Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 402 Women Only Affect the Speed ​​at which I Draw My Sword

Next, the two of them are going to report to the Archangel about this human being.

Whether or not to deal with this human being is ultimately beyond their decision. If they do not report to the Archangel, once something happens, the two of them cannot bear it.

On the top floor of the empty island, there is a magnificent hall.

Dozens of first-order angels in golden armor guarded around the hall.

Seeing the two second-order archangels descending, these first-order angels stepped aside one after another.

In the center of the hall, a ray of light shot straight into the sky.

A tall figure sat right in front of the beam of light with his eyes tightly closed.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the two archangels stood quietly aside, not disturbing this figure.

This figure is five or six meters high, its body is as white as jade with complex lines, and behind it are three pairs of pure white wings.

He is the domain master of this overlapping area, Archangel Guos.

Guos looked up at the sky with a sad look on his face.

"I want to go home."

"Great master, we all want to go home. In this world, we are regarded as demon-like aliens, and for some reason, my memory has lost a lot, and my power has become very weak."

In the beam of light, came the voice of Youyou.

"You...not you...not enough..."

After waiting for a while, only this bit of information came from the sky, which made Guos show a dejected look.

Based on this information alone, I don't know what the other party wants to express.

Gus can only come to the conclusion that the ordinary people here are not enough, and they need stronger faith to go home.

But now they are trapped in this small space, how can they gain more power of faith?

The answer is to capture more humans back!

Open your eyes and end the communication.

Guos saw the Angel of Love and the Angel of Rhythm standing in front of him.

"You guys, what do you want to report?"

After the two archangels told about He Shan, Augustus fell into deep thought.

"Just do what the two of you said, and let the devotees below give that human trickster more care."

"A strong believer can provide us with more faith."

"If he can be transformed into an angel, it can also fill the vacancy of the passionate angel."

After finishing speaking, Guos closed his eyes.

The two angels backed away.

They still remember how high-spirited Archangel Guos was in those years.

But suddenly one day, they didn't know why, they suddenly appeared in this strange place, and they were called monsters by those mortals.

This kind of gap, every angel can't accept it.


"I said it all, don't bother me!"

He Shan drew out his long sword, glared at the dozens of beauties surrounding him, and yelled angrily.

"You women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!"

In fact, he also admires these beauties very much, and he is also very greedy for these various delicacies.

But he didn't dare to accept their kindness, because He Shan didn't know what tricks were hidden in this overlapping area.

He is afraid that once he indulges in enjoyment, he will assimilate with those fat houses who are just waiting to die, and eventually stay in this overlapping area forever.

After driving away the women, another group of men came to show their heads at He Shan.

It seems that these devotees think that He Shan is a manly woman.

Their pretentious movements made He Shan want to vomit, kicking and beating them away from sight.

Then someone came to He Shan to sing and dance together.

Some people came to him to play cards and fish...

Just dealing with these people exhausted He Shan physically and mentally.

Liu Shimao and others have completely integrated into the environment of this overlapping area.

Liu Xiangyang and Han Chen were each sitting on a reclining chair, surrounded by several beauties in white cloth, serving them meticulously.

Han Chen looked at He Shan, and glanced at the corner of his mouth with disdain:

"Tell me, is this guy a big fool? I don't know if his head was kicked by a donkey, so he didn't enjoy it with us."

"With such a life, even if I die suddenly tomorrow, it will be worth it."

Liu Xiangyang nodded: "What you said is very reasonable, let me show you a talent."

Han Chen showed interest: "What are you going to perform?"

Liu Xiangyang smiled charmingly: "Three mouths and one pig!"

He directly stuffed a roasted suckling pig with a somewhat crispy nose into his mouth.

He Shan, who was sitting on the ground sulking, also noticed the conversation between the two, but he didn't want to argue with these people.

Everything at the bottom is meaningless. If he is serious, he will lose.

What I should think about now is how to climb up to that empty island tens of meters high.

If he can't climb to this empty island, let alone save people from here or explore overlapping areas, he will be trapped here himself.

So after resting for a while, He Shan began to test.

First he tried to climb a tree, and when he reached a height of three meters, he could no longer climb it.

Then He Shan planned to go to the house, but the houses here are generally less than three meters high, and he couldn't even stand up straight when standing on the roof.

On that invisible thin barrier, it seems that the power of the entire overlapping area has been condensed, and no matter how good He is, he can't break through.

"Hey, maybe I shouldn't have come in through the chasm. If I had come in through the normal entrance, at least I wouldn't have gotten into this predicament."

"Well... If I come in from the normal entrance, with my character, I will definitely jump down to see the situation when I see the village below, and the situation will be the same then."

"If you want to break through the limitation of this overlapping area, you must have the flying ability of these angels."

"It may be possible to decompose it through the decomposition machine, but the number of angels in my hand may not be able to decompose what I want. I still need a large number of angels."

"So at least break through to the first floor of the sky island."

He Shan was bouncing around on the spot, and no matter how he jumped, he couldn't break through the three-meter limit, which made him a little discouraged.

When he jumped onto a dirt bag, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The principle of this overlapping area is that it cannot be more than three meters away from the ground.

He couldn't reach the distance of three meters by using ladders or climbing trees, so he couldn't build a shelf to go up to the sky.

but if……

What about raising the ground?

He Shan tried to pile up a two-meter-high earth bag with soil. He stood on the earth bag and took off vigorously, only to stop when he jumped to a height of three meters.

In other words, his plan to get close to Sky Island through soil bags is feasible.

"But if you want to use soil to pile up a hill more than ten meters high, it's a big project, and I'll have to work on it until the year of the monkey."


To be honest, the performance of this book is too bad, and the daily subscription income is 30 yuan.

But I really don't want to be a eunuch, so I gritted my teeth and persisted until now.

But if it continues like this, it definitely won't work, so I want to make another wave and try to change my fate against the sky. I really don't want to be a eunuch like this.

In the next six days, I will try to update five chapters every day!

I ask for the support of all the big guys, and friends who are watching pirated versions, please come and support me, thank you everyone.

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