Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 475 Clearing the field

"Fuck, shit, shit!"

"What is that, how could there be such a monster?"

Celeus hid underground, squatting in a corner and shivering.

Just because of He Shan's words just now, his heart was directly overwhelmed by invisible fear, and he couldn't even think of resisting that guy.

If he didn't run away, he might even kneel in front of the guy.

Celeus is very familiar with this feeling. Those little monsters on the edge of Jinpan City reacted like this when they saw him!

The stronger Yaoyi's strength is, the more memories will appear in his mind, and he will be more rational than before, and the less likely he will be dominated by instinct.

If it were a low-level monster, even if he felt the difference in strength, he might not run away as quickly as he did.

"No matter what that guy is here for, leave quickly..."

"I feel like my heart is about to burst."


"Well, it's still interesting."

He Shan withdrew his gaze and decided to temporarily spare Sereus' life.

Because for the time being, he still has no way to decompose such a high-level monster, and Jinpan City is of great use to him, if this overlapping area disappears, he will be very troubled.

However, the quality of these dancers in Celeus is very high.

I hope these dancers can live longer, and when He Shan comes to explore by himself, he will capture them as body laborers.

Then He Shan raised his hand, and directly emitted a faint gleam through the six-meter passage running through the entire Jinpan City.

All the Yaoyi who moved within the six-meter wide range felt a little uncomfortable.

Then all the monsters in Jinpan City heard He Shan's voice.

"Hi everyone, I am the manager of Suiyuan Shop."

"You may not know me, that's okay, but the place where Jinpan City shines is my territory."

"There is a price to pay for trespassing on my territory."

"But I am very kind, and you are all important resources. It is a pity to kill you now."

"So I'll give you ten seconds to escape. After ten seconds, anyone who is still here... will die!"


Accompanied by He Shan's voice, all the monsters in this passage panicked.

After some monsters heard the sound, their hair stood on end immediately, and they fled out of the range in a hurry.

Some felt the threat, but didn't understand what He Shan meant, and just yelled angrily at the source of the voice.

There are also some who have no consciousness themselves and can't understand He Shan's words at all.


After reading the ten numbers, He Shan looked to the left and right, and found that there were still more than a hundred monsters that hadn't left.

"Everyone who hasn't left yet, farewell!"

He Shan closed his eyes, and there was an invisible pressure around him, and his surroundings turned into a six-meter-deep circular pit.

This is not breath, nor energy, but mental fluctuations that are condensed enough to interfere with reality.

Guessing that his mental strength was almost enough, He Shan opened his eyes.

The spiritual power bound around He Shan exploded out along the six-meter-wide passage.

Like a raging tsunami, it spread along the center.

A monster with long hairs all over its body, a wolf head and a human body, bared its teeth and grinned in He Shan's direction.

When He Shan was counting seconds, he ran towards He Shan.

As he ran, an astonishing force of energy and blood emerged from his body.


Something like a breeze blew by, and the air around him became a little hazy.

Then the wolf's head was strange, the body stopped suddenly, the energy in the body dissipated, and the body fell to the ground.

He is dead!

His consciousness was directly wiped out by powerful mental fluctuations.

Not only him, hundreds of monsters in the entire passage all died at the same time.

Among these monsters, the strongest has the strength of the fourth level, and the weakest has the strength of the second level, but they all died without a sound within a second.

After killing these monsters, He Shan waved his hand.

All the corpses floated into He Shan's hands and were put into the spare decomposition warehouse.

"These corpses can add a lot of new goods, which can be regarded as windfall income."

Apart from these corpses, He Shan could actually start a killing spree in Jinpan City, but he didn't want to do it for the time being.

Because of the existence of Jinpan City, Lianhai City can become stronger as a whole, and these strange corpses are still his in the end.

After disposing of the corpse, He Shan kept waving his hands as if he was directing a concert.

One after another, crystal pillars appeared on both sides of the six-meter passage.

These crystal pillars were condensed by He Shan using the energy of trickery to build a special field here.

Now all the monsters here have been cleared, but He Shan can't stay here forever. In order to prevent these monsters from making a comeback, He Shan arranged some things here according to the principle of the Great Burial Town of the Fifth Reincarnation.

After all the crystal pillars were arranged, two thin light curtains rose from both sides of the road.

Humans can freely enter and exit these light curtains, but if Yaoyi wants to enter the light curtain, the only thing waiting for him is death.

Even if they didn't touch the light curtain, but came in through an ability similar to teleportation, they would end up in the same way.

"In this way, the train line in Jinpan City is almost completed."

Then He Shan took out the bus stop signs that had been prepared earlier from the spare disassembly bin, and inserted the stop signs one by one into the predetermined location after selecting the distance.

Then He Shan called out the steam train conductor, handed all the materials to him, and disappeared instantly.

The captain of the steam train, Ben was still looking forward to He Shanneng lending him strength again to let him complete the work quickly.

Unexpectedly, He Shan just ran away.

All the work is now done by the steam train conductor himself.

First of all, he needs to demolish all the buildings in this passage.

Then clean up the ground, Jinpan City is different from other places, everything here is highly corroded, and the ground is covered with a layer of human blood and fat mixture.

Without a thorough treatment, there is no way for this place to entertain people for a long time.

Then he wants to paste floor tiles on this passage, with a small distance between the edges, and leave some soil, and he doesn't know what to do.

He will eventually build thirteen more stations.

The steam train conductor doesn't know how long he will be busy with this amount of work.

Of course, although He Shan went back early, it was not that he had nothing to do.

He will also hire a construction team to carry out detailed renovations on the entire line.

What the steam train conductor can do is only infrastructure, but what He Shan wants is a modern large station.

Street lamps, ticket offices, canteens, restaurants, game areas to relieve boredom, library areas...all of these must be available!

If it weren't for the fact that the place is too narrow, He Shan even wants to open 13 hotels here!

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