Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 290: Past (4.2k)

   Chapter 290 The Past (4.2k)

  Rieux Saint Street, in front of Colin's house.

   The apprentice who came to deliver the nameplate has left, and Andrew is still on his knees.

   "Master Axi..." Colin didn't answer in a hurry, but asked slowly:

   "Is that Ahi Hidashi?"

  Oliver looked at him and nodded slowly.

   then said with an inexplicable meaning:

   "Your Excellency Colin has just obtained the Silver Feather nameplate, and the future is bright, but don't ruin your future because of a dying person..."

   Colin's expression remained unchanged, and he rubbed the silver feather nameplate in his hand, as if he was shaking and thinking.

   Oliver smiled and continued to strike while the iron was hot:

   "Your Excellency Colin has just returned to the school, so maybe he doesn't know.

   But now there are only three people left in your faction, and this still includes the dying man of Atbold... The rest of the members who are aware of current affairs have changed factions. "

   "There are only three people left, add me?" Colin's heart sank, and he asked calmly.

   "Yes." Oliver nodded as a matter of course, then frowned and thought for a moment:

   "…Apart from you, the only remaining student at Atbold is a peak apprentice named Marjorie."

  'Adversity sees people's hearts... The ancients did not deceive me. ' Colin sighed silently in his heart.

   Atbold didn't mention it to him, and he didn't expect it...

   But when you think about it carefully, this is also an inevitable result.

  Atbold, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, could no longer provide any shelter. Those apprentices could not bear the pressure of the Hiddus family, and it was normal for them to choose to change schools.

   After all, the Hiddus family has such a strong attitude towards him, the first-order wizard who obtained the Silver Feather nameplate, not to mention those apprentices...

   Even so, from Atebold's point of view, those apprentices were undoubtedly ruthless and unrighteous.

  After all, not all apprentices are unable to withstand the pressure from the Siddharth family...

   Colin had some emotions in his heart.

   He did not expect that Senior Marjorie would stay.

  Marjorie was the first apprentice of the same faction he met here in Atebold, and the original scene is still vivid in his mind.

  ...Unexpectedly, he was the last apprentice who stayed with him.

   Oliver watched Colin and waited quietly, the smile on his face subsided and his expression became serious.

Although the   Silver Feather nameplate is a great honor, it is nothing compared to the huge Hitos family behind him.

   If Colin in front of him knows the current affairs, it’s okay to say, if he doesn’t know the current affairs, then don’t blame him for being rude…

  Oliver looked at the house that Colin rented next to him, and his heart was calm.

   For him who is in charge of this area, and with the help of the Hitos family, there are 10,000 ways for Colin to move out of here obediently today!

   Of course, this is the method that will be chosen as a last resort.

   looked back, Oliver looked at Colin again, and continued to wait for his answer.

   "Sorry, Lord Oliver, I have no idea of ​​changing factions for the time being."

   At this time, Colin just spoke, he shook his head, his expression flat.

  Oliver heard the words, his eyes became deep, and his iconic white teeth were hidden, and he suddenly lost his gentle temperament and became fierce.

   However, Colin on the side seemed to be unaware and continued to say:

   "Master Atbold is seriously injured and dying. I'm afraid there is not much time left! As his student, it is absolutely impossible for me to change factions while he is still alive!"

  Oliver wanted to have a seizure, but Colin glanced at him calmly, with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

  Oliver seemed to notice something, and he carefully chewed on what Colin had just said.

  'Not yet...time is is impossible to change factions while the mentor is still alive...'

   When Colin spoke, he deliberately emphasized these words in his tone.

   "The tutor treats me well, but I didn't expect it to be like this... Alas, unfortunately, I have been studying a lot recently, and I don't have enough magic stones in my hand.

   I’m afraid I have to take some school missions, I’m afraid I have to leave Neustadt City for a while…”

   And Colin on the side was still "talking to himself", his face was faintly sad, looking at the street on the side and murmured:

   "I don't know if I'll be able to see my mentor when I go out this time..."

  Oliver looked at Colin who had poor acting skills, but his heart relaxed.

   He understood the subtext in Colin's words.

   "Sorcerer Colin's character is admirable, I will go back and report to Lord Axi." Oliver looked at Colin and shared a meaningful smile with him.

After   , there was a moment of silence between the two.

  Oliver asked tentatively again:

   "I don't know how long Mr. Colin plans to return to Neustadt after going out this time?"

   Colin nodded indistinctly to meet his gaze, and said with a smile:

   "Who knows, when it's time to come back, I'll come back naturally."

  Colin's nod made Oliver completely relieved.

  ‘I thought he was a tough guy, but he didn’t expect he was just a hypocrite. ' He was a little relieved, and a little sneered.

   Colin's remarks are obviously meant to imply that he will not help Atbold to deal with the Hiddus family.

   But on the other hand, I don’t want to change factions at this time…

   In his opinion, he probably also wanted to keep his good reputation and was unwilling to give the outside world the impression of abandoning his mentor in times of crisis.

   But it doesn't matter, Oliver restrained his thoughts.

   Anyway, as far as he knows, Aki-sama and the others have no intention of using violence against Atbold.

   After all, there is no proper reason, and Atbold has been hiding in his residence...

   is like facing an injured and dying lion. What the hunter should do is not to kill the prey completely, but to wait quietly.

   In fact, Aki-sama's order to him was to try his best to make Atbold no longer have apprentices... no more hope.

   Now that Colin made such a choice, it can be considered to have accomplished the purpose.

   Of course, he still needs to go back and ask Lord Ahi...

   "I wish you a smooth outing, Lord Aki and the Hitos family will always welcome a silver feather to join us!"

  Oliver showed his signature smile again, congratulated Colin, and turned to leave.

  Colin watched Oliver's figure gradually fade away, and was about to turn around and go back to the house.

   He turned around, glanced at the lost apprentice Andrew in the front left, and paused for a moment.

   This is not because of sympathy for the apprentice in front of him, but because in the corner of his vision, he faintly glimpsed two suspicious figures.

   The reason why he felt suspicious was mainly because the super-brain reminded him that after he was questioned at Black Fort yesterday—

   He caught sight of the two on the road twice, thinking it was just a coincidence.

   But now they are inexplicably seen near their own home...and the vision of their location just happens to be able to clearly focus on the house behind them.

   What's even more interesting is that before that, he had lived in the streets of Lieux Saint for more than half a year, but he had never seen these two.

  ‘Somewhat suspicious...but it could also be a coincidence. ' Colin calmly retracted his gaze, closed the door and entered the room.

   Reason tells him that he is now at a critical stage of advancement, and it is not advisable to make extra efforts.

   So he didn't plan to study it, after all, the degree of suspicion between the two was not very high.

   But... If we meet again later, I'm afraid I have to be more careful.


   "The target went in. The one who talked to him just now was Oliver, a first-order wizard, with the Siddoch family behind him... I don't know what the two of them talked about."

   On the corner of the street, Keith whispered to the companion next to him, his tone a little puzzled.

   "Nothing suspicious, mostly for Atbold."

  Bulvo responded casually, that the companion beside him was still too young, inexperienced, and did not know enough about the complex factional struggle in the school.

   "Senior Bulwar... What's going on between Atbold and the Hiddus family?"

   On the side, Keith suddenly became interested and asked.

   "Accurately speaking—it's the Ahi lineage in the Hitos family." Bulvo turned around and walked back along the street, while slowly narrating:

   "For the entire Hitos family, although Atbold was a well-known wizarding genius when he was young, his talent for cultivation was average, and his strength was only a second-tier wizard, so it was nothing."

   "What's more, Atbold was only a first-order peak wizard at the time of the conflict with the Hitos family.

   And later, because of that conflict, the road to the third-order was cut off, and now it can only stay at the second-order... so it is not to be feared. "

   "So, what happened between Atbold and the Hiddochs?" Keith asked impatiently.

"That's a long story..." Bullwort paused, and continued with the organizational language: "If you want to talk about the contradiction between them, you have to talk about Atbold's son who is more talented than him. —Plain Rudolph!"

   "When Atbold reached the first-order high-level wizard, his son Puran also reached the first-level high-level wizard, and he was only twenty years old at that time."

   "Twenty!" Keith murmured in disbelief.

"Yes, at the age of twenty, Puran is also a member of the Xisheng School. The school issued a bronze feather nameplate to him at the age of ten, a silver feather nameplate at the age of sixteen, and a golden feather at the age of eighteen. nameplate."

  Bulvo was a little emotional. Compared with geniuses, ordinary people's efforts and persistence are not worth mentioning after all.

  Thinking of this, the chatter in Bulwar's heart subsided, he paused, and said concisely:

   "Later, at the age of twenty-six, Puran died. At that time, he was already a second-order wizard."

   Keith stopped, and he looked at Bulwar in amazement.

   "How exactly Pulan died, I don't know." Bulwar shook his head,

   "That was nearly a hundred years ago. At that time, I was just an ordinary apprentice. What I said just now was heard from others."

   "Could it have been the Hitos?" Keith speculated.

  Bulvo shook his head and said firmly:

   "It's not a trivial matter for a golden feather to die... I don't really think it was the Hitos family who did it, at least not from a family level.

  Otherwise, even if the Hitos family does not die, most of them will lose a layer of skin... Well, I guess it is more likely to be a personal grievance between the family members and Atbold. "

   "I still remember one thing at the time, which was related to Puran's wife, a high elf named Octavier."

  Bulvo frowned slightly, thinking carefully:

   "What exactly happened, I had no way of knowing at the time, the only thing I remember is that a elf messenger suddenly came to the Xisheng School, and the pomp was very grand.

   That's right, after that, perhaps because of the grief of losing his son, the Atbold wizard also successfully broke through the second order. "

   "And then I heard that I went to find the theory of the Hitos family alone, but it seems that I returned with serious injuries..." Bulwar sighed, really can't remember,

   "A hundred years is a long enough time for wizards...

   But on the other hand, this long time is still not long enough... At least, it can't dispel those hatreds. "

   he sighed, then stopped.

   He and Bulwar have returned to the sect of the Tin Saint.

  The two entered the school and walked silently for a while.

   Keith's thoughts gradually detached from that distant time and returned to work.

   "So, Lord Bullvor, how suspicious do you think the target Colin might be related to the gods?" He suddenly asked in a low voice.

   "...Medium." Bulwer pondered for a moment and gave his answer.

   "He disappeared mysteriously in the battle on Gupier Island, and then returned intact two months later... At the same time, he also claimed that he had entered the kingdom of elves by mistake and was the hero wizard."

   "I think so too."

   Keith nodded in agreement.

   "There is also a suspicious wizard who claims to be a hero wizard in Leete Street, and I don't know how well Goles and the others have investigated."

   Bulver muttered, his face a little gloomy.

   He exhaled a turbid breath, cheered up and encouraged himself:

   "The elves can hide from the Crimson Marking Technique, and our rear is no longer safe... But it doesn't matter, these suspicious elements will show up sooner or later."

The    Crimson Marking technique has a high probability of failing, but Noyce has set up a backup plan before.

   Relying on them to collect information bit by bit and monitor it manually, although it is less efficient, it is better than nothing.

   The only pity is that, until now, they have not found any definite believers of the gods.

   "Lord Bullworth, you said... that Colin, is it really the legendary hero wizard?" Keith suddenly asked again.

   "How is that possible." Bulwar smiled.

   "The Lord Noyce didn't reveal any information about the heroic wizard. I guess on the one hand, it was to protect the heroic wizard, and on the other hand, it was probably also a bait."

   "After all, the gods hated that sorcerer!"

   Having said that, Bulwar leaned closer and whispered:

   "I guess that the wizard is either being safely protected by Senator Noyce at the moment, or there is no such person at all!"

   "The real hero may actually be Lord Noyce, just to lure out the believers of the gods again... Well, I guess it is to use this research to update the crimson marking technique, so this news is released."

   Keith was taken aback by Bulwar's speculation, and nodded reluctantly.

   Although he didn't think much of it, at least one thing he agreed with—

  Colin, it should not be the hero wizard... more like a god.

   The two continued walking like this, and disappeared at the end of the road.

   Happy National Day to everyone!

   Go out to play without traffic jams, and you will not encounter yi love!

   Then take a leave of absence on the 1st and continue to try to adjust the update time!

   2nd at 12 noon!



   (end of this chapter)

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