In some cases, the school needs class representatives to hold meetings to facilitate campus activities and issue notices.

In a normal ordinary school, the class representative is elected by the class students, and the school affirms the position of the class leader.

However, this school does not have the position of class monitor. Therefore, the so-called class representatives naturally need to be determined by the students themselves, and those who are elected, needless to say, inevitable Will be the center of the class.

This class representative, not to mention that he can completely control the entire class, but at the very least, he can have more powerful decision-making power than other people, even more than part of the majority, in class affairs, unless he is banned. Most people denied it.

And because the class representative, the school does not affirm the position, so this representative can be changed at any time, it all depends on the decision of the class itself.

In a word, decide your own business.

As with the class composition that is different from common sense, the student union of this school is also different from common sense.

The Student Union in the Far East generally has certain rights to ordinary students. This varies from school to school. Of course, the fate of running errands for the school is inevitable.

The student union, which is highly educated in higher education institutions, not only has rights to students, but also rights to schools.

Xia Ming's sister in this life, Sakayanagi Yusu, once told him that the student council president of this school can modify the school rules to a certain extent.

How much is a certain degree?

——The degree to which the school's board of directors can agree.

That is to say, as long as you can persuade the board of directors, you can change the school rules except for a few iron laws, and even if you can persuade people at a higher level, you can further modify the iron laws.

When I heard Xia Ming here, I couldn't help but... yelled 666.

He didn't think there was anything absurd, because this kind of regulation, to put it bluntly, was a matter of personal operation.

The rules are there. You are a high school student, if you can persuade a group of adults, even high-level politicians... well, talent, the country needs you, so be it.

To put it simply, you have changed from playing with juveniles to having dinner with middle-aged people.

——This rule is probably what it means.

So Xia Ming was also thinking, this student union, which can basically be equated with the ruling class, is looking for himself?

According to the regulations of this school, the people in the student union are afraid that they are about to remove all their duties from the students and directly take up the job of managing school affairs.

Over the past month, I've been quite at ease. I didn't pick things up, I didn't challenge authority, and I didn't become a leader.

What do these people who can almost compare with the busy people in society looking for themselves?

There were no hints on the information on the mobile phone, only that the student would find something to ask him to come over, which made Xia Ming somewhat inexplicable.

However, I think of my sister Sakayanagi Yusu. In the previous month, she would stay with her from time to time for a while, but in the past few days, I don’t seem to have seen her before...

Xia Ming shuddered, let's go see her tonight, otherwise...

"Yo! Xia Ming!"

Ugh? This familiar greeting.

Xia Ming turned his head and looked to the rear.

Not far behind, he saw a group of four people, two men and two women...


With a surprised look, the one who waved hello to Xia Ming was the cheerful girl with straight long blond hair, Ichinose Hounami.

"Yo, Fanbo."

Xia Ming blinked and responded with a smile on his face.

Then he looked happy, walked in the direction of the four, and took the girl's hand...I mean, the silver-haired girl next to Ichinose Hounami.


Very cleverly, he took the initiative to say hello, Xia Ming's younger brother is full of strength at the moment, although he doesn't know what the **** this younger brother's strength is.


Sakayanagi Yusu, who always had a gentle look on his face, patted Xia Ming on the head and responded softly.

Wow, I scared the baby to death, Xia Ming muttered sadly in his heart.

As soon as he thought of the horrible place, Sakayanagi Yusu appeared, and he was really frightened. He rushed forward without even losing his face, and called his sister sweetly to show his loyalty.


Ichinose Hounami on the side forcibly endured the shaking of the corners of his mouth.

"By the way, who are these two?"

Regardless of whether he did something wrong or not, Xia Ming, who was trying to pass the test, quickly changed the subject and asked.

"I'm Katsuragi in Class A of the first year, Katsuragi Kanghei, hello."

The tall man who was standing next to Sakayanagi Yusu, now next to Xia Ming, took the initiative to introduce himself.

This is a mature, serious-looking boy, with his tall and muscular figure and conspicuous bald head, he doesn't look like a high school student at all.


If you remember correctly, is someone who fights against your sister from time to time?

Xia Ming said hello with a smile, "Hello, this is Xia Ming, Sakayanagi Xia Ming."


Katsuragi looked at the two extremely similar, plus Xia Ming's name for Sakayanagi Yusu just now, and his face had a somewhat clear look: "Sakayanagi, please give me more advice."


Xia Ming still smiled and responded.

"Hello, Sakayanagi, I am Nan Yunya from Class A in the second year."

The boy standing next to Ichinose Honowa, with a hearty expression, stretched out his hand and greeted Xia Ming.

Ugh? Sophomore?

Xia Ming was a little curious, and looked at this sunny-looking boy.

The figure looks very slender, with good features and short golden hair like fringed hair. He is a typical beautiful young boy, the kind that people think will only appear on the screen of the movie and TV.

"Hello, senior."

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