Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 972: saturation bombing

This demon tribe was built on the edge of a forest and was not large, but when Ren saw the tribe with his own eyes, his eyes were full of fear.

Because they are followers of the Lord of Plagues.

The Lord of Plague, "Moses Phaleh", has the lowest sense of existence among the four gods of the abyss, but for the vast majority of people, he is the most feared existence.

He also has many names, such as "The Origin of All Poisons", "The Enemy of All Life", "The God of Corruption and Stink", "The Corruptor of the World", "The Lord of Worms", "Father of Plague" and so on.

His terrifying might can be guessed from these names.

Moses Phalek loves life, but in his eyes, whether it is a crying baby or a raging plague germ, it is a form of expression of life. For countless years, He has carefully prepared various plagues and viruses in his own garden of rot, and bestowed them on his followers.

His followers see this as the Lord's love for all living things.

Regardless of age, beauty or ugliness, good or evil spirit, or racial superiority, Moses Phalek accepts all believers and is tolerant and inclusive of the world, just like a kind father leading his beloved son.

But in the eyes of others, the followers of the Lord of Plague are extremely terrifying. They carry various viruses and bacteria on their bodies, and their appearance mutates as a result. A black cloud composed of various flies and insects.

They are a moving source of poison, where nothing grows.

Even demons can't stand such a plague. Therefore, although the number of believers of the Lord of Plague is very large, most of them are concentrated in the abyss plane controlled by him, and a few are in the main material world or other planes. Almost no one wants to live with them.

This is the case with the demon tribe in front of him.

The neighboring evil orcs and demon forces are separated from this tribe, and the differences are clear, and some neighboring monsters dare not approach.

Even the Netivites farther east have drawn a clear line with them, and the followers of the Lord of Darkness are also afraid of being infected with the plague.

This Majin tribe is completely isolated, with a population of about 50,000.

With the tribe as the center, the plants within a radius of dozens of miles are extremely lush. The large green grass is covered with bright flowers, like a well-maintained garden. The surrounding trees are tall and luxuriant, including many wild animals and small animals. The survival of animals, the neighing of insects and the jumping of birds, is a vibrant scene.

This is completely two worlds from the lifeless fel wasteland.

However, a closer look is chilling.

The grass tumbled like living creatures from time to time, exploding maggots as dense as snowflakes, and burrowing into the ground again in a blink of an eye; the smell of flowers attracted flying insects, birds and beasts to pass by, and the petals suddenly opened into horrible mouths, swallowing them in, and digesting them into juice in a blink of an eye;

The bodies of those beasts were all mutated, swollen and rotten, and their internal organs fell out of their bodies and dragged on the ground.

Every time they took a step, a cloud of insects flew out of their bodies, and then fell back after flying twice.

The same goes for the demons who live in it.

Their tribe was built beside a colorful river and was relatively scattered. Tens of thousands of demons had a clear division of labor. Some planted crops, raised livestock, some cooked food, and some were responsible for patrolling. At first glance, they looked like an ordinary tribe.

But they planted piranhas, raised rotten and mutated beasts, and the feed was also pots of maggots. Green liquid food was boiled in the cauldron, and I don’t know how many viruses it contained.

In charge of the patrol is the "Rotten Knight".

They are like floating corpses that have been soaked in water for several months. Their bodies are swollen and pus. When they are gently stabbed, they will burst into water and drop a large number of maggots. The war horses under them also swelled several times, surrounded by A large black bug cloud.

"too disgusting!"

After Livlin saw it clearly, she couldn't help covering her mouth and almost spit it out.

Kui Lu was also terrified.

Ren felt his stomach churning for a while, because of the Eye of Soul and the Eye of All-Seeing, he could see better than others, and his scalp was numb.

The Star Destroyer can isolate air circulation and has an independent circulation system inside, so you can imagine how sour the outside tastes.

Otherwise, the smell alone can make half of the extraordinary army lose their combat effectiveness.

Not to mention the countless viruses in the air.

The reason why Ren didn't let a Star Destroyer act alone is because he didn't want to let the army drop down to fight these rotten demons and be exposed to the poisonous air. more people.

He intends to directly use the firepower of the Star Destroyer to wash the ground!

Soon, Ren found the God's Chosen Champion in the tribe, and his eyes changed slightly. He was not surprised by the powerful strength of the God's Chosen Champion, but the appearance of the opponent.

This devil is no longer in human form.

He was bloated like a deformed mountain of meat. He was five or six meters high when he sat there, his abdomen was bulging, his skin was festering dark green, and pieces of rotten flesh were sticking to his body, and strings of rotten flesh appeared between the ravines. Pustules, surrounded by large cloud worms, densely packed, in the millions.

On the top of the mountain of meat, the shape of a head can barely be seen, and under a pair of huge horns that are several times different in size is a large mouth full of fangs, and a half-meter-long scarlet tongue hangs down It opened like two twisted long worms with sharp teeth at the end.

His left arm was half the size of his right arm, mutated into a tentacle, and a sharp bone spur grew from his elbow.

Compared to his huge size, his eyes are small, like two yellowish rays of light.

God's Chosen Champion Tikegro!

It was promoted to the champion of God's Choice earlier than Aikeon, and it has been more than 600 years ago, but Aikeon came to the top and became the eternal God's choice, and because of the particularity of the believers of the Lord of Plague, the prestige was suppressed by the eternal God's choice. , not significant over the years.

But this did not affect Tikegro's powerful strength in the slightest. Its huge fel energy and vitality could be seen even without the eyes of the soul.

Ren judged him to be a "rotten lord" above level 30.

Among the followers of the Lord of Plague, the upper rot lord is also known as the "Great Uncleaner". Obviously, Tikegro is a Great Uncleaner.

Ren looked away, thinking in his heart.

Tikegro was blessed by the Lord of Plague and gained enormous vitality. He must also have an "immortal body", and the two main guns of the Star Destroyer may not be able to kill it.

The best three salvos are more insurance!

With a thought in his mind, Marvolo, the clone far away in Albert Bay, started the Caranos and teleported towards Los Santos.

After waiting for a while, the Kharanos arrived near the Demon Tribe, keeping the invisible force field hovering high in the sky, about twenty miles away from the tribe, forming a triangle with the other two Star Destroyers.

Ren no longer hesitated.

The three Star Destroyers activated their main guns at the same time and started charging!

Soon approaching thirty seconds, the rotten lord's perception was not sharp, but it spread countless viruses invisible to the naked eye in the air. The heat generated by the main cannon's charging killed a large number of viruses, causing him to notice, the swollen body. Stand up and move out of the room.

Tikegro held a huge rusted sickle, spit venom and maggots from his mouth, and swept a pair of dim eyes high into the sky.

His eyes changed suddenly, but it was too late.


A blinding light erupted in Tikegro's field of vision, blinding him briefly, and then he heard an earth-shattering bang.

Three thick beams hit the rot lord from different angles, bursting with infinite light and heat, engulfing him instantly.

Terrifying energy erupted, and the shock wave swept across a kilometer.

A mushroom cloud rushed into the sky.

The demon tribe was destroyed within half a breath, tens of thousands of demons evaporated in the release of energy, and the surrounding plants, forests and all mutant creatures were destroyed in the explosion. The aftermath of the high temperature spread outward, razing all obstacles to the ground, and cleaning up countless viruses in the air.

"Keep firing!" Ren ordered.

A roar sounded.

The secondary guns of the three Star Destroyers also fired, each with thirty-two twin-mounted electro-optical cannons, a total of 192 electro-optical cannons fired in salvos, and continued to fire, a group of huge electro-optical cannonballs shot to the ground, each shell. Both are equivalent to nine-ring spells.

A round of electro-optical cannon salvos can cover five square miles, fully saturating the attack.

At the same time, rows of cover plates were opened on the side of the Star Destroyer, revealing dark holes, from which hundreds of "Thunderspear missiles" were fired.

This is a new weapon that Rennes successfully developed last year.

Imitation of the "Tomahawk Cruise Missile" of the previous life, the warhead is loaded with 300 pounds of explosives, and the missile body depicts five rune arrays including flight and spiritual link, using the energy of the Titan furnace as the propulsion power, and accurately guided by the split-brain chip , the power is between the eighth-ring to the ninth-ring spell, and the longest range is 150 miles, which is farther than the strike distance of the Star Destroyer's main gun, and many times farther.

The cost of the Thunderspear missile is not high, and mass production can be pressed to about 400 gold shields.

Compared with the electro-optical cannon, the Thunderspear missile must be more expensive and less powerful.

However, the Thunder Spear missile has a longer range and does not require charging, and can be shot out in one go to form the most ferocious firepower.

Ren has placed 2,000 Thunder Spear missiles on each Star Destroyer, and tens of thousands of them have been stored in the warehouse of the half-plane.

In the first wave of attacks, three Star Destroyers fired three hundred Thunderspear missiles.

The five-meter-long cylindrical projectiles dragged lightning-like flames at the tail, drawing beautiful tracks in the sky, as if they had grown eyes, and plunged into the position of the Demon Tribe, like dense raindrops falling from the sky. , exploded in the aftermath of the main gun.


Lightning and flames roared together, the sky and the earth trembled.

The main gun was still charging, and it took three seconds to wait; the electro-optical gun was also cooling down, and it took twelve seconds; so the attack fire was completely maintained by the Stormpike missiles.

The explosion of the first wave of missiles has not subsided, and the second wave of missiles has arrived.

The same is three hundred.

A faint frantic roar came from the explosion, and was immediately drowned out by the Thunder Spear missiles. After three consecutive waves of missile bombardment, the shells of the electro-optical cannon landed, followed by three waves of missile bombardment. The cannon roared.


Three huge beams of light hit a blur of rotten flesh, completely turning it into ashes.


Ren raised his right hand.

He kept opening the mobile phone interface, and did not see any difference in the growth of the spirit pool. Obviously, he did not absorb the soul of Tikegro, but the All-Seeing Eye penetrated the smoke screen of the explosion and did not see the "Great Uncleaner" in it. resurrection.

After the Star Destroyer stopped attacking, the aftermath gradually dissipated, revealing the ground.

The Demon Tribe could not find any traces at all. There was a huge pit on the ground with a diameter of several hundred meters, and the middle was a hundred meters deep. An inch of land was ravaged by terrifying firepower, like an abyss purgatory.

Tikgro is gone!

No living life could be found in this area, and even bacteria and viruses invisible to the naked eye were burned to ashes.

Livlin and Kuilu were stunned. For the first time, they saw the Star Destroyer firing at full force. The devastating bombing made them a little scared. .

Perhaps only the gods can resist!


Kailu said in a low voice.

It was only at this moment that Livlin realized that she saw two identical Star Destroyers in the sky ahead, one on the left and one on the right.

She knew about the existence of the "Glamorgan" for a long time, and boarded the Star Destroyer many times to fight, but she always thought there was only one. She didn't know that there was a second ship until today when she set off. As a result, she arrived at the Demon Tribe and suddenly appeared again. The third one!

Wren must have built more than three Star Destroyers!

Livlin took a deep breath, searched the ground several times, and asked softly, "Ren, is he dead?"

"Not sure." Ren shook his head.

Moses Falek is called a loving father by believers. Although he is an evil god, he is very generous and generous to believers, especially the powerful God-chosen champion, and he will not easily give up a great impure person. He should let the soul of Tikegro Return to the abyss and reshape his body.

But as long as it's not resurrected in Los Santos.

Tikegro didn't know what was going on from start to finish, didn't even see the Star Destroyer, and couldn't tell the Plague Lord much.

Moreover, the Lord of Plague, like the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of the Undead, will only show some interest in the main material world during the period of the abyss invasion. At other times, he does not care about the situation of the main material world at all, even if he knows about it, it will not have much impact. .

Unless it's the messy lord of chaos...

Ren waited for a few minutes, but did not see Tikegro's figure appear, confirming his guess.

There are also some demons who have escaped because they are far away from the tribe~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and are running away in a hurry.

"Exorcise evil."

Of course Ren won't let these remnants go. The three Star Destroyers spread out, and the electro-optical cannon fired again to kill the fleeing devil. A thunder spear missile was launched, covering every inch of the ground, ready to remove the mutant plants, beasts and viruses within a radius of dozens of miles.

After the Magic Torch Light Tower is completed, Holy Lance Knights and Priests will be sent to purify the virus and plague in this area before reclamation and development.

As for the demons and evil orcs, Ren plans to let the legion under his command destroy them, collect their corpses and send them to Black Soul Valley to grow mushrooms.

After half a day.

The three Star Destroyers almost emptied the Thunderspear missiles they carried, and the Demon Tribe turned into scorched earth within a radius of dozens of miles, and the battle ended.

One second of genius:

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