Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 18: slippery flying fish

The elf is a magical existence, and ordinary creatures or monsters will not attack it, so Narant is not worried about the danger of the blue elf going to the beach.

Sure enough, when the blue elf came to the beach, the murlocs just looked at it curiously, and did not attack or chase.

And the little blue elf descended into the sea with Migu Mi cooing.

Then the little guy finally stopped more than fifty meters from the shore.

Thanks to the crystal clear waters, Narant saw a patch of colorful coral there.

I saw that after the blue elf stopped, blue light slowly gathered on his body. When the light became extremely dazzling, circles of light began to spread around!

As blue light swept the coral, the underwater coral became more gorgeous.

"If I was in my previous life, I'm afraid this place would have become the most beautiful tourist destination, right?" Narant wanted to cry without tears.

Whoops! Whoa!

At this time, there was a sudden movement on the sea surface. I saw groups of sea fish swimming from the deep sea in the distance toward the near sea, jumping out of the sea from time to time as they swim, looking extremely cheerful.

"Flying fish?" As a titled knight, Narant had good eyesight, and found that the fish were all of the same species.

The size of the fish is not large, just the length of chopsticks, and the whole body is shiny with silver light. The most peculiar thing is that a pair of pelvic fins are like the wings of a bird, which allows them to glide against the sea for a short time.

"Do you know what kind of fish it is?" There were flying fish in the previous life, but they didn't know if it was the same as this world.

"Sir, that looks like a slippery flying fish!" Kempi Cow Dung said weakly.

"Flying fish with a slippery mouth?" Narant didn't expect that someone really knew him.

"Sir, slippery flying fish is a kind of bad fish, they can't be eaten. Once, a villager in the village picked up this flying slippery flying fish on the shore, and finally had diarrhea for three days and almost starved to death. And besides us, even seabirds won't eat it, and they're afraid of diarrhea..."

"..." Narant observed a moment of silence for the serf, and also for his gold coins.

In this case, it's clear that the blue elf is a fish that has been adrift and can have diarrhea... Even if he has the ability to remove the murlocs and sea monsters on the coast in the future, this slippery flying fish probably has no economic value.


Narant, who was mixed with joy and sorrow, did not stay at the beach any longer, and with a heavy heart he led the guards back on the same path.

Originally, he had planned to go west to complete the inspection of the entire Storm Lord, but since the villagers said that there were monsters infested in the west, they had to wait until they were fully prepared before completing the next inspection.

He didn't even wear leather armor when he went out today. If he really encountered a monster, his combat effectiveness would definitely be inferior to being fully armed.


"Vivian, is there a blacksmith in Maiye Village?" Fishing is imminent, and the most important thing for fishing is fake bait and sequins. After returning to the castle, Narant started to organize.

Naturally, he couldn't use iron spoons to make the next bait, especially since he couldn't find so many iron spoons.

"Yes, my lord, the Feidi blacksmith in the village opened a blacksmith shop!"

"Well, it really does!" Narant was overjoyed, and immediately ordered to Quick, "Quick, take the spoon and hook I brought back to the blacksmith shop to order a hundred of them, and let him make them as soon as possible. Come out, how much money you need, you can pick it up from Thomas butler later."

"In addition, you can go to the Jianmu Forest to select 30 sword trees as thick as a thumb and cut them down, send them to the Village of Doom, and let them make fishing rods." Sea fish can be big or small. If they are made from ordinary branches, Narant knows that There is definitely no way to fish.

"Yes, my lord!"


Although I only visited a small half of the territory today, I spent the morning in Narrant. After Quick left, Thomas came to report that lunch was ready.

"After eating bread and bacon for more than half a month, I finally got fresh food!" On the long table, drinking the extremely delicious fish soup, Narant couldn't help groaning.

For half a month, bacon and bread every day, it's actually not good for him, an authentic foodie in China. Now he finally has a chance to rescue his taste buds.

"The only fly in the ointment is that there is no cook!"

In the original owner's memory, even in his not very wealthy father Baron Andrew's castle, the abundance of food reached the lowest level of the nobles, and there were as many as four or five cooks.

Of course, the standard of food and beverages in Narant Castle is low. The cook is one aspect, and the source of the ingredients is actually another aspect.

Civilians don’t have extra food to keep animals in captivity, and Narant is even more empty-handed when he first arrives. Now he doesn’t even have chickens and ducks in captivity in his territory, and it’s impossible to eat an egg.

"You have to work hard and live a shy and impetuous lord's life as soon as possible!" Other nobles have been operating on the fief for dozens or hundreds of years to gradually improve their lives, but Narant feels that he is a transmigrator, and the slowest must be in Reach the level of other nobles within a year or two, after all, he is a man with golden fingers.

"Sir, there are new gold coins in the account today, I'll report to you!" Thomas carefully opened his mouth with a ledger.

For 'worldly things' such as money, the nobles are entrusted to the castle steward to take care of them, and whenever there is a large expenditure or a large income, the steward will report it to the nobles during the meal~www.wuxiahere.com ~This eliminates the need for nobles to consume excess energy to manage these things.

"Well, talk about it!"

"Sir, originally there were nine gold coins, thirty silver coins, and two hundred and ten copper coins in the castle, but after increasing the wealth you brought back today, there are now thirteen gold coins, thirty-nine silver coins, and copper coins in the castle. Three hundred and fifty."

"Well, my dignified lord only has a fund of 130,000 yuan now!" Narant said silently in his heart after hearing this.

For a lord, these hundreds of thousands are really nothing, even asking him to repair this dilapidated castle.

This baron's castle has been breached by dark creatures several times. Although the walls are complete, the furniture and decoration are lacking. The inside and outside must be repaired and decorated again.

For example, the corridors and halls must be covered with carpets, otherwise it will be a bare stone road, which is not like the residence of the nobles at all, and some art or gold and silver utensils and lamps must be placed in the castle to show wealth, otherwise it will be spread by other nobles. Shame.

The noble Narant himself may not care, but the reputation is not the same as in the previous life, I am happy that I like it so simple.

A bad reputation will have an impact on future trade or other matters between Stormland and other territories.

In this world, a noble's reputation is like a business card.

If you spread a splendid name or a good name, then in any territory, people will look at you and treat you as a guest.

If you are notorious or notoriously poor, don't talk about making friends, it's fine if people don't look down on you.

"After a few days of fishing, I can sell some of it for money, and I can chop off some adult sword wood for money after a while!" Narant thought to himself.

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