Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 642 Blood Grudge Warrior

But before that, He Shan needs to change the types of guards that follow the fate.

What is being used now is a robot guard, and its strength is not bad, but it can no longer meet He Shan's needs.

What he needs is a powerful undead army.

And the way to open a new theme is to decompose a hundred monsters of the same kind.

It is not so easy to find a hundred monsters of the same kind that are strong enough, but when the scope of the search is large enough, you can always meet the right one.

Next door to Haibei Province, there is another newly opened special hunting area for reckless hunting. This place is named the City of Blood Grudge.

The owner of the city is a seventh-level monster.

And in the city, there are several crown-level monsters, and countless fifth-level monsters.

This place is the proving ground for the strong, and it has the highest specification among all the hunting zones.

In the city of blood grudges, there is an army of immortal monsters. They are like knights in the middle ages of England. They have strong recovery ability, abnormal speed and strength, and use various cold weapons to fight in close quarters.

This special monster was named the blood grudge warrior.

Many powerful tricksters have entered and explored for a long time one after another, and they can bring back two tattered corpses of blood grudge warriors every time.

Finally, in the past few days, a hundred corpses of blood grudge warriors were collected, each of which has the strength of the fifth level!

There is also a blood grudge warrior captain of the sixth rank, which has been broken down by He Shan before.

A hundred corpses were all sucked into the disintegrator, and after a horrific sound of flesh and blood breaking, a bunch of new props appeared.

More than seventy sets of black and red armor of the same standard, equipped with a large red cape.

There are more than sixty cold weapons, as well as some hand crossbows, hand axes and javelins for throwing. Although these things are cold weapons, they are surprisingly powerful.

Take that hand crossbow as an example, even if you just put a pencil on it, you can use the effect of an anti-tank sniper rifle.

After the blessing of trick energy, the power is even more powerful.

There are also some original cores of blood grudge warriors, gems, and other powerful props.

But these things don't mean much to He Shan now, they are just commodities from the random shop.

What he really cares about is the black and red thing that looks like a real estate certificate.

Blood feud theme!

He changed the theme of blood grievances, and the style of the whole Suiyuan shop changed instantly.

The ground turned black and red, the walls were lit with gloomy oil lamps, and the roof was decorated with long black and red battle flags.

All of a sudden, it seemed to become the dark castle of the villain behind the scenes in the game.

In a dark corner of the castle, fifty coffins were raised, and within these coffins were pregnant with new guards of blood grudge warriors.

This will be an army that has the strength of the fifth level or stronger, and is not afraid of death!

Even if it is a crown-level powerhouse, how long can he last in the face of the continuous attack of the fifth-level undead guards.

However, the painting style of Suiyuan Xiaopu now makes He Shan feel a little displeased.

So he came up with another theme.

This theme is also obtained by decomposing one hundred monsters, but the strength of these one hundred monsters is not strong. Their only function is to make Suiyuan Xiaopu more beautiful.


Cotton candy-like clouds float in different layers in the light blue sky, and the spotless city roadside is full of exotic flowers and plants that are rarely seen in other places.

The space of the city was strangely distorted. Where there should have been dense buildings, a huge square appeared. The ground of the square was paved with white jade.

In the center of the square is the five-storey Suiyuan Supermarket.

The architectural style of Suiyuan Supermarket is extremely exquisite. Under the sunlight, it seems to radiate brilliance all the time.

This is no longer a building, but an amazing work of art.

Compared with the dire straits of the world and the disaster-prone Central Continent, this place seems to be a piece of pure land, a piece of paradise.

In this pure land, there are many fifth-level tricksters, and they all come from all over the country to participate in the crown test conference.

Some fifth-level tricksters came here for the first time.

Although the random shop is magical, at most it only radiates to the surrounding areas. Tricksters in farther places want something, and they will buy it through the channel of the Abnormal Management Bureau.

After all, in this era, the cost of long-distance transportation is not cheap, and fifth-level tricksters are generally on top of their priorities, so it is impossible for everyone to come to the random shop for shopping.

But this time, the possibility of advancing to the crown has attracted everyone's attention.

It takes a lot of time and a little bit of luck to advance to the crown.

He Shan was lucky enough to find a crown of swords that suited him.

But more fifth-level tricksters may have already met the conditions for advancement, but they were unable to advance because they couldn't find a crown suitable for advancement.

In the crown trial meeting of Suiyuan Shop, more than 20 crowns left by the monsters of the crown level are enough to drive every trickster stuck in the bottleneck crazy!

There are still two hours before the scheduled time, and there are at least 300 Tier 5 tricksters gathered in the square.

This number may seem astonishing, but it is actually the fifth level of most of the entire Central Continent.

If it weren't for the random shop, a batch of new fifth-orders had been spawned recently, and the fifth-orders that came would probably only have half of this number.

He Shan stood on the roof of Suiyuan Shop, frowning.

This astonishing amount, this amount somewhat exceeded his expectations.

After all, it will take a certain amount of time whether a trickster can rely on the crown to advance, and each crown must be tried for at least an hour to see if it is worthwhile.

And so many tricksters...

"Why don't you test them, and test the crowns in different orders according to their strength."

Beside He Shan, Qi Buddy and his female secretary stood.

Of course, the Anomaly Management Bureau couldn't sit idly by on such an important event. In fact, it was not possible to coordinate with many parties so that many tricksters had time to participate in this event.

A war that threatens the safety of the entire Central Continent is about to break out, and we must try our best to improve the strength of the tricksters in Central Continent.

At this time, Suiyuan Xiaopu held a crown test conference, of course he had to fully support it.

Not only did he call people over, but he also mobilized several crowns from the inventory of the Abnormality Management Bureau.

It's like after Yaoyi's death, its pronucleus has a probability to enter the body of the human who killed him.

Crown-level monsters or tricksters, after death, the crown also has a certain probability to remain.

It's just that this probability is too low, unlike the weird decomposition machine, every time it is disassembled, there will always be a crown, so in the hands of the Abnormal Management Bureau, there are only eight crowns with different attributes.

These eight crowns, plus He Shan's own twenty-two, make a total of thirty crowns.

I don't know how many Tier 5 tricksters will be able to use these crowns to complete the promotion in this crown test conference.

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