What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 569 Cheng Yaojin Killed Halfway

The organizing committee of this year's Golden Bookmark Award is actually even more in a dilemma than Dong Sicheng and the others, and they are extremely wronged!

Judging from the current publishing results this year, "Dragon Race" alone is enough to leave 99% of publishing colleagues out of reach, not to mention "Fighting Swordsman in the Snow", Forget about the normal volume publishing plan of the three books "Full-time Master" and "Sword Come", and now there is "Lord of the Rings", which is even more powerful than Wang Zha, and it is only published and released globally simultaneously. At this point, it is already a sure bet.

But at the same time the problem came -

For so many years since the establishment of the Golden Bookmark Award, there has never been two consecutive Golden Bookmark Award winners who belong to the same person. Possibly, this made the organizing committee completely paralyzed. Once you have given the same person for the second year in a row, will you give it for the third year or not? The same problem continued to the fourth, fifth and sixth years. The same person has won the award repeatedly, and it is necessary to consider whether other people will lose interest in this award because of this, so that the word of mouth accumulated over a century will collapse!

"Mr. Han, why don't we just give this little guy Li Chungang a Golden Bookmark Lifetime Achievement Award in one step, so that he can get it done once and for all!" Han Lao, one of the critics, suggested.

"It's a joke! To give a Lifetime Achievement Award to a boy in his early twenties, if word spreads, we won't be afraid that our Golden Bookmark Award will be laughed out of our mouths."

"Hmph! Don't let people keep winning the Golden Bookmark Award so that they won't be laughed out of their teeth? It will even make people in the country mistakenly think that Li Chungang is the only author in Huaguo, which has a vast land and abundant resources!"


"You're the one talking nonsense."

Who would have thought that two of the members of the group committee members, two seniors with important identities in the literary world, would spray each other like old men on the street at the meeting. If it spreads out, it would be a shame.

"Okay! Shut up, both of you."

In the end, Mr. Han really couldn’t bear to see these two old bastards who had already stepped into the coffin continue to quarrel, and their faces were full of displeasure. Is this the organizing committee of the Golden Bookmark Award? After the meeting, he patted the table in front of him and said loudly: "There is no need to continue arguing about this issue. The Lifetime Achievement Award is a precedent that must never be given. Since people have such abilities, no matter if it is two, three, or four Five times are good, just take them all!"

"No rules no standards!"

"Since the rules are established,

It is for compliance! "

After Mr. Han, the remaining two chief commentators all spoke in favor of Mr. Han's approach.

Although "The Lord of the Rings" has not yet been officially published, it is almost certain that the number of pre-sales on the first day of its release is enough to make it the champion of the New York Times bestseller list!

In terms of data: its number of pre-sales has surpassed the sales volume of "The Witcher Paladin", which is currently No. 1 on the New York Times best-selling list, this week.

In the music market in the United States this year, Drake has continuously won the top spot on the Billboard Hot Singles chart, while on the New York Times bestseller list, various newcomers have alternately won the top spot, so netizens are curious, what is this? Which of the two has more championship weeks?

It stands to reason that the speed of publishing songs is much faster than publishing books.

There are more than ten songs in a chapter album, but there is only one book in a book, and it is impossible to pick out each chapter separately.

These are two completely different fields, which obviously cannot be confused, but there are always people who are bored waiting to watch the excitement.

Random House is a giant in the true sense, while Amazon, the largest shopping platform in the United States, bears half of the online pre-sale orders.

Various chain bookstores have also opened pre-sale channels in physical stores and official websites, and even the supermarket chain Wal-Mart is doing pre-orders.

The sales distinction of Wal-Mart does not seem to be high-end, but it is really aimed at ordinary people.

The sales in the audio-visual section and the book section have always been very good, and sometimes it even affects the results of the list!

The books that can be sold in Wal-Mart are the kind of down-to-earth books, not too professional, nor the type that is cold and difficult to understand.

Among the works translated into English by Li Chungang, only "Medical Skills" was not included, because this work about medical staff in the far east can only be read by relevant personnel, and it is enough to put it in the library.

His Lord of the Rings book was highly recommended by Random House, and almost all publicity resources and channel resources were used on it.

Even if Random House has no copyright at all, they still enthusiastically help Li Chungang to push it into Hollywood, just to see which company is willing to buy the copyright.

This is of course not because they are naturally warm-hearted, but because the distribution agreement signed by Li Chungang stipulates a full 10 years of publishing and sales rights.

Once the work is adapted into film and television, the book sales will be strongly affected, and thus climb to the peak!

This is by no means a lie.

In the comprehensive report on the book market released by the American Publishing Association, adult fictional works have declined compared with the same period last year. Among them, 120 million copies of classics were sold, a year-on-year decrease of 11%; sales of religious books were only 65 million, a year-on-year increase. 104 million volumes of fantasy, a slight increase of 8%; 115 million volumes of science fiction, a year-on-year decrease of 6%.

In addition, Adventure, Western, Picture Book, Romance, and Popular are all down!

But only one category is rising against the trend, and that is suspenseful reasoning.

This type of work sold 150 million copies in the first four months, second only to popular in terms of total sales, and even higher than romance!

Americans really like to read works with suspense and horror styles. Several kings of book sales were born from this genre, such as Stephen King and James Patterson.

In the past few months, none of the big kings released new works, so the sales should have declined.

But the number of works in this category is increasing instead of decreasing!

In the final analysis, because the appearance of Keppel Ron replaced the vacancies of these heavenly kings, five mystery novels were published in three years, and the suspense reasoning classification that had begun to highlight the decline was suddenly turned around and rose against the trend.

If it was previous years, Keppel Ron might continue his outstanding performance, but this year, a Cheng Yaojin-Li Chungang suddenly came out.

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