Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 193 Killing the Make Rabbit

He Shan looked at the revolver in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The implication of this guy is that as long as there are enough bullets in the pistol, he can't handle it, right?

For others, a pistol with hundreds of bullets may be enough.

And the revolver plus the reloading time is enough for the rabbit to recover.

But Ho Sun's revolver is different!

He Shan pointed the gun at the make rabbit, showed a ferocious smile, and then started to pull the trigger frantically.

The effect of Schrödinger's bullets is between existence and non-existence. As long as He Shan thinks that there are bullets in the gun, then this pistol has unlimited bullets.

How many bullets can be poured out in a short time depends entirely on how fast He Shan's hands are.

And it just so happened that He Shan's hand speed was quite fast.

After all, I have been single for so many years, and I still have the briefs of the evil god's attendant for blessing.

bang bang bang...

One round after another, the bullets were shot at Make Rabbit.

In the beginning, Make Rabbit was able to block it with his own ability, but after dozens of bullets, he couldn't hold on anymore.

He is completely stunned now, why doesn't this guy's revolver have bullets?

Of course Make Rabbit can understand that this is a trick prop, but he can't accept that he has fallen into He Shan's hands.

"You're just a little first-order trickster!"

"You are not qualified to defeat me!"

Listening to Make Rabbit kept spitting out obscenities, He Shan ignored him, but continued to shoot with one hand while holding his nose with the other.

In the end, the power of the make rabbit can no longer defend against the constant stream of bullets.

But he never gave in to He Shan. He thought that his failure was just bad luck.

When he had only the last bit of strength left, he still wanted to argue with He Shan.

But He Shan remotely controlled the black gold long sword, and cut off his head with one sword.

"They're all going to die, so don't talk so much nonsense."

The moment the make rabbit dies, the tone of the entire overlapping area brightens.

The sky is no longer shrouded in thick smoke, and the sun shines through the clouds.

The magma pool on the side of the road cooled and turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then clear hot spring water sprayed out from the ground, and the water mist formed a gorgeous rainbow under the sunlight.

The whole Hot Spring Mountain has a feeling of rebirth.

He Shan walked up to Make Rabbit's tattered corpse, poked it with a long sword again, and only put his corpse away after confirming that he was really dead.

In fact, this guy is considered unlucky. When he met He Shan, he was already at the end of his battle. Even if he retained the most basic mobility, He Shan might not be his opponent.

However, if there is no if in the battle, if you fail, you will fail.

"Now, the two octopuses have also merged into the leaves, and it's time to deal with the destruction machines with everyone."


Starting from changing the mode of action, the difficulty of destroying the machine has increased to a higher level.

Its defense and destructive power are top-notch.

But its actions have a certain regularity, and it doesn't have the ability to think for itself like a monster, so Yu Xiuyuan and others can barely hold on.

But with the passage of time, their physical strength has been almost exhausted.

Life may be in danger at any time.

At this moment, streams of water erupted from the centers of the magma pools, making this overlapping area look brand new.

Seeing that He Shan hadn't come out to help, Yu Xiuyuan was still a little dissatisfied.

But after seeing the scene in front of her, she immediately realized that Make Rabbit was playing dead before.

He Shan didn't come to deal with the destruction machine, but he went to kill the make rabbit.

But that alone doesn't help the situation.

The power of monsters does not rely on overlapping areas. Even if the domain owner is killed, it will not help the battle with the destruction machine.

But what Yu Xiuyuan didn't expect was that this weird thing really changed.

First of all, there was the ear-piercing scream, and the mixed voice of men and women became more obvious. Now Yu Xiuyuan could easily tell that it was a man and a woman, screaming separately.

Then the trick power inside the destruction machine was rising rapidly, and an iron plate with a diameter of half a meter at the upper and lower ends was retracted into the sphere, and then two bodies stretched out from the metal sphere.

The body above was a woman with disheveled hair, her body was firmly locked by mechanical chains, her eye sockets were all black, with a vicious expression on her face, she kept screaming at the top of her throat.

The body below is a young man who looks seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a pair of glasses that looks elegant, but occasionally grins wildly.

Yu Xiuyuan's heart sank, she remembered what Make Rabbit said before she pretended to be dead.

That is, only when he dies, the ability to destroy the machine will truly unfold.

After the appearance of the two human bodies, the pressure of destroying the machine has become more than a little stronger.

"Finally out..."

The woman above, and the sabotage machine itself, hovered in mid-air.

The man below opened his arms and made a gesture of hugging.

"Now, I want the world to feel my pain!"

His name is Ma Yuan, and the Make Rabbit Hot Spring Hotel is their family's ancestral property.

After the world changed, he and his mother stayed here.

Ma Yuan wanted to live in a crowded place, and he knew that staying in the hot spring hotel was hopeless.

But his mother was unwilling to leave.

Ma Yuan didn't know the specific reason for this, but he could only stay with his mother.

He thought that as long as he got ahead, his mother could follow him out of here and live in a new place.

At first, he wanted to be a trickster.

But his mother's dissuasion, and tricksters are indeed dangerous, so he gave up.

Later he wanted to be a craftsman who made trick props.

But craftsmen are not so easy to be.

Most of the strange bodies can't be brought out of the overlapping area, so Ma Yuan can hardly find any usable materials.

Moreover, it is basically impossible for human beings to forge trick props unless they are tricksters who happen to have the corresponding ability.

Even though Ma Yuan researched day and night, he didn't create a trick prop.

Originally, if it continued like this, Ma Yuan gave up after a while.

But suddenly one day, when he pushed open the door of his mother's room, he found a dead body hanging in the room.

That day he knelt in front of the dead body, complaining and cursing endlessly.

After that, Ma Yuan went crazy.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was inevitable, at noon the next day, Hot Spring Mountain became an overlapping area!

At the very beginning, the domain owner here was Ma Yuan, who had gone crazy, and the make rabbit was just a pet rabbit in Hot Spring Mountain.

But after Ma Yuan became the domain lord, he went crazy and wanted to create tricks, and finally forged himself and his mother into a mechanical egg.

Make Rabbit took advantage of the trend and became the new domain owner.

In Make Rabbit's consciousness, this mechanical egg named Destruction Machine is the ultimate weapon he created.

His only purpose is to make the destruction machine stronger!

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