Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 657 Full cooperation

A large number of corpses were transported to the random shop.

At first, He Shan wanted to pay the copper coins one by one, but the number of these corpses was too much.

Qi Buddy found He Shan and said that these corpses were given to Suiyuan Xiaopu by the Abnormal Management Bureau.

Not just these corpses, but if needed, the Anomaly Management Bureau can also support coins to the maximum extent, and all other supports.

Human beings have reached a critical moment of survival, and there is no time to worry about gains and losses. Gathering the power of the entire continent and erupting the greatest combat power in a short period of time is the top priority.

Previously, He Shan held a test crown conference and opened the original nuclear credit account.

However, this is not enough.

It has to be more violent.

The darkness is approaching, the monster hidden in the dark, the sharp claws have touched the throat, only the blazing flames can scare the monster away.

Then add all the firewood now, and burn it with the most dazzling light.

In that moment of brilliance, he found the figure of the monster and killed it thoroughly.

Do your best to let human beings survive. As long as human beings still exist, there is hope of victory.

In the underground of Suiyuan Supermarket, the decomposition machine is running at full speed.

A large amount of copper coins and corpses kept entering the decomposition machine. The staff were so busy that a large number of props were transported out.

These props are arranged by professionals in different categories, planned in a unified way, and sent to the most useful places.

Not only the staff of Suiyuan Shop, He Shan also opened up a lot of authority to the people of the Abnormal Management Bureau.

They can also participate in the normal operation of Suiyuan Supermarket, so that the ability of such a strange decomposition machine can be released to the maximum extent.

The Suiyuan Shop and the Abnormal Management Bureau, like a pair of complementary machines, started to operate crazily together.

Although the original Central Continent was regarded as a whole, due to inconvenient transportation, the north-south travel was not smooth.

But now, Suiyuan Xiaopu has laid a spider web-like road network throughout Central Continent.

Along this network, the Abnormal Management Bureau built roads to every corner of Central Continent.

Roads are the blood vessels of a continent and the lifeblood of the economy. Only when the roads are smooth can all parts of the continent communicate with each other and maximize real benefits.

Previously, due to the harassment of monsters and the interception of overlapping areas, the roads in most areas were not smooth.

But now, those monsters are all blocked from the road, and they can no longer interfere with the transportation of materials in Central Continent.

There are also some relatively closed areas, and some characters similar to the "Emperor of Earth" have appeared.

For example, the land of Lingnan is densely covered with forests. Some refugees fled to the depths of the rainforest, established a primitive kingdom, and lived the life of ancient people in just four years.

This country is ruled by the Zhi Kingdom, and the king is a fifth-level trickster who manipulates insects, and is worshiped by the local residents as a god.

While protecting one side, this King Zhi also extorted money. Just his wives and concubines had twenty-eight houses and a twenty-eight night palace...

The liaison team of the Bureau of Abnormalities rushed here, hoping that King Zhi would cooperate with the actions of the Bureau of Abnormalities to maximize the power of Central Continent for the sake of the righteousness of mankind.

But King Zhi has been corrupted by the life of supremacy and self-importance for three years, so his mind is somewhat dull.

He humiliated the liaison party and drove him out of his kingdom.

The next day, the army of the Abnormality Management Bureau came under the pressure, and a fifth-tier trickster who had experienced many battles easily suppressed King Zhi, tied him up, and escorted him to the trickery prison.

In the future, his fate will probably be to be sent to be used as cannon fodder in a certain war that needs human life to landfill.

Then, a city was established at the location of Zhi Kingdom, where the Abnormal Management Bureau was established, and the resources of this small kingdom were tied to the chariots of Central Continent.

There are many places like this in Central Continent, and now Central Continent is truly unified.

After mastering all the territories, an assessment involving the whole people began.

Those who are strong-willed, have the desire to fight, and want to become tricksters have become candidates for tricksters, and the pronuclei produced from the random shop are continuously sent to these candidate tricksters.

The number of tricksters in Central Continent is growing at a terrifying rate.

And these tricksters, after accepting the original nucleus of Suiyuan Xiaopu, are obliged to hunt monsters and repay their debts, so they flock towards the overlapping area.

More ghostly corpses are gathered towards Suiyuan Xiaopu, and then become more materials that make tricksters stronger. It can be said that there are new changes every day.

It didn't take long for He Shan to collect ten strange corpses of the seventh rank. These strange corpses allowed Suiyuan Xiaopu to be promoted again.

However, this promotion brought He Shan only more staff quotas, larger rooms, more freedom of authority, and discounts when breaking down low-level demons, that's all.

As He Shan had guessed before, the weird decomposition machine also has a limit.

So if you want to get out of the predicament, the most important thing is to improve your own strength and become a god.


In the cold alley, several men were struggling to crawl.

They have neat suits and neat hair. They all look like successful people in society, but at the moment they look extremely embarrassed.

The movements of these people seemed to be in slow motion, each movement took a lot of time, and sometimes in the process of crawling, they twitched inexplicably, with grim and painful expressions, as if they had been beaten.

In fact, they did get beaten.

If you look with He Shan's golden eyes, you can see that in this narrow alley, there are onlookers on both sides of the road.

These people were men and women, old and young, and without exception, they all gnashed their teeth.

Occasionally, they couldn't bear it any longer, and they would go up and beat up these crawlers for a few steps.

In the eyes of crawlers, this alley is a 100-meter-long track, and they can be relieved as long as they climb this 100 meters.

But this 100-meter road can't be climbed to the end.

There is only one word on their minds now.


regret their crimes.

At the end of the 100-meter runway, stood a somewhat short man with a golden mask on his face, a long white coat, and a bright red robe outside.

He is Bloodfang, Li Daofu.

And these few people who are crawling are the notorious black intermediaries in this small town.

Li Daofu came to this small town, found these people, and punished them.

His punishment is to let these people climb the 100-meter-long path.

Seems simple enough, right?

But given a choice, these people would rather go to jail than climb the 100 meters.

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