Warped Reality

Chapter 22 - Don't Live A Lonely Life

I turned around and resumed walking. Shit! Where would I go? I wished I knew where to find the warlock's shack. I heard the people around us shrieked in terror. But before I knew what caused their chorused cries, I was transported into the house of the warlock in a blink of an eye. Oh, wow! So, I'm having a lucid dream!

I slowly placed Ivano's body down the cold damp ground before inspecting the place if the warlock was around. The lamp was lit just like the last time I was here but the old man couldn't be found. So I just opened the closet at the corner of the room to see if there's anything that could help me tend Ivano's wounds. There were a lot of bottles to choose from in different colors and smell. But there's no label to know on how to use them.

I turned around when I heard shuffling noises and saw Ivano at the doorway, clutching his limping arm while dragging his other leg with a broken knee. I looked away because I hated seeing him this helpless. I hurt for him and I didn't know why since we just recently met.

"Where is this place? Who are you?"

"I also don't know where this place is. I've only been here twice and my name's Stella."

"Stella." Ino repeated through clenched teeth. "We certainly haven't met before. Why did you tell them you're my wife!" He demanded but I ignored him as I continued checking the bottles by picking one only to put it down again so I could pick another.

"No, I'm not your wife, silly. We're nothing. Well, you're my boss. And you're holding me prisoner in your home which I have no way of escaping. So that's why I'm here for. To let myself out without your knowledge."

"What are you yammering about, miss? I am not holding you a prisoner. You are! Listen, get me out of here and let me go back to my Katherine!"

I turned around to face him and growled my annoyance. How would I patch his wounds up? I couldn't just give him anything of the warlock's potion or it might harm him. Who knew what their usage was.

"I don't want her name be spoken by your lips again, Ivano. I hated it! Now go back out there and lie on your back and take a rest. I need to figure out how to heal your wounds."

"You're a complete imbecile!" Ino staggered back with horrified eyes as if I was the predator between us but I just shook my head.

"Who are you?"

My head jerked at the familiar voice I heard and rushed outside the potion room. The warlock has arrived! Relief rushed into me that I flung myself to hug the old man. But he thrust his hand out to me, knocking me by my c.h.e.s.t that I swung across the room with the force. My head hit the wall and I instantly saw stars. Holy shit! I think I damaged my gray matter!

"What the hell was that for?" I said as I slowly rose to my suddenly trembling knees. "Damn it, old man! I'm just happy to see you again. Can't we meet and greet with a hug? Jesus!"

"How did you come in here? How did you get through my barrier?"

"You've got barrier for this poorly lit piece a shit?" I glared at him while massaging the lump that's forming on my head.

"Who are you?" He demanded again and the ground actually vibrated with his snarl. "If you don't talk, I will end your life. Both of yours!"

"No you don't. You can't kill us. You're a vampire but you're also a healer, remember?" He took a sharp intake of breath before he looked at me and Ivano back and forth, questions began to obviously whirl inside his head. "Listen, I've got no time for this so please heal Ivano. He's terribly wounded."

"I can't heal a person that's bound to die."

"What do you mean?"

"He wished to die and live again. So I was sent to give him exactly that by killing him and take him from the dead. But he suddenly disappeared from the punishment grounds without a trace. Now tell me, how did you get through my place?"

"I don't know how we get here either. Wait, so you're like a grim reaper now? You're not serious, are you?" I said and hurriedly stepped in front of Ivano to guard him from the warlock. "You can't kill him! I won't allow you!"

"You have no say to that! The person wanted it to himself. He'd sold his soul and now the deed has to be done."

"Take it back!" I turned to look Ivano over my shoulder and pleaded with him. "Ivano, please. Take your wish back. Don't die like this. Don't live a lonely life! Please, free yourself! Stop abducting women to feed on their blood! You have to stop this! I want to get out of your home! I don't want to stay there and die! I still have a life ahead of me. So please!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Ivano's previous terrified face only gotten more confused right now as he listened to our exchange of dialog.

"But a wish from the dark spirit couldn't be undone. Once you make a deal with him, there's no turning back. So he must die!" The warlock announced.

"I can't allow this!" I said and flung my arms around Ivano's before closing my eyes and wished to be somewhere else, somewhere safe where he'd be healed.

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