Facing He Shan's question, Sessionus remained silent.

He couldn't answer He Shan's question, because he knew how tragic the consequences would be.

Having lived in Qingteng City for more than a year, he has already regarded this place as his own territory.

But he doesn't care about the humans in this land, after all, he was only born three years ago, and half of his body has strange blood.

He said that he had prevented the Sea Clan from invading, that was not a lie.

But that's just to keep their own territory.

Seeing that He Shan had broken his little plan now, Seshuus no longer concealed it, and blue lines began to appear on his skin, and a fishy smell belonging to marine life emanated.

"I did hide some things, but for you humans, letting me continue to open a shop here is far more beneficial than removing me."

"So I want you to think again."

He Shan shook his head, he had already thought it through when he came here.

"Since you don't want to think about it, then...you can go to die."


Sessions kicked the table violently, and the heavy solid wooden table hit him directly, and He Shan was kicked out of the wayward shop together with him.

After that kick, Sesus's legs merged into a fish tail, and he looked like the legendary mermaid.

A large amount of water vapor appeared out of thin air, spinning out from Sesus' body.

Bao Lili and the other three were all pushed out of the Wayward Shop.

"If you want to fight, just fight outside. I will do business in the future." Sesus swam out of the wayward shop and said coldly to He Shan and the others.

After going out, his body was surrounded by a large transparent water polo with a diameter of ten meters.

This means that his strength will not be limited just because he is on land.

Xiao Pujie snorted coldly, and a huge fork appeared beside him, and he wanted to use the ghost fork again.

Since this guy's ability is to control water, as long as he mixes the water with dirt, he can fight this guy for control of those water flows.

Sethus turned his head and glanced at Xiao Pujie: "Don't bother, I know you are a trickster who likes dirty moves, I'm not the guy like McLevel, this kind of move is useless to me."

"Whether it works or not, let's try it!"

Xiao Pujie raised his fork, ready to attack.

But Bao Lili and Le Qingyi hurriedly stopped him.

It’s okay if this trick works, but if it doesn’t...then every move of Sesus will be filled with filth, and this fight will be impossible.

Xiao Pujie resentfully put away his moves. After the cold fight with Meleph before, he felt like letting himself go, so he wanted to try again here.

He Shan pushed away the table on his body, his arm was aching, and he looked at Sesus with a solemn expression.

It seems that he guessed right, the wayward shop can indeed increase his strength.

However, this kind of increase is just about to reach the crown, and it is not impossible for the four of them to join forces to win.

If he only had this kind of strength, then this battle would be easier to fight.

Sessions clapped his hands, and three figures came out from different corners.

He knew how He Shan and the others fought, and if he dared to turn against He Shan, it meant that he had the confidence to defeat He Shan and the others.

There are four of He Shan. He has been operating in Qingteng City for so long, and he is not the only polished commander.

The three people he summoned were all influential figures in Ivy City.

The one on the west side, wearing a black suit, with a cigar in his mouth, is Ivy Beach tycoon Wen Qiang!

The one on the south side, with a flat haircut and a watermelon knife in his hand, is Hua Qiang, the underground king of Ivy!

The one on the north side is short in stature and unattractive in appearance, but has a murderous look on his face. He is Yu Xiu, the strongest warrior in Ivy!

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "How long do you think the three of them can stop us?"

These three rose up after the Wayward Shop appeared, so He Shan naturally investigated them as well.

Their strength is comparable to level 5 tricksters, but they are just ordinary level 5 tricksters.

He Shan and his group of four in Lianhai City, which one doesn't have the ability to 1v3?

Sesus shook his head: "It's not that I can stop you for a long time, but I can kill you!"

A strange force emanated from the wayward shop, and streams of filthy energy gushed out from the door and penetrated into the bodies of the three.

These energies come from the otherworldly beads from the wayward shop, all of which are unprocessed monster powers.

After receiving these powers, the bodies of the top three in the Ivy swelled one after another, and their bodies were covered with dense magic lines.

After taking over the magic pattern, the power of the top three in the Ivy League has skyrocketed, exceeding the fifth-order category, but there is no condensed crown on their heads.

And He Shan keenly noticed that their hair did not swell along with their bodies.

It turns out that these three guys are all bald!

When investigating Qingteng City, He Shan and others once heard that there was a bully organization called "Bald Three Strong" in the original Qingteng City.

But because of this bully organization, all the staff are bald, so He Shan didn't associate them with Wayward Xiaopu.

Unexpectedly, these guys all wore wigs.

After the transformation, the bald top three didn't even have any ink marks, and directly attacked He Shan's teammates.

The bald Yu Xiu ran to Bao Lili's side in a few steps, and smiled at her showing his big yellow teeth.

"Today we are divided into superior and inferior, but also divided into life and death!"

He turned his five fingers into claws and grabbed Bao Lili's face.

Bao Lili took a step back, and punched her with a freehand punch, but the bald Yu Xiu directly grabbed her arm and threw her away.

After landing, Bao Lili put away her contempt.

In just that short moment of fighting, she understood that this guy's martial arts attainments were not inferior to hers.


With a cigar between his fingers, the bald Wen Qiang said to Le Qingyi: "What I don't like the most is that men bully women, but we each have our own masters and we must decide the outcome."

"So, can you admit defeat, please?"

Le Qingyi's floating mirror turned into a crystal blade more than ten meters long, and she slashed at bald Wen Qiang with a sword in white clothes like snow.

Bald-headed Wen Qiang was split into two, but his body was reunited like smoke.

"What I hate the most is when someone points a weapon at me!"

He drew out his two guns and fired wildly at Le Qingyi.


"Yone Tiangong - Riot Throwing!"

Clap clap!

All the filth was accurately blocked by the watermelon knife.

The bald Huaqiang sneered, took out a short gun, and fired at Xiao Pujie.

This shot was like a cannon, breaking up all the filth around Xiao Pujie, and knocking down a building behind him by the way.

"I heard that you like to play dirty and fight with my bald Huaqiang. Do you have the strength?"

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