What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 234 Full-time Master (5 minutes for the anti-theft chapter)

"Qinyuan Spring·Snow"

The scenery of the northern country is covered with ice for thousands of miles and snow drifts for thousands of miles.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing left but wild; the river goes up and down, and suddenly loses its torrential flow.

The mountain dancing silver snake, the original galloping wax figure, wants to compete with Tiangong.

It must be a sunny day, looking at the red dress wrapped in plain clothes, it is extraordinarily enchanting.

The mountains and rivers are so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to bow down.

Xi Qin Huang Han Wu, a little less literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, the proud son of heaven, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot big eagles.

It's all over, count the romantic figures, and look at the present.

["Qinyuanchun·Snow" unlocked successfully! 】

The moment it was unlocked, the entire content of "Qinyuanchun Snow" appeared in Li Chungang's mind. Counting only 139 characters, it gave people a feeling of majesty and epic. It seemed to be able to experience it personally In the age of wars, I saw the great man who pointed out the country again, and I couldn't help being intoxicated by it.

"This one million is really worth it!!!" This is Li Chungang's truest thought at this time.

Perhaps only such words would be more suitable when transcribed.

Just like a good saddle is matched with a good horse, good calligraphy is naturally matched with good poetry.

It's a pity that I don't have professional tools such as the four treasures of the study "pen, ink, paper and inkstone" at hand. After searching for a long time in the hotel room, I finally found the "customer message note paper" that can barely be called a piece of paper and the barely usable 0.5 Neutral fountain pen.

Swish Swish Swish——

The only sound in the room was the rubbing of pen nibs and sticky notes.

Sometimes having a choice is also a happy trouble. When it comes to what kind of calligraphy is used to transcribe this kind of "Qinyuanchun·Snow", Li Chungang still inevitably has difficulty in choosing, and his mind is like a slideshow Just as quickly flashing countless calligraphy types...

It's up to you!

Feeling the grandeur in the meaning of this song "Qinyuanchun·Snow", I instinctively feel that "cursive script" should be the most appropriate.

After making a decision, he started to do it. After an unknown period of time, Li Chungang finally stopped writing, exhaled the turbid air that was concentrated in his heart and lungs all over his body,

I took a look at the ordinary customer message post-it note on the table. At this moment, it has an extraordinary meaning because of the content on it!

I saw the complete song "Qinyuanchun·Snow" written in cursive script on the post-it note from the customer's message. This should be the first time that this masterpiece, which came from a different plane and was praised as the best song through the ages, was published on Earth Star , although the published form is so simple and simple, the only audience watching it is the writer Li Chungang——

Flaws do not hide their merits!

Anyone who sees the content on this note, whether it is the content of the poem or the exquisite calligraphy that jumps off the paper, can't help but be deeply attracted, wonderful, really wonderful!

After finishing writing, Li Chungang himself was inevitably plunged into shock and self-doubt. He was a little unconfident that this was really his own work. Unfortunately, in the eyes of laymen, it was already a perfect work. In his eyes, who had a full level of theoretical knowledge, he could see a lot of small problems.

It is mainly due to the influence of tools such as paper and pen, especially because the water pen may have been left for too long, the pen water inside has become a bit dry, and the phenomenon of stagnation and cut-off of water in the middle of writing from time to time is the cause of the problem. This calligraphic work inevitably has flaws.

Another point is Li Chungang's own problem.

After all, it is the first time to write after exchanging the skill book, so it will inevitably feel unfamiliar. The calligraphy I choose is not the cursive and regular script that I am most used to and good at, but the cursive script that is known as the most difficult to master in writing. You must know cursive script In fact, if you want to write well, you need to pay attention to the word "degree".

If the transition is scribbled, it will be like ghost drawing. It is estimated that no second person will be able to see what is being written except the writer himself;

Tut tut -

Although there are flaws, but no matter how you look at it, it feels awesome!

Li Chungang took a deep breath, and decided to take back what he said earlier that he despised the system upgrade 3.0 as being low-key. Because of the library of this skill series, I will transform into a full-time master from now on!

Of course, this is under the premise that the wallet is sufficient.

Opening the bank's official account to check his deposit balance, Li Chungang secretly nodded and showed a very satisfied smile. With these deposits, almost the entire skill series library will not feel pressured to exchange skill books one by one. There are also good and bad situations in the skill book.

The more practical ones are the series of skill books such as calligraphy and comics, and naturally there are also useless skill books such as farming skills and women's clothing knowledge series...

Although there are flaws, but no matter how you look at it, it feels awesome!

Li Chungang took a deep breath, and decided to take back what he said earlier that he despised the system upgrade 3.0 as being low-key. Because of the library of this skill series, I will transform into a full-time master from now on!

Of course, this is under the premise that the wallet is sufficient.

Opening the bank's official account to check his deposit balance, Li Chungang secretly nodded and showed a very satisfied smile. With these deposits, almost the entire skill series library will not feel pressured to exchange skill books one by one. There are also good and bad situations in the skill book.

The more practical ones are the series of skill books such as calligraphy and comics, and naturally there are also useless skill books such as farming skills and women's clothing knowledge series...

Although there are flaws, but no matter how you look at it, it feels awesome!

Li Chungang took a deep breath, and decided to take back what he said earlier that he despised the system upgrade 3.0 as being low-key. Because of the library of this skill series, I will transform into a full-time master from now on!

Of course, this is under the premise that the wallet is sufficient.

Opening the bank's official account to check his deposit balance, Li Chungang secretly nodded and showed a very satisfied smile. With these deposits, almost the entire skill series library will not feel pressured to exchange skill books one by one. There are also good and bad situations in the skill book.

The more practical ones are the series of skill books such as calligraphy and comics, and naturally there are also useless skill books such as farming skills and women's clothing knowledge series...

With the front exchange "calligraphy"

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