Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 252 The Scale Holder

Plop, plop...

Downs held the staff of the river of the dead tightly in his hand, and hid in a secret room behind the bookshelf in the office.

His female secretary hung on him like a koala, her face was as pale as paper.

No matter how strong a person is, they will feel terrified when they see the brutal actions of the man in white.

The female secretary looked at Downs with a moved look in her eyes.

She didn't expect that this usually cruel boss would take her to hide in the secret room at this dangerous moment.

But in fact, she thought too much.

Downs took her because he didn't want her to expose the existence of the secret room, but wanted to use her as a shield at critical moments.

But now, Downs still wants to comfort the female secretary.

"Don't worry, this secret room is very secret and cannot be easily discovered. There is enough water and food here for several months."

"Even if he discovers the existence of the secret room, he can't get in. There are two layers of steel plates embedded in the door of the secret room, and you need to enter a password to open it. Even if it suddenly becomes an overlapping area, we can persist for a long time."

"When we escape safely this time, I will divorce and drive that yellow-faced woman away. You are..."


The entire secret room suddenly shook, and then the door inlaid with two layers of steel plates suddenly twisted and deformed.

The loud noise made the female secretary scream, and Downs pushed her away, holding the Dead River Staff in one hand and a pistol in the other.

"Why hasn't the envoy come yet? The priest has agreed with me."

However, no matter how much he begged, the man in white rushed into the house after all.

There was a gap in the door of the secret room, and when the fragments flew out, Downs quickly pulled the female secretary to him.

The glamorous secretary died before he understood what was going on, a metal strip was pierced into the eye socket, and Downs was only scratched.

After the man in white walked in, he went straight to the chair, took off the hood on his head, and tilted his head to look at Downs.

He is Li Daofu who came to Suiyuan Shop to buy things before.

However, compared with the previous Li Daofu, he was taller, his face became more ferocious, and he had a pair of terrifying golden eyes.

"I have killed forty-one, and now you are the only one left. I have a question to ask you, how can one person die so miserable?"

Downs said tremblingly, "It's not good to fight and kill, peace is the most important thing."

He knew that if he answered Li Daofu's question, he would be the one who experienced the cruel death.

"Whatever you want, I can satisfy you, money? Women? Status? As long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you!"

Li Daofu shook his head: "Don't think about tempting me, I'm here for justice, you are an irredeemable sinner, you should go to death in the most painful way."

"Justice?" Downs straightened up suddenly, with a look of disdain on his face: "So you killed so many people for justice?"

In fact, he is still very scared, but he knows that if he wants to live, it is useless to be timid.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, no matter how dangerous the scene is, he will try to find a way out.

"You keep saying it's for justice, so what did I do wrong?"

Li Daofu replied: "You lend usury, resulting in the destruction of forty-two families, and the other tragedies that were born because of you are countless."

"Joke!" Downs yelled: "It's only natural to pay back the debt. Did I ask them to borrow the money? It's obvious that they borrowed the money themselves. I'm helping them."

"Loan usury, high interest rate, I am ashamed to say that I help others." Li Daofu sneered.

Downs said in a cold voice: "If you pay back the money according to the agreed time limit, you only need to borrow ten to pay back twelve, and if they overdue, don't blame me for being cruel."

"If they knew they would not pay when they borrowed money, then they wanted to cheat me from the very beginning, and it's only right for me to mess with them!"

"If they didn't make it because of an accident, then you should blame the accident, not me!"

Li Daofu was silent, he didn't know how to refute.

Downs has been in this business for so long, but the rogue logic is one set, and laymen don't know the twists and turns, and a simple debate can't justify him.

"According to Hairen's data, most of the debtors who don't pay back are not good things. For showing off, to pay off gambling debts, some people even get infected with something they shouldn't..."

"And even if I'm a sinner, what good are you?"

"The cleaning aunt of the company doesn't know anything. She just wants to support her family. Her son is still studying!"

"Those security guards also have their own family members. Compared with me, I think you are more unforgivable sin than me."

Looking at the speechless Li Daofu, Downs' heart beat faster. He knew that he had won the debate, and the next step was to see what Li Daofu thought.

This kind of guy who shouts for justice, once he has doubts about what he firmly believes, it is easy to make wrong decisions.

One of Li Daofu's eyes was golden, and the other had returned to black.

The two consciousnesses were communicating rapidly in a way that Downs couldn't touch, and finally the golden will prevailed.

Li Daofu smiled dumbly: "I was almost fooled by you. Whether there is a crime or not, I never look at how to say it, but how to do it."

He reached out to Downs, and a golden scale emerged.

"This is the artifact 'Reversal Balance'. On this scale, good and evil each have their own weight."

On the left and right sides of the balance, there are some phantoms respectively.

On the left side is Downs helping his grandfather across the road with a smile when he was a child, while on the right side is the sound of crying and shouting, so the balance is directly tilted to the right side.

"Your sin is heavier than your goodwill, so you deserve to die!"

"What about you!" Downs pointed at Li Daofu: "Don't you just test yourself? What you do makes me feel horrible."

Li Daofu shook his head: "Reversing the balance is used to judge the good and evil of ordinary people, and I am the balance holder!"

Downs's heart was cold, and now he suddenly realized that this guy, like those in the Old God Religion, was a lunatic who insisted on a certain existence.

The so-called justice is just an excuse in his mouth. Whether it is right or wrong, the people he wants to kill will not be let go.

"Then now, it's time to punish you!"

From the balance in Li Daofu's hand, golden chains were released to bind Downs.

Behind Li Daofu, a phantom wearing a golden armor appeared, and the same golden eyes looked at Downs indifferently, looking forward to the start of the execution.


A long red sword broke through the air and shot at Li Daofu at an extremely fast speed.

Li Daofu immediately moved the balance in his hand in one direction, blocking the sudden long sword.

The scorching flames engulfed Li Daofu's location, and the high temperature scorched the surrounding area to black.

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