Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 652 Someone Must Fight

"Lily, you've been beaten again."

Under the bright sunlight, the man's face was somewhat blurred.

The short-haired little girl less than one meter tall, with a bruise on her face, crouched in the corner of the wall in aggrieved way.

The man said helplessly: "I'll teach you to practice boxing, although it's just for strengthening your body, but you won't be bullied."

The girl lowered her head, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, which might fall out at any time: "But, I dare not, they are so scary, and if I hurt them, our family has no money to pay for it..."

The man covered his head and sighed.

"Kung fu, martial arts, they really have fallen."

"Your character is too weak to learn our family's kung fu, but... we are the only one in our family, so let's practice for now."

"Maybe one day, you will suddenly become enlightened, and there will be something worthy of your fist, which will carry forward our family's martial arts..."

"Forget it, it's all just a joke, it's better for girls not to fight and kill."

The girl smiled secretly, she is a lady, so she doesn't know how to fight.


Colorful clouds enveloped the sky, people ran away in a panic, and the girl ran with a dazed expression.

She was terrified, such monsters had appeared for three years, they randomly appeared everywhere, hunting and killing humans mercilessly.

The girl is the owner of a martial arts gym, but she doesn't like fighting, whether it's with people or monsters.

She just wants to spend this life peacefully, find a handsome husband who loves her, and live happily ever after.

But a monster suddenly appeared and messed up her life.

This overlapping area enveloped her family's martial arts school, and those who were running in a hurry were all her friends, her neighbors, and apprentices from her family's martial arts school.

Her life, her everything is here, and now these monsters have ruined this beautiful life.

So is she going to run away like everyone else?

Abandoning everything, leaving his home in embarrassment, becoming a wandering ghost in the city, randomly arranged in another residence.

Then in the next invasion, like the corpse being torn apart by the monster, it will turn into a poor wretch who died on the side of the road...

She doesn't want to be like that.

To fight, she wants to fight!

The girl searched around, and finally saw a Yaoyi who was crushed under the truck. The Yaoyi was struggling so hard that the huge truck might be lifted up at any time.

She picked up a hatchet and mustered up the courage to walk to the truck.

Then, it was chopped down with a knife.

Warm blood and forbidden power flowed into her body, making her experience a feeling she had never had before.


Killing Yaoyi excited her.

It turns out that it's not that she doesn't like fighting, it's just that she doesn't like fighting with others. She wants to keep punching and use her body that has been trained since she was a child to fight against this terrible world!

Violent Martial Arts—Boundary Breakthrough

Boom, click, click...

The sound of shattering appeared on the battlefield. This time, it wasn't Bao Lili's bones, but the sound of the whole body armor of the sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp being shattered.

Huge energy and blood burned on top of Bao Lili's head, and finally condensed into a ruby-like crown.

She made it to the crown.

No other crowns were used, but crowns were forged with the life and blood of the enemy!

Four years ago, when everything started, Yao Yi first appeared, and that was the darkest time for human beings.

Countless warriors fought with monsters with their flesh and blood.

At that time, there were no holy emblems, no crowns, and no systematic way to advance through tricks.

But that was the time when human powerhouses emerged most frequently, improving their strength in the fight with Yaoyi, breaking through the realm, and writing the way forward for future generations.

Although the first batch of tricksters were all dead or injured, it was because of their heroic deaths that Central Continent was bought.


Le Qingyi was at the back of the battlefield, protected by more than a dozen tricksters of the same level, and a crown-level one.

Although her strength is not yet a crown, the role she exerts far exceeds that of ordinary crowns.

The curse can widen the combat ability of the enemy. For these sea creatures, the effect of the dehydration curse is the best.

Healing ability can make many fighters who have been unable to persist have the ability to fight again.

Curse the enemy, bless the comrades in arms, and the terrifying range of abilities gave Le Qingyi the ability to dominate the battlefield.

"That's the way I should go."

For a long time, Le Qingyi has been chasing in the footsteps of her teammates.

Le Qingyi wants to become stronger, doesn't want to rely on others, and wants to be able to hunt and kill monsters by herself.

She grew up in a wealthy family, and she has been held in the palm of her hand since she was a young lady.

Anyone who looked at her thought she was a fragile doll.

Bad brain, stupid thinking, nothing but a good-looking face... This is the impression people around her have of her.

But few people know that she has a stronger will and a more thorough consciousness than many seemingly powerful people.

She chose to become a trickster and fight against dangerous monsters.

It's not because the interests have been violated, it's not to prove something to others, and it's not because you want to gain something.

It's just because someone must stand up and fight with their lives.

Since this person could be someone else's child, it could also be her.

So here she is.

Someone has to fight, everyone knows that, but when it's their turn, many back off.

Although she was weak, she never changed her mind.

And she didn't rush directly into the overlapping area recklessly, but before entering the overlapping area for the first time, she tried her best to practice her marksmanship, even to the point of being almost a marksman.

On the trickster's way forward, she worked harder than anyone else.


Iron blood and chill are the main theme of the battlefield.

But in one of the places, the painting style is completely different, and each of them is clutching his stomach, dying in pain.

For the first time, the monsters from the deep sea felt the malice of human beings.

With a cold face, Xiao Pujie cast despair on all the enemies.

Shit dripping!

God damn fork!

Everything is easy!

The thing about excrement has been played by Xiao Pujie.

No matter how powerful the monster is, it is defenseless when going to the toilet.

Its crown comes from a dirty beast.

It is a monster born from filth. After inheriting this crown, Xiao Pujie's ability has also undergone some changes.

Although it seems that his ability is to play disgusting, but in fact it is far from as simple as it seems.

What he manipulates are the unnecessary and useless things that are excluded by the human body.

Although manipulating shit is powerful, in this world, there are still many things that don't need to squat large.

Some are pulled as soon as they are born, and they are not stored in the body.

Some are spirit bodies, some are elemental life forms, or simply mechanical creatures, so there is no need to go to the toilet.

But after Xiao Pujie obtained this crown-level ability, even mechanical creatures were under his control.

It’s okay not to go to the latrine, but you must emit exhaust gas, and you must produce some substances that the body does not need.

Even a god whose life level is terrifyingly high must have metabolism in his body, even if the form of metabolism is different.

It can be said that as long as there is something that can move, nothing can escape Xiao Pujie's control.

A clam girl blushed, covered herself with a carapace, and pointed at Xiao Pujie and shouted hoarsely: "Shameless! Nasty! You bastard, traitor, villain, you use this ability, you will not Feel ashamed?"

Xiao Pujie snorted coldly: "Ashamed... If I cared about that kind of emotion, I wouldn't be able to hold on now."

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