of idea that all men have. Perhaps, this is because of the charisma of the succubus, but he doesn't care, because he has the strength and confidence, and will not go astray because of a succubus.

This is just a beautiful flower that fell off on the way to the pursuit of great ideals.

After a while.

Ren left the stand-in in the Lotus Palace, and quietly teleported to the Sain Plateau.


"Let the brothers board the Star Destroyer and prepare to go!"

The Primarch's order sounded in the minds of the Ultramarines. Three hundred Ultramarines had been waiting for a long time. They responded with a bang, quickly assembled from various places, and teleported to Kharanos in the center of the plateau. A thousand selected dwarf craftsmen and a thousand elite barbarian warriors soon gathered in the square in front of the main castle.

There was a huge roar in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The invisible Star Destroyer opened the hangar.

Extreme warriors, dwarf craftsmen and barbarian warriors quickly boarded the ship and found that the four hangars were loaded with various excavation equipment and tools, a large amount of building materials, and enough food for thousands of people to eat for half a month. There are two hundred Thunder Casting Heavenly Soldiers.

The Star Destroyer rose high into the sky, hovering in the invisible force field.

After waiting for more than two hours, the Star Destroyer finally moved, getting faster and faster, galloping over the plateau, but except for Marius and the Ultramarines above the captain level, no one knew where to go.

Finally, Ren's projection appeared on the wall of the hangar, and he said solemnly, "Everyone, history will remember this moment!"


With a loud bang, the high-speed flying Star Destroyer burst into the void with infinite energy, forming a huge cavity with a diameter of several hundred meters in the sky, and the battleship plunged into it.

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