Yan Jingxi's state is not right, Yuan Zhan knows that this is the aftermath of falling in love with someone, and it is really painful.

It's just that if it continues like this, Yan Jingxi will become his own troubles and affect his life. It's really not because he stayed downstairs for the night last night and developed sympathy.

He doesn't want to be in the news again, what is Yan Jingxi's change of heart, his ex-husband doesn't accept his infatuation and other messy content, divorce once is enough, and the chance to become famous in the future should be given to other newcomers.

Sending away Yan Jingxi, who turned back step by step, Yuan Zhan had a headache. It was a bad decision to make him fall in love with him. I really don't know what the original owner thought. Now he is the one who cleans up the mess.

Why can't the original owner leave?

Yuan Zhan rested at home for a while in the morning, went to the company in the afternoon to have a meeting with the existing employees, and came back at seven o'clock in the evening.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw his new neighbor, Pang Shengyang, ringing the doorbell of his house.

"Looking for me?" Yuan Zhan stood behind Pang Shengyang, almost startling him.

"I thought you were at home." Pang Shengyang turned back and smiled, "I didn't expect you to go out."

"I just came back from the company, do you have anything to ask me?" Yuan Zhan put his finger on the fingerprint door lock, opened it with a click.

Pang Shengyang stood at the door and said, "It's like this, according to our Chinese custom, when you live in a new house, you need friends to come over to warm the house. I want to invite you to come over for a meal. I will invite the chef to come over. I don't know if I can give you a treat. Face."

Yuan Zhan didn't mean to refuse: "When is it?"

Pang Shengyang didn't expect Yuan Zhan to talk so easily: "From 6:30 tomorrow night, some friends will come over for dinner, you should be fine."

Yuan Zhan nodded: "I should be fine."

Pang Shengyang: "Then it's settled. By the way, it's so late, have you eaten yet? Would you like to have a meal together?"

Yuan Zhan: "No problem." You can take this opportunity to learn more about this potential mafia figure.

As far as the current process of contact is concerned, there is no difference between the other party and ordinary people.

Except for personnel in special positions in the system, Huaxia basically does not allow citizens to hold guns. It is estimated that he should not have them, and his life safety can be guaranteed.

Yuan Zhan suddenly found that the friends he ate with recently were changing all the time. When he came into contact with different characters and got relatively different information, it was quite interesting.

In order to prevent himself from eating allergies, Yuan Zhan now pays special attention to choosing restaurants when he goes out to eat. Today, he chooses a self-service barbecue restaurant nearby. They can take the ingredients they want, and there is no possibility of eating the wrong thing.

During the barbecue, the two can continue to chat.

Facing Pang Shengyang, whose identity is "temporarily" still a mystery, Yuan Zhan tried his best to make his chat more casual and natural.

No matter how Pang Shengyang performs, he will cooperate.

Yuan Zhan also decided to give him a surprise tomorrow night in return for his hard work and superb acting skills.

Whoever chatted with Yuan Zhan looked serious, as if he was serious about making friends. Pang Shengyang felt very comfortable having dinner with Yuan Zhan, so he was waiting to introduce him to his friends tomorrow. Neighbor.

There is an old saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. When you meet a new neighbor, you can help each other in the future.

All in all, Yuan Zhan left a very good impression on Pang Shengyang, and there was no reason to doubt it. According to the investigation, the house was transferred to Yuan Zhan three years ago. He moved here this year after his divorce from his ex-husband. It must not be a spy sent by his opponent. He can rest assured here and do his business. .

Of course Yuan Zhan didn't know that Pang Shengyang had investigated the house under his name, but he could imagine that with his identity, there was not much to hide, but it was his identity that made Pang Shengyang more willing to approach him.

One feels safe to communicate, while the other regards the other as a plot character and is preparing to help him advance the plot.

He has no interest in Bai Yueguang's fiancé, nor will he do anything to hurt them, nor will he affect the progress, just speed up.

The dinner was very pleasant. Yuan Zhan was very full, and he also ate two durian jelly. He liked the taste of durian.

However, Pang Shengyang smelled the smell of durian and couldn't accept it: "I don't like durian very much. Many friends around me think it is delicious, but I just can't eat it."

Yuan Zhan wiped the corners of his mouth: "Of course it depends on the person, just like some people don't like celery, some people don't eat shiitake mushrooms, and there are not a few people who don't eat durian. It's nothing." It's just that they are not destined to be good friends.

The two walked back for a walk, said goodnight to each other, and then went back to their respective homes without in-depth communication.

Yuan Zhan still felt very tired when dealing with a thoughtful person. After returning home, he felt relaxed. He rubbed his face and smiled at these plot characters every day. His face was almost stiff.

After taking a break, Yuan Zhan was walking on the newly bought treadmill and thinking about what reason should he use to call Bai Yueguang here tomorrow afternoon, and he could not be alone with himself, and he would be discovered by Pang Shengyang, it must be an accident, it cannot be done Too deliberate.

Of course, he not only thought about it alone, but also asked Qi Youchi to find a way for him. The latter decided to help his boss solve the big problem, saying that he would give him a satisfactory arrangement in an hour.

After it was over, Yuan Zhan called Fu Lingyun again. He would go back tomorrow at noon to pack up his childhood belongings.

Fu Lingyun said that she happened to be at home, there was no problem, and she would ask her aunt at home to clean it up in the morning.

Yuan Zhan felt a lot more relaxed when he heard his arrangement. He wouldn't need to clean up the original owner's room again tomorrow, and there must be a lot of items.

Tomorrow's schedule is quite tight. I have to work in the morning, go back to Yuan's father and Yuan's mother's house to pack up at noon, and have to come back to the neighbor's party in the afternoon.

After the approximate time was allocated, Qi Youchi also gave him a reply.

Qi Youchi: "Boss, I think of a good solution, you don't have to come forward."

Yuan Zhan: "Oh? What can I do?"

Qi Youchi: "There are many people who have asked Bai Yueguang to appear in commercials recently. We can ask him to come up in the name of the director. It doesn't matter who he brings."

Yuan Zhan: "Can you pinpoint the time? I estimate that my neighbor will start receiving guests at five in the afternoon."

Qi Youchi: "As long as there is no problem with the address, I will let Bai Yueguang arrive on time."

Yuan Zhan: "Okay, I believe you."

If Bai Yueguang really wants to be popular now, then Qi Youchi will definitely give him a "contract" that can be endorsed by him, and invite him to come. It doesn't matter if he brings others, the purpose is to let Bai Yueguang and Pang Shengyang meet above.

If they haven't seen each other, how will the two of them make progress, and how will Yuan Zhan sort out their relationship.

A sense of dawn.

After Yuan Zhan had breakfast in the morning, he started working at 8:30, and went out to Yuan's father and mother's house at 11:00.

He knew the address of the Yuan family, and when he arrived, it was about 11:40, and he was almost ready for lunch.

Fu Lingyun still maintains the attitude of a good wife and mother in front of Yuan Zhan. It may be more convincing if she removes the cigarette between her fingertips.

However, when Fu Lingyun saw Yuan Zhan, she didn't ask him how he was doing at the first time, but asked him about his weekend schedule.

Fu Lingyun: "Zhan Zhan, are you free on Saturday night? Come to a party with my mother."

Yuan Zhan: "Saturday night? It should be possible."

Fu Lingyun: "It's still your caring."

When he came back, Yuan Zhan also brought the Xiaoxi cake he ordered last night. Fu Lingyun likes to eat cakes, so Yuan Zhan just bought it back for her to try.

Fu Lingyun tasted it: "Well, the cake is good, where did you buy it?"

Yuan Zhan: "A cake shop near my house needs to be booked in advance. If you want to eat, I will bring it back to you."

Fu Lingyun: "My son has the most heart."

The two had a cozy lunch together.

Not long after lunch, Fu Lingyun went to sleep for beauty treatment, and Yuan Zhan squatted on the sofa for a while before going to clean up the original owner's old things.

The aunt asked Yuan Zhan if he needed help. Yuan Zhan said that he would see for himself, but he didn't need it for the time being.

The things are basically neatly placed aside, he chooses one first, and has a look.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother lived in a three-and-a-half-story villa with a garden and swimming pool outside. The balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was 20 square meters, forming a beautiful small garden. There were also flower stands and rocking chairs.

There wasn't much of Father Yuan's breath in the room, and I was afraid that he wouldn't be at home for a few days a month.

The rooms of the three brothers of the Yuan family are all on the third floor, Yuan Lirong is on the east side, Yuan Wenyan's room is on the west side, and his is on the south side, near the garden on the first floor. Looking down, the visual effect is very good.

The original owner's room has not changed much from before the marriage.

Desks, bookshelves, and wardrobes are in separate locations.

The floor of the room is covered with expensive carpets, the bed is 1.8 meters tall, and the overall arrangement is warm tones.

Compared with the master bedroom with Yan Jingxi, Yuan Zhan himself prefers it here, and all the arrangements make him feel particularly comfortable.

The old things placed in one place were lying on the ground. Yuan Zhan sat on the carpet beside the fabric sofa and picked up the photo albums that were pasted into a stack.

The album should contain all the photos of the original owner from childhood to adulthood, so Fu Lingyun is quite attentive.

The first photo album he got was from the original owner's college days. Yuan Zhan opened them one by one. He needed to use the album to test whether he could find the memories of the original owner's college days.

Looking through the albums, Yuan Zhan can really find a little memory through them. As long as he is impressed, there will be some vague images in his mind. Perhaps the memory is too far-reaching, and most of them are not clear.

Fu Lingyun didn't know when she got up. She walked to Yuan Zhan and sat down, leaning against the sofa and looking at the album together.

She took an album that Yuan Zhan hadn't turned over yet, which was thinner than other albums.

Yuan Zhan asked her, "Mom, how old are my photos here?"

Fu Lingyun flipped it casually: "When you were seven years old, there were few photos."

Yuan Zhan: "Why are there so few?"

Fu Lingyun smiled: "don't you remember? You were sick that year."

Yuan Zhan: "…"

The original owner seems to have no such memory at all.

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