Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 205 The Weird Villa

He Shan was not very surprised that he was in trouble, and was even a little happy.

In this crazy world, anything can happen.

I hope this place can make him happier. It would be even more wonderful if he could catch a strange thing and go back to disassemble it.

The place where He Shan is now is more like a castle than a villa.

The area here is ridiculously large. The hall on the first floor alone is probably as large as the waiting room of some small stations.

The owner of the villa seems to be not very aesthetically pleasing, and the overall color scheme of the villa can only be described in one word.

bells and whistles.

Gold, green, red mixed with each other.

The pure gold lamp stand with complicated patterns burns with a cold light.

On the emerald green walls, there are oil paintings, stuffed animals or weapons such as swords.

The ground is covered with a soft red carpet, and the sunlight shines in through the stained glass, making the villa extremely luxurious.

But these seemingly high-end things are mixed together, which only gives He Shan a rustic feeling...

In the hall, there were more than 20 scattered people, and all of them were staring at He Shan.

He Shan stretched out his hand to say hello, and said with a kind smile: "Hi everyone, I accidentally came to the wrong place, can you tell me how to get out?"

Those people ignored He Shan and just stared at the bag in He Shan's hand.

He Shan frowned, it was the first time he saw someone who coveted his pepper.

Most of these people's faces were a little pale, and their expressions were very abnormal. They swallowed their saliva looking at the bag He Shan was holding.

"May I ask, how long have you guys not eaten?"

A young man with a slightly better look in his eyes smiled wryly: "I haven't eaten for a day, and I'm not bad... Some people have been hungry for three or four days."

He Shan followed his gaze to the corner of the wall, where a frail woman was squatting, her arms folded and her eyes glazed over.

The young man sighed and said, "Fortunately, there is a water tap here, so we won't die of thirst, but the whole villa doesn't have any normal food. If this continues, someone will definitely starve to death, or..."

He Shan knew what he meant. He was so hungry that he could do anything.

"Is it food in your bag!"

Just in the middle of their conversation, they were interrupted by a strong man with a vicious look. He had been hungry for two days, and now he wished he could catch someone and take a bite.

He Shan was silent for a moment, then raised the bag in his hand.

"I do have food in it, but I don't think you guys will like it... But if you want it, I can give it to you for free."

The strong man directly grabbed the bag from He Shan's hand, opened it suddenly, and then froze.

I saw that there are red peppers inside, and the varieties are not the same.

"This... don't care!"

The strong man gritted his teeth, took the bag of peppers, ran to the corner, distributed the peppers to a few people who obviously didn't have much strength, and kept only one for himself.

He Shan sighed, it seems that this guy robbed his own chili, but it was not entirely to satisfy his selfish desires.

He looked back at the door behind him, trying to open it, but he just made a similar movement, and the room fell silent.

The young man before took He Shan's arm.

"Don't open the door, there are monsters outside!"

He Shan sneered, he had even seen monsters before, so he was afraid of some monsters.

And if he didn't study this door, how could he get out from here?

He didn't want to be imprisoned here like these people, starving to death.

The young man ran to He Shan very quickly and blocked the door to prevent He Shan from approaching.

He Shan narrowed his eyes for a moment. That speed is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The young man who communicated with him for the first time was not easy at all.

"This door cannot be opened. If you don't believe me, you can look out of the window."

He Shan was skeptical, walked to the window and looked out, his expression suddenly stiffened.

The originally bright window suddenly dimmed, and a giant foot several times bigger than He Shan's body stepped directly in front of the window.

The windows of the villa are made of stained glass to form a beautiful pattern, but the corners are still made of normal glass, so He Shan can clearly see the outside.

Following the transparent glass, He Shan gradually saw the whole picture of the thing outside.

It was an impossibly large humanoid creature of shadowy light floating around its body, clad in garments woven of coarse fibers.

The exposed skin is covered with gullies, the needle-like hairs are sparsely distributed, and there are faintly tiny worms slowly wriggling inside...

This humanoid creature, just passing by, set off a gust of wind on the road.

The most important thing is that there is not just one such thing outside the window, but countless!

"This is not a ten-meter giant turned into by the Mammoth Carpenter. The size alone is more terrifying than a destruction machine. In other words, outside this villa, there are countless monsters above the third level!"

The young man walked behind He Shan, smiled wryly and said, "Now you know why I won't let you open the door."

"Before, some people didn't believe in evil and forcibly opened the door to go out. As a result, they attracted the gaze of those 'giants'."

"When the giant looked at this place, everyone in the villa couldn't move, like clay statues."

"The giant stretched out two fingers, grabbed the escapee's body, and threw him back to the villa. Under the terrifying force of the giant, although the man's appearance was still intact, all his bones were broken."

"Until the giant looks away, we're all back to normal."

The young man sat beside He Shan: "Looking at your appearance, you should not be simple, but it's useless..."

"I'm even a trickster, and I'm stuck here with nothing to do."

He Shan stood where he was, thought for a while, and decided to follow the young man's advice and not to rush out of the villa.

Although this villa traps them inside, it is also like a shelter, as long as it is here, it is safe.

Then He Shan communicated with this young man, and learned that his name was Wei Cheng, and he was a first-order trickster who strayed into this place.

According to him, he just went out to buy groceries normally, and saw a cute little girl of seven or eight years old playing on the side of the road, then turned around at the intersection, and entered the villa.

He Shan hesitated for a moment, and said that he was also a first-level trickster, and he could cooperate with Wei Cheng temporarily to find a way to leave here.

Although Wei Cheng provided He Shan with a lot of information and seemed to be honest, He Shan did not fully believe him.

If He Shan's guess is correct, what happened to him is related to the case being investigated by the Bureau of Abnormalities.

He Shan can't trust anyone here, except himself.

So He Shan gave himself a pseudonym called 'Qi Liang'.

It means that he is a kind and kind person.

Thanks to readers uoduck for their reward, this book has a new leader.

For the chapters owed, count with your fingers, it can be counted as twenty chapters...

But I still have to apologize, at least before the Qingming Festival is over, I can't repay the chapter with a burst of anger.

After a while, I have something to do, and I can't code for a few days, so I have to get out the manuscripts saved for those days recently, and I can't keep updating them.

After Ching Ming Festival, I will pay back the owed update as soon as possible!

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