Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 132 Fresh Fish Shop

He Shan stroked his chin and said, "Four first-order monsters with great power, and one domain master with a low sense of existence... Why do I feel that civil war will break out in this overlapping area sooner or later."

Yaoyi is a monster that only succumbs to power, and the position of the domain master is peeped by all Yaoyi.

If the domain master does not have the power to suppress other monsters, then sooner or later the domain master will be devoured by the ambitious monsters.

At least in the overlapping area that He Shan experienced, many monsters have the intention of rebellion.

Even if the four big bosses don't want to rebel, the domain owner will not sit idly by those who can threaten him. In short, they will fight sooner or later.

He Shan hopes that they will fight now, so that He Shan can at least play tricks.

After cutting dozens of catties of fish, He Shan had a basic understanding of the seafood farm. He and Lao Zhilan took advantage of the old Spanish mackerel's inattention and trotted away from the seafood farm.

Their next destination is the 'Fresh Fish Workshop', the territory of the Golden Gunner Yu Sheng.

It is said that Yu Sheng is a tuna demon and has a golden gun in his hand, so he is called the man with the golden gun.

When fighting for the hegemony of Xianyufang, he easily used that golden gun to kill a first-order monster. That battle established the status of the golden gunner, making all other fish monsters submit to him .

He Shan and the two of them can't be too careful about such monsters, maybe he can recognize the identities of the two of them.

So at the beginning, He Shan and the two just hid in the grass outside the store to observe.

But soon they saw that the man with the golden gun came out of the shop with another murloc, and there was only one murky murloc left in the shop.

So He Shan and the two approached Xianyufang, stood at the door and looked inside.

This murky murloc is a first-order mackerel. It looks a bit like the old Spanish mackerel, so it should be a mahogany mahogany as well.

And according to Zhang Zhixiang's information, the Golden Gunner has a first-level Spanish mackerel demon named Yu Wan under his command. As for the specific ability, Zhang Zhixiang is not clear.

Yu Wan walked to the fish tank, reached out and took out a flounder, and put it on the chopping board.

The flounder struggled violently, with a terrified expression on the fish's head, and He Shan could even see tears streaming from the fish's eyes.

"This is not the expression that normal fish can make... These fish are really tricky."

The flounder seemed to know what he was about to face. He struggled more violently than ordinary fish, but it was meaningless in front of Wan, and soon the flounder turned into a plate of sashimi.

Yu Wan took a piece, stuffed it into his mouth, and frowned.

"No, this taste is wrong..."

"My method is exactly the same as Yu Sheng's. Why does the fish fillet he made taste so delicious that it makes my soul tremble, but the fish fillet I make just tastes like ordinary fish?"

It stands to reason that the flounder, which is dead, only has its body left, and occasionally trembles, with an expression of extreme despair.

Luo Zhilan hesitated for a moment and said, "Why do I think that flounder is very similar to us?"

He Shan frowned: "Although I have dead fish eyes, this is just an adjective, not to say that my eyes really look like dead fish."

Luo Zhilan froze for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I'm not talking about you, but me... When I entered the overlapping area, I became a flounder, and then I personally experienced the feeling of being cut into fillets."

"Looking at this fish, I seem to see myself before."

He Shan's brows gradually relaxed, and he seemed to have understood the mystery.

Their task is to find thousands of ordinary people hiding in Binhai Park.

But according to Zhang Zhixiang, there are no ordinary humans in Binhai Park, and although this overlapping area is very large, it is not so large that thousands of people can hide casually.

What if those people didn't hide in some secret place, but changed their appearance and stayed in the Binhai Park openly?

Reminiscent of what he saw in the farm before, He Shan has every reason to suspect that the different seafood raised in the four areas are the human beings who disappeared in this overlapping area!

"Those two guys outside, come here!"

The two were exchanging ideas, and Yu Wan from Xianyufang waved to He Shan.

"Come here, taste the fish fillets I sliced, and see how it differs from the tunaman's fish fillets."

He Shan and the two came in shyly, looking at the tempting fish fillets, showing subtle expressions.

Even without the previous guess, it was impossible for the two of them to eat this fish fillet.

One of the survival rules for exploring overlapping areas is not to eat the food handed by Yao Yi in the overlapping area.

"What are you doing, not eating?"

"Even you two little guys look down on my food?"

Yu Wan showed a fierce look on his face, and He Shan said inwardly that he was not good, this time he came to explore, he must try to keep it as secret as possible, if there is a conflict with Yaoyi here, it will go against his original intention.

But in the Xianyufang now, there is only one monster in Yu Wan, maybe if he kills him, he won't be discovered by other monsters.

"Boss, your fish fillets are very good, but we have changed the taste recently."

Luo Zhilan took out a tea egg from her pocket: "This is a tea egg, an egg laid by a kind of tea fish, and the delicacy of this egg is comparable to the fish slices cut by the boss of the tuna gunner himself. "

"Tea egg, why haven't I heard of this kind of fish?"

Yu Wan was originally just a mackerel, but was forcibly turned into a monster by the power of the overlapping area, so he didn't know much about the human world.

He took the tea egg, threw it into his mouth together with the shell, and began to chew.

At first, Yu Wan was normal, but his skin turned red after a few seconds. He pointed at He Shan and said angrily, "How dare you poison me!"

He Shan hit him with a toilet brush, and this old mackerel dared to say that his tea eggs were poisonous, so let him die.

Anyway, when Yu Wan called He Shan and the two in, it was doomed that the exploration in Xianyufang would not be good. It would be better to kill Yu Wan early and get away from here.


Yu Wan snorted coldly, and the clothes on his body flew away like a butterfly, revealing a black fish body.

He Shan's toilet brush hit Wan's body, and a tyrannical force bounced back, making He Shan take a few steps back.

"You think I'm an ordinary Spanish mackerel?"

"No, I'm Ba Yu!"

He quickly rushed in front of He Shan, and punched He Shan.

Two long swords appeared out of thin air and blocked He Shan's body, but He Shan was still thrown several meters away, smashing a table.

He Shan got up from the ground, if it wasn't for the underpants of the servant of the evil god, his old waist would have suffered just now.

"Such a level one monster is only subordinate to the Golden Gunner, so what is the strength of that Golden Gunner?"

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