Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 372 Breaking Down Master Yu's Concubine

Li Yuansheng knew that these meteorites were far from Suiyuan Xiaopu's real power.

In front of the Qingtian toothblade who saved Zhongzhou, these meteorites are not even Martians.

But every time he saw Suiyuan Xiaopu displaying its power, he couldn't help but admire in his heart. Power itself is the most beautiful and shocking thing.

"Fortunately, this force is on our side."

Li Yuansheng was feeling emotional when Yuan Ying suddenly tapped her on the shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Ying said to Li Yuansheng with a serious expression: "Do you think that if such a large meteorite falls in this way, the power will only affect Liu's mansion?"

Li Yuansheng was stunned for a moment, and cold sweat broke out all over his face.

If this kind of meteorite really fell, it would definitely not only destroy Liu's mansion, but the two of them would also be within the attack range!

So the two of them immediately turned and fled.

No one knows how much land these meteorites will destroy.

When they were running away, they also saw a small ugly man with a golden light on his body, running wildly.

Li Yuansheng didn't think much about it, he just regarded it as a trickster who was watching the excitement nearby.

But he didn't know that this guy was a wanted criminal he had hunted down for a long time.

Until now, Bloodfang has been a nuisance to the Bureau of Anomalies.

The three of them had just ran for a certain distance when they suddenly heard a loud bang, and those meteorites fell to the ground!

No, they didn't land.

Instead, at a distance of tens of meters above Liu's mansion, it suddenly exploded!

The bottom part of the explosion's smoke and flames just covered Liu's mansion, and the other powers disappeared in mid-air.

Only then did Li Yuansheng understand that the store manager Suiyuan chose to detonate the meteorites in advance in order to prevent these meteorites from harming other places.

"No, this is not a meteorite!"

It took a long time for the flames and smoke to dissipate, but Liu's mansion, which was within the lethal range, was not damaged at all.

He activated the ability of discounted vision and directly saw the interior of Liu's mansion.

All the tricksters, including Liu Xingyu, were lying quietly on the ground. They had already been crushed to death by the meteorite's power.

All the bodies, all bloody but still looking intact, and their clothes unscathed.

Li Yuansheng asked suspiciously: "Could it be that those meteorites just now were just some hallucinations?"

Then he shook his head: "No, those powers are real, but they only cause damage to people."

"Does such an attack really exist?"

What he didn't know was that this was a means of exerting force that He Shan had mastered after meeting the giant giant, and it was a little imitation of the 'doomsday projection'.

What is needed is to let the power show, but it is restrained in a weird place.

To sum up, the meteorite fell, but it didn't fall completely.

After the meteorite disappeared, the remaining five worm nest guards formed a group and entered Liu's mansion, and began to help He Shan search for resources inside.

Trickster coins, trick props, and trickster corpses are important collection objects.

Gold and silver fines, antiques and luxury goods are also within the sweeping range.

Even sofas, beds, curtains, tables, chairs, benches, candlesticks, rice long as they can take it, they are all welcome.

But even if they have a space equipment, they can't actually take much stuff. In the end, they found a few trucks in the garage of Liu's employees, and moved things from here to Fengren Street.

Before leaving, the guard got out of the car.

From his space equipment, he took out some flags with the words Suiyuan printed on them, and planted them on the edge of Liu's mansion, which was a declaration of sovereignty.

After seeing Guard One's actions, Li Yuansheng, who had been watching the battle for a long time, took a deep breath, took out his phone and notified Action Three.

He wants to call someone to seal Liu's mansion and protect the property of Suiyuan Xiaopu.


"Tsk, it's so beautiful."

He Shan stood in the sky and sighed softly.

I don't know if he's talking about his new move is beautiful, or he's talking about the beautiful movements of the Hive Guards raiding Liu's mansion.

Then He Shan turned around, opened his arms and floated in the air, looking at the moon in the sky with both eyes.

His five senses are far superior to humans at this time, so floating here has a different feeling.

After enjoying it, He Shan flew down from the sky and fell into the random shop.

This time, he used the mechanism of Suiyuan Xiaopu to escape from Liu's mansion, so he had to open the shop for eight hours.

Before he could open the shop, though, he needed to break down a few things.

What he didn't decompose in his hand was a super big bug, some warriors, some concubines of the rain master, and the corpses of the tricksters who were about to be sent over.

Not counting the gains from Mrs. Liu, He Shan has 1,500 cunning copper coins, which should be enough for dismantling them.

It was already late at night, Fei Cui and Miao Miao had already fallen asleep.

And He Shan is a very gentle person, he called up the two waitresses.

Just kidding, how can there be a reason why the boss is working and the employees are sleeping soundly?

Don't talk about squeezing the employees, the workload of the two daughters of Jade, compared with those 996 workers, is so easy to explode.

After the sleepy-eyed waiter in pajamas came down, He Shan began to break down this time.

The first thing to be decomposed was the concubine of Master Yu who he had captured in Yuze before.

Rain Master Wang Tengxiao has been disassembled, and there are four second-level monsters, ten first-level monsters, and thirty zero-level monsters, for a total of forty-four monsters.

Decomposing all these monsters will cost two hundred and fifty-five strange copper coins.

He Shan was too lazy to decompose them one by one, so he simply threw the forty-four monsters into the decomposition machine.

After a burst of puffing sounds, these rain masters and concubines became objects.

They are a pile of pronuclei, a pile of whips, some jewelry, some clothes, a crystal ball with a rain cloud wrapped inside, and a pet egg. These are all the harvest of decomposing the concubine of Master Yu.

There are three kinds of pronuclei, the most advanced water control pronuclei are only two, the water hidden pronuclei that can hide in water are six, and the 'handling two snakes' pronuclei that can control two snakes to fight with the palm of your hand have sixteen pronuclei.

The value of these pronuclei has already exceeded the consumption of decomposing these rain masters and concubines.

There are also whips that can be used as weapons.

The strongest are two super snake whips worth twenty copper coins. The power of this kind of snake whip on the body is no less than that of He Shan's Shadow Chain Claw, but the functions have different emphasis.

He Shan is going to reserve one of them for Le Qingyi to replace her original ordinary snake whip.

In addition, there are also five sets of double snake whips worth ten cunning copper coins. The power of these double snake whips is a little weaker, but there are two sets of them.

Then there are twenty-eight ordinary snake whips similar to those in Le Qingyi's hand, and each one is only worth two copper coins.

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