
Vol 5 Chapter 1196: Visit to Hong Kong

In a period of time, the love has taken a turn for the worse. "point…

On March 12th, "Zhou Global issued a warning for the first time, describing the ** type of pneumonia born in Vietnam and Hong Kong.

On March 15th, a warning was issued to the world for the second time, proposing the concept of ratio and adding the definition of suspected and probable cases. Issue emergency travel guides related to stickers. Call on the world to be more vigilant about the gun ratio, remind medical staff and travelers to pay attention to the symptoms of Jia, and recommend that cases be reported immediately. The United States has issued health warnings to doctors about depression.

On March 17, o set up a virtual research network to share public health information through the phone and the Internet, including those from the country of origin. For the epidemiological research in various laboratories, the country’s mouth and the region, the flying clinical experts from the country’s mouth coordinated the global collaborative research to find comparable pathogens, and Hong Kong, China joined it.

On March 24, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced to the media that a member of the coronavirus family that has never been seen is the most likely cause of the disease. The center has not obtained the experimental progress of Paramyxovirus.

On the same day, the Minister of Health of Singapore ordered hundreds of people who had been exposed to Jibi to be quarantined at home for ten days.

On March 25th, the Director of Health of Ontario, Canada announced that it was a must-notifiable, infectious and highly virulent disease. This provision gives health officials the right to track infected people and instruct them to stop activities that may spread prevention.

At this time, among the people who have direct contact with a group of people in the middle elevator of the Metropolitan International Hotel in Hong Kong. More than 20 people have died, and 14 countries have reported more than cases.

On March 26th, Ontario, Canada declared a public health emergency and ordered thousands of people to be quarantined at home.

Some countries have taken maximum measures, including isolation, to stop the further spread of the concave ratio.

…Fei convened an electronic conference attended by 80 clinical experts from 13 countries to conduct the first global “comparable to prevent large ward rounds”

China has updated the number of comparable cases! It reported that the number of patients born in seven cities in Guangdong Province from November 16 last year to February 28 this year was 792, of which 21 died.

On March 27, a comparable warning was issued to the world for the third time, requiring airlines to screen passengers on flights departing from Toronto, Hong Kong, Singapore, Hanoi, Taiwan and China's Guangdong Province.

On the same day, Singapore closed schools and a Taiwanese engineering company closed. Five of its employees showed symptoms of anti-prevention, which caused Taipei to issue a medical warning.

On March 28, the Chinese government formally joined the WHO's global cooperation network, increasing the number of members of the network to thirteen research offices in ten countries. On the same day, the Department of Microbiology of the University of Hong Kong announced that the coronavirus had been isolated from tissue samples from patients with Bifang. It is inferred that it may be a pathogenic agent.

It was also at this point that the first doctor who had spotted blood died of incurable disease.

On March 31, the Hong Kong Department of Health issued unprecedented quarantine regulations to prevent the further spread of artillery defenses. The regulations require residents of Amoy Garden Block to stay at home until midnight on April 9. Amoy Gardens is a residential area with nearly 15,000 residents. A total of more than two hundred residents in this residential area were admitted to hospital due to bombing.

The base of more than ten residential buildings in Amoy Gardens is a three-story Amoy Mall.

At noon, the mall is bustling inside and outside. It is very lively. The mother took the child and played in the children’s playground. The female middle school students who were out of school slowly strolled through the comics shop and the video store. Several young couples sat in the fairy forest while drinking a drink and talking affectionately. Japanese style fast The restaurant Yoshinoya is full of seats, and the working people are immersed in the beef set meal.

The middle hall on the ground floor is even more crowded. In order to attract residents to consume, various promotional activities are often held in the mall. Dozens of people queue up in the middle of the mall. Waiting for prizes and


Everything at this time seemed so peaceful, and there was no atmosphere of despair, only the disinfection stations set up at various intersections in the mall. Remind you to pay attention to personal hygiene, walk over and press it lightly, and the disinfectant containing alcohol will drip into the palm of your hand.

The Santa Ana bakery on the street is in a prominent square outside the store, with signs hanging to announce the strict precautions taken, so that citizens can buy with confidence. Many fashion shops and makeup shops use discounts to attract customers. There is a 30% discount, some even as low as 50%.

Most Hong Kong people do not eat dinner at noon and prefer to drink tea, and walk into the Hongxing Seafood Restaurant in the community. The welcome lady greeted the guests warmly to take their seats.

This young lady introduced to everyone that nowadays business is hit hard by blood and fatigue, the worst time. There are not as many guests as waiters. In order to attract customers, this restaurant has launched price premiums for lunch and dinner.

"The first phase of Amoy Gardens was completed in 1981. The last phase was launched in 1987. The building area is over 30 floors, and each floor has a total of eight units. The entire community has a total of Tens of thousands of residents lived here day and night in the 19 residential buildings. Among them, the one that was hit hardest by the epidemic.” The Financial Secretary of the Special Administrative Region Government who accompanied Fan Heng and others to inspect the Amoy Gardens introduced to them. "On March 31, the Hong Kong government issued an isolation order requiring all residents of the block to stay at home for isolation. The next night, the Hong Kong government took further measures. All the residents of the block were moved to an isolation center away from the bustling urban area. Observed for ten days. That night, all Hong Kong citizens inevitably felt uneasy. Faced with the extraordinary measures in the extraordinary period, the residents were all in a miserable mood."

Fan Heng nodded, uneasy in his heart.

In the ten days after the victory of the two sessions, the situation of prevention and control at home and abroad can be said to have taken a turn for the worse, especially in Hong Kong. Everyone felt panic. This time Fan Heng inspected the epidemic prevention work of the SAR government on behalf of the central government, which was actually a move to calm people's hearts.

The Hong Kong media at this time was also a mess. After all, the sudden outbreak of the ** epidemic made everyone at risk. However, Fan Heng suddenly led a group to visit the SAR and inspected the epidemic prevention situation, and went to the most serious disaster in Amoy Gardens. After the news came out, the hearts of the people were instantly settled, and everyone felt that there was hope. There are not many cases where leaders of this level come to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to inspect work, especially at this critical juncture. Washing the book and drying the thin notch) The novel "Qi Sanxin" Xiaoyi and Wu came to the scene in person, regardless of safety, which is enough to show that the central government has just wrongly supported the Qiantexinzheng.

Therefore, it is not only the SAR government and ordinary people who are encouraged, but also companies and media have responded positively, saying that everyone has strengthened their confidence and believes that after facing the problem squarely and taking strict measures, Hong Kong will tide over the difficulties. .

Regarding the latest situation, it should be relatively optimistic.

One is that Hong Kong has existing laws to enforce. Help curb ** pneumonia. This time Hong Kong used the "Epidemic Prevention and Fatigue Inspection Regulations" left by the United Kingdom. I haven't used it for more than a hundred years, but I used it this time. The regulations stipulate that not only patients must be isolated, but those who have been in contact with patients must also report to the relevant authorities on a regular basis. Violators will be fined 5,000 yuan or imprisoned for six months.

It is said that there is no such regulation in the United States. So Americans are worried that they will take more severe measures once the epidemic spreads. What is the legal basis. Because the United States wants to isolate patients and involves human rights issues, enforcement cannot be without legal basis.

Second, Hong Kong officials and ordinary citizens are generally of good quality, and the government's reasonable decisions will be smoothly implemented.

Third, the medical system in Hong Kong is basically provided by the government. The conditions of government hospitals are quite good, and the professional standards of medical staff and medical equipment are good.

The fourth is that Hong Kong has a relatively sophisticated civil society, which will form a non-governmental force for disaster relief.

This time, the SAR government has not responded adequately to the proliferation of fatigue. All walks of life in Hong Kong have proposed self-help, and the people themselves have advocated the improvement of public health and personal hygiene. Sharing the knowledge of prevention ratio, etc., did a lot of things.

In terms of economic impact, looking at it now, the 3% growth rate estimated at the beginning of the year is difficult to achieve.

Although some people think that because of the poor economy, poor handling of stickers, and the large and unfair distribution gaps, Hong Kong is threatened with lively chaos. But at this time, in the opinion of Fan Wuyi, who accompanied Fan Heng on a low-key visit to the SAR government, Hong Kong has many problems, but because of its law-abiding tradition and a more up-to-date civil society, it is unlikely to be lively and chaotic.

Of course, the worst problem is probably the decline in the government's prestige.

Although he does not think that the SAR government has dealt with the increase in a poor manner, the Hong Kong public opinion is very dissatisfied with the SAR government, and the mainland's prestige and image in the hearts of Hong Kong people have also suffered huge losses.

In the past few years, the popularity of the central government has been higher than that of the district government in public opinion polls, especially in response to the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia. The decisive action of the central government has made Hong Kong people very confident in the central government. However, the ineffective handling of this storm has affected the prestige of the central government.

Although from the opinion polls, the central government is still more popular than the district government, but the overall image of the mainland has deteriorated. Many Hong Kong people. Young people in particular cannot understand why China, which has joined the World Trade Organization and successfully bid for the Olympics, is still so open and opaque?

The source patient of the Amoy Gardens outbreak was a 33-year-old man who lives in Shenli and often visits his brother in Amoy Gardens.

The patient has chronic renal failure and has been receiving treatment at the Prince of Wales Hospital. On March 14, he presented with severe acute respiratory syndrome symptoms. Within a week, he went to Amoy Gardens for a visit. The unit owned by his brother used the toilet of the unit due to diarrhea during the period.

After that, his younger brother, younger siblings and two nurses who cared for him at the Prince of Wales Hospital were confirmed to have severe acute respiratory syndrome.

In subsequent government investigations, it was found that every building in Amoy Gardens had eight vertical sewage pipes to collect sewage from all units of the same number on all floors. This sewage pipe connects the water closet, wash basin, bathtub and bathroom floor outlet. The above-mentioned sanitary devices are equipped with water traps to prevent the smell of sewage pipes and insects from entering the toilet.

According to the interviews conducted by government staff with residents of Amoy Gardens, it was learned that complaints involving odors in toilets are very common, and the water traps of some units may not be as effective as they should be. Since water closets, wash basins, and bathtubs are commonly used, the water trap connected to them should store water most of the time. And should be able to play the function of separating the Qi.

Therefore, official experts speculate that this airflow may disperse the virus-carrying droplets stored in the sewage pipe into the bathroom, and the bathroom's exhaust fan may also discharge these droplets to the patio separating adjacent units. Finally, the virus-laden drops enter other units through the window.

"Recent studies have shown that the feces of many patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome contain coronavirus, and that this virus survives in the feces longer than that attached to the surface of the object. The severe acute respiratory outbreak that exploded in Amoy Gardens In the systemic syndrome incident, as many as two-thirds of the patients had diarrhea, causing a large amount of virus to be discharged into the sewers.” A medical expert in Hong Kong explained to Fan Heng, “The source patient may be exposed first. The sewerage system, people-to-people contact and building facilities such as lifts and stairs caused a group of residents in the building to be infected with the virus~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then infect other residents in the same seat. These were infected. Residents may later spread the virus to residents inside and outside the seats through human-to-human contact and contaminated environmental facilities."

Fan Heng nodded again and again, and pointed out at the same time. Hong Kong is a very representative and densely populated city. The experience of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in the prevention and control of the epidemic is of direct reference to the prevention and control of the epidemic in various places.

The accompanying government officials also introduced that after the outbreak, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, in cooperation with the Amoy Gardens Owners’ Incorporated Corporation and relevant residents, worked with various government departments to conduct thorough cleaning and cleaning of all units and public places. disinfect. The authorities paid special attention to the cleanliness of wash basins, bathtubs, wash basins, toilets and floor drains in toilets and kitchens, and cleaned water storage tanks.

At the same time, the government has printed a set of epidemic prevention work manuals to remind the public to properly maintain and repair the drainage system and sanitary equipment. It has been distributed to all property management companies and owners' committees.

Afterwards, Fan Heng and his party visited several more sensitive areas. At the same time, they entered the houses and had close contact with local residents, and gave some speeches to the media to encourage everyone.

They did not return to the hotel until dinner. "

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