Having spoken to Meg and seen his contract with the Spirit of the Wind before leaving the Alliance, I quickly headed to the promised place with the leader (Don). Think maybe you're keeping the leader (Don) waiting, something that says its moving feet will be faster too. Give enough magic to my covenant spirit Neffrey, and I was flying. Fly, that's a little different. Perhaps the closest way to saying it is to wind.

I usually take other means of travel, but the desire to investigate quickly and the fact that the person waiting for me is the leader (Don) hastens my feelings. That's hilarious. He seems to be a child, such as can't wait for an expedition with the leader (Don) to make him heartbeat. I was surprised myself that I had that part, too.

Arriving at the port of the rendezvous point, I immediately asked Neffrey to look for the leader (Don) as soon as I got off to the ground in an unseen place. Looks like the leader (Don) has arrived already. Head to the leader (Don) as soon as possible.

"Leader (Don). Thank you for waiting. Sorry I'm late."

"Ooh, Shrier. Are you all right now?"

"Yeah. I woke up slower than I thought, but no problem. We've been talking about it."

"Right. Then let's just go."

The leader (Don) has a bit of a scratch. The reunion greeting ends in an instant and immediately proceeds to its purpose. Well, we've known each other a long time, so as far as I'm concerned, I have no problem with that area.

This is how we immediately embarked on a regular boat to Nanray.

Even this high-speed ship will take a full two days to reach Nanray. From there I took the boat and went about three days to my hometown of Elf. If you don't spend that much time investigating, you'll be able to return to your guild as planned.

Now, you'll have plenty of time until you get to Nanray. When I was thinking about going around thinking about other things for a while, the leader (Don) called me. It's rare for him to kill time by himself, and he wants to talk. I'm sure it's extra content. I accepted in two replies and interrupted the Chief (Don) 's room.

"... I was going to tell you a little bit about my request."

"! Is that... good?

Words popped up from the leader (Don) who opened his mouth when he sat on the chair and didn't expect it. The content of a request that has lasted about twenty years, which I have not tried so hard to reveal. That's what I'm going to reveal now.

"Oh. I got the client's approval before you came. At the same time, my client is going to tell the same story to the Alliance guys"

"My client...? Chief (Don), who the hell is that client?

I've always wondered about the chief (Don) client and what he asked for. Ask him directly in some country, or...

"It's Arsh. Even if it did, you guys were mostly anticipating it, weren't you?

"... were you still the Demon King"

Yes. There is only Zahariash, some king or demon king. There was no certainty, though, so I'm in the mood for finally clearing up now....... hmm? You said your client went to the Alliance earlier, didn't you?

"... you might be making a fuss in your guild"

"I guess. He seemed like he'd be on his way as soon as I talked to him, and he was going to fall out of his head with a lot of things. Kron was in a hurry to prepare... but there's a good chance he's headed for nowhere."

I think of that, and I smile bitterly about it. A demon king is an aura that not only supports demon kings, but even subpeople can unconsciously follow them. All demons cannot resist the Demon King, and intelligent demons, that is, demons and subhumans, are attracted to the power of the Demon King. Leave that intimidation alone if you don't consciously suppress it. If you left in a hurry, there's no chance you've forgotten to suppress it.

When that happens, members of our guild, made up of almost subhuman people, will bow their heads without saying whether or not they see the demon king. Those who are powerless to the Demon King will be laid flat, so the majority may be laid flat. I feel indescribable when I imagine that sight.

By the way, I'm not a sub, and I have a lot of power, so it would be to the point of lightly bowing my head. Same goes for Carter. Meg, who is not subhuman as well, but that kid is still young. I learned a mild willingness to kill myself when I thought I might be frightened and lay low if I was intimidated.

"You're making a foolish face, Shrier. You've learned to be angry with Arsh about Meg, haven't you?

"... you're no match for the leader (Don). Yeah, you're right."

"'Cause you especially hate Arsh."

"I don't have any more bad feelings. It's not even favorable though. Besides, I'm not really thinking about doing this right now, and you got an apology, right?

"... you have it in your roots"

You can't deny that. I, along with my only flesh and blood in that war, lost many of my companions, and was sold to defile my body, especially because of my good looks. I'm sure I'll hold it in my roots until I die. Even if you're forced to walk over to the Demon King, you're just mentally tired.

Nevertheless, I don't even feel like resenting him. I have no choice. It's not too much damage to clean up with that many words, because he still doesn't have much to do with himself.

A demon king is not necessarily a hereditary system, but a mechanism by which the strong are chosen. Because the Demon King is a creature that can't be a child.

It's not precisely because it can't be done, but because, on top of the most difficult of all life forms to become a child, unless the Demon King himself is a mother, the mother can't stand it.

The present Demon King was chosen as the Demon King at an early age. Because he is the subhuman of the dragon, the species that is also said to be the most powerful in the world.

My child's parents understood quickly that my child would become the Demon King, and that is why they raised my child dearly to be a good ruler. To be a sweet child.

For what it's worth, the Demon King grew up to be a gentle character. But the former Demon King died unexpectedly and early from illness, and his son was chosen as Demon King before he was even an adult.

Those who are chosen as Demon Kings have the characteristics to grow stronger every time they grow older. It was the first time in history that a demon king was chosen before adulthood, and for that matter he gained the strongest power ever. But the originally pacifist character is disastrous, and the power deprives me of my spirit, which has again become unprecedented in the past.

Thanks to its intense magic, which has been freed without suppression, demons have ravaged, demons have become particularly affected and belligerent, and war has begun.

He's not bad, he said. It's natural for those who admire him to think so, but such as the fact that the directly damaged side can't change their mind so easily.

"That's why I thought I'd just take you. Of course there's a reason why Elf's home is what you need."

"I care, it hurts"

I pledge my allegiance to the leader (Don) who led that abominable war to convergence. That's the demon king that he's my best friend. Pan is so sincere, he has no animosity toward the Demon King. You must have cared about me after understanding all that. As long as you're grateful.

"And then it won't be what you're worried about."


"It's about Meg. She's probably not affected by the demon king's intimidation."

"What is that..."

Not intimidated? Before I cast doubt on that word, I have derived my own answers.

"No way, no way... it can't be!

"If it has not been affected, it will be definitive proof. To make sure of that, Arsh would visit the guild with all the intimidation unleashed. but I definitely think it's bingo."

That's impossible. 'Cause how many miracles overlap to say that would happen!?

"That child, Meg... is the child who divided the blood of the Demon King"

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