Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 560 The Wayward Shop

But He Shan is not the only famous trickster.

With the time difference of three months and He Shan's non-stop cooking, He Shan's friends have also become fifth-level tricksters, and they have become famous in Lianhai City.

Angel of Despair Xiao Pujie is the most popular trickster below the crown level.

No one knows what Xiao Pujie's ability is, and those who have fought against him are silent about his ability.

People only know that Xiao Pujie often likes to explore overlapping areas by himself, and single-handedly fighting the domain master is like finding something out of a bag.

There was even a crown-level powerhouse who had a private discussion with Xiao Pujie because he was too curious about Xiao Pujie.

The details of that battle were not made public.

But no matter how people asked, the crown-level powerhouse kept silent about it, and his face was very strange, so people guessed that the crown-level powerhouse should have lost.

This made Xiao Pujie's reputation soar.

For Xiao Pujie's current strength and status, He Shan thinks it should be taken for granted.

Because when Xiao Pujie advanced to the fourth and fifth ranks, He Shan helped him choose his abilities.

In Denning City back then, He Shan's robot hunted and killed a very terrifying fifth-order monster.

That monstrous name is - Dung Sea Crazy Maggot!

If it weren't for the fact that the robot guard is not a creature in the traditional sense, maybe even He Shan couldn't do anything about that overlapping area.

And the essence ability of the dung sea madmaggot has been accepted by Xiao Pujie!

In addition, Bao Lili established a martial arts school in Lianhai City and became a leading martial arts master.

Many tricksters can improve their strength to a higher level after some guidance from her.

Although his strength is not as good as Xiao Pujie's, he can be considered a figure in Lianhai City.

With a peerless appearance, Le Qingyi with white clothes and white hair is now the second female idol in the trickster world.

Invincible in appearance, able to heal pain, good in personality, and very capable of fighting at critical moments.

Both male and female tricksters have absolutely no resistance to Le Qingyi, and there is even a deformed trickster organization like Le Qingyi's Guard Army.

This goddess of the trickster world, every once in a while, wants to find an opportunity to get together with He Shan.

However, after seeing the strength of Sagatos, He Shan has been busy exercising and wanted to improve his strength, so he rejected Le Qingyi's invitation every time.

This made Le Qingyi sad. If the guards knew of He Shan's existence, someone might come to He Shan to fight for his life.

Many people may be curious at this time.

Le Qingyi is so beautiful, she is the second female idol, so who is the first female idol?

The number one female idol, on He Shan's bed.

That's right, it was the emerald that He Shan used as a pillow.

Suiyuan Xiaopu has ushered in earth-shaking changes in the lives of all tricksters in Haibei Province. As long as they are not white-eyed wolf tricksters, they are very grateful to Suiyuan Xiaopu.

But now Jade is the head of Suiyuan Shopping Mall, and people have more impressions of her than He Shan, the storekeeper.

In addition, Jade's appearance and strength convinced the tricksters.

In addition to Xiao Pujie, Le Qingyi, Bao Lili and other three teammates.

Shan Shenwang of 'Mad Dog', Yuan Run of 'Endless Rebound', Tian Chong of 'Sun Knight', Luo Zhilan of 'Ammunition Depot' and so on are all well-known.

At this time, Lianhai City has become a restricted area for monsters.

In addition, the relocation of the headquarters of the Abnormal Management Bureau has also been completed.

In Fengren Street, there are a few more crown-level residents, and crown-level powerhouses often appear in Lianhai City, which makes Lianhai City safer.

After playing for an afternoon and experiencing the changes in Lianhai City, He Shan put his heart away and prepared to go home and continue exercising.

However, on his way home, he saw a small advertisement on a street lamp near the Suiyuan shop.

Seeing this small advertisement, He Shan was suddenly unhappy.

How can this kind of urban psoriasis appear here?

Fengren Street is all his territory, and posting small advertisements here is as annoying as posting on the toilet seat of He Shan's house.

When he was about to tear it off, He Shan was attracted by the content on the small advertisement.

The headline of the ad is: Wayward Shop!

The following content is:

There is resignation in the north and self-will in the south. Come and have a look at the self-willed shop in Qingteng City!

Bartering, excitement, giving you a different shopping experience.

He Shan's face was full of question marks, what is it all about.

Qingteng City is located in the southern Shandong Province of Lianhai City. The two cities face each other across the sea, and the straight-line distance is even closer than Jinpan City.

However, because it is not in a province, and there is no traffic across the sea, Qingteng City does not enjoy the convenience of the random shop.

This little note gave He Shan a very uncomfortable feeling.

He Shan has Suiyuan Xiaopu, the other party is called Wayward Xiaopu, and the advertisement has even hit Fengren Street. Is this trying to catch the heat, is this provocative?

Just like Shuaifu Kang, Lei Bi, the six nuclear bombs, the great dew water...

However, if this capricious little shop really had something that could bring benefits to tricksters, He Shan would not bother with this shop.

After returning home, He Shan ordered people to remove the small advertisements in Fengren Street.

Then search for information about Qingteng City on the Internet.

The most popular one is a video shot by a passer-by.

In a busy market, a man with a pitiful face came to a melon stand on a motorcycle and asked in a vicious tone, "How do you sell this melon?"

"Twenty-eight thousand one." The boss with small eyes like a bull terrier replied casually.

The man with a bad face smiled: "Is the rind of your melon made of gold, or the melon particles are made of gold."

The small-eyed man said disdainfully: "Don't talk so much, do you want it?"

The man with a bad face said with a smile: "If your melon is ripe, I will definitely want it!"

After speaking, he picked up the watermelon knife casually and slashed at a watermelon.


There was a crisp sound, and the scar-faced man's hands were numb from the shock. He chopped the watermelon's skin to pieces, revealing a golden light inside.

It turned out to be a golden watermelon!

The small-eyed man became angry when he saw it: "How dare you chop me melon!"

He bullied him, snatched the watermelon knife from the crooked man, and stabbed it into the crooked man's stomach.

"Kill it, kill it!"

The surrounding crowd yelled in horror, the man with small eyes rode on the scooter's motorcycle, smiled and disappeared into the crowd.

Look at the comments at the bottom of the video, the slain man who was killed was a big bully in Qingteng City, nicknamed 'The Melon Splitter', and his biggest hobby was to harm street vendors.

A bully gets killed, which seems like a good thing.

But since that day, the order of Qingteng City seems to have undergone great changes.

Murder in the street has become commonplace, vendettas, murders, love killings, gang fights... all kinds of violent cases emerge in endlessly.

The Anomaly Management Bureau of Qingteng City does not have a strong desire to manage this situation, and the lives of ordinary citizens have been greatly affected.

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