Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 146 Oyster King Bajoba

Bao Lili walked towards her opponent, flexing her wrists and ankles as she walked.

This is a warm-up, Oyster King Bahuba's body is very flexible, she must adjust to the best condition, in order to be sure to win Bahuba.

In terms of appearance alone, Oyster King Bahuba is the scariest of the four bosses.

His body is covered with oyster shells, but these oyster shells do not grow flat, but grow vertically.

It was as if there were sharp blades growing on his body.

Where the oyster shells were in contact with flesh and blood, blood dripped from time to time. Perhaps these oyster shells were not grown, but cut into Bajoba's body from the outside.

A few days ago, Binhai Park held an oyster conference.

In this conference, ordinary oyster products will be sold at a discount to attract consumers.

The top oysters will be auctioned.

The Oyster King that time was a washbasin-sized oyster, which was the predecessor of Oyster King Bajoba.

The arrival of the overlapping area was a catastrophe for the humans who were here at that time.

But for Baahuba, that's the miracle of life.

After seeing Bao Lili, Bahuba did not speak, but put his hands on the ground, made a starting posture, and then rushed towards Bao Lili suddenly.

The oyster shells on Bajoba's body are both armor and weapon.

Every punch and every kick of his can produce the same effect as a sword, and because he uses his body, he is much more flexible than a weapon.

Bao Lili, who is good at melee combat, faced Baahuba, she couldn't let go of her movements at first, so she had to dodge.

If you hit it with your fist, you may be cut by this oyster shell.

But if you don't fight, you can never win.

At the same time, the physical fitness that Bao Lili has always relied on has little advantage over Bahuba.

Because Bahuba, like Bao Lili, has the ability to strengthen the body.

The ability to strengthen the body is a relatively common ability.

Many tricksters, as well as some monsters, have this ability.

But even with the same ability, the way of expression is different.

At least Baahuba can only punch like hell...

And Bao Lili can be regarded as a fighter.

So facing the current difficult situation, Bao Lili also has a way to deal with it.

Although the oyster shells on Bahuba's body are dense, in order to be able to move freely, there are no oyster shells on the joints and neck.

The speed and reaction ability of the two are about the same. Generally speaking, it is very difficult for Bao Lili to hit these positions.

But after Bao Lili was promoted to the first level trickster, she developed a new combat mode for herself.

Bao Lili took a step back suddenly, her eyes became sharper, and she assumed a different posture from before.

This is the 'Master Hong mode'!

Under Master Hong's mode, Bao Lili's strength and speed will not increase.

But the precision of her attack will be improved in a breakthrough!

This can make every blow of Bao Lili hit the desired position.

With this mode, you can easily cut the middle of Oyster King Bahoba!

Bahuba didn't notice the change in Bao Lili, and punched her with a straight punch as before.

And Bao Lili took a step forward and hit Bahuba's armpit with a jab.

This made Bahuba's arms go numb for a while, but Bao Lili didn't stop, she poked her eyes and throat with her fingers, kicked her crotch, wrists, the back of her elbows, her armpits, the back of her knees...

All weak defenses were within Bao Lili's attack range.

When her fists and kicks are fast, people can't see clearly, but when they are slow, they are very smooth, and the smooth switching between fast and slow gives people a feeling of flowing water.

After a while, Baahuba's movements slowed down.

Even if he is a monster, his recovery ability far surpasses that of a normal person, he cannot withstand such intensive attacks.

Now when he makes a move, he only pinches his legs and protects his eyes. Not to mention attacking Bao Lili, even his normal defense is a problem.

If this continued, he would definitely be beaten to death by Bao Lili, so Bahuba changed his fighting style.

A white film of light floated on his body.

This layer of light film made the ferocious-looking Bahuba seem to have a bit of divinity.

Bao Lili attacked as usual, when he poked Bahuba's nostrils, Bahuba suddenly raised his head, dodging Bao Lili's fingers.

Then Bao Lili kicked Bahuba's knee, but Bahuba took another step back in time, making Bao Lili's attack miss.

After the white light film appeared, Bao Lili's attack never hit again!

Every time it was only a little bit short, but just this little bit made Bahuba look like a prophet.

After dodging a few times, Bahuba's tyrannical self-healing ability has already started to work.

If he persisted for a while, he would be able to recover his normal fighting ability. After that, Bao Lili would definitely not be his opponent.

The light film covering Bahuba's body is Bahuba's second ability.

Oysters or oysters have a very thin mantle outside the body, which has a strong light-sensing ability.

And Bajoba's ability is the ultimate enhancement of the oyster's photosensitive film.

As long as there is a change in light near his body, he can immediately perceive it and respond quickly.

In other words, before Bao Lili's fist hit Bahuba, he already knew where Bao Lili was going to strike.

To activate the ability of this layer of white light film, it needs to consume a lot of energy, so Bahuba didn't use this ability at first.

After launching more than a dozen attacks, but unable to hit Bahuba, Bao Lili changed her fighting strategy.

She immediately switched to Master Huang mode, her speed suddenly increased, and she started running around Bahuba.

When she was running, she kept waving her fists and feet at Bahuoba, and hit Bahuba with invisible fists one by one.

She also activated the second ability, which is the hand of air purchased at the random shop, which can extend her attack range.

Normally, she doesn't need to use this ability, because this ability can only extend the attack of fists, but not the attack power of feet.

The imbalance between hands and feet will actually reduce Bao Lili's melee combat ability, so this ability is only to make up for Bao Lili's lack of long-range attack ability.

But in this situation, it is impossible to use this ability.

With Bahuba's ability, Bao Lili could only be beaten unilaterally. To make the battle fair, Bao Lili had to leave Bahuba's attack range.

However, when using the hand of air ability, Bao Lili made an unexpected discovery.

The fist punched with the air hand, the white film of light, did not respond, but let Bao Lili hit Bahuba!

Bao Lili's eyes lit up.

Although she didn't know what the light film was about, she at least understood that the light film only works against attacks that are clearly visible to the naked eye!

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