What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Five hundred and seventieth IX repeat the old trick

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The mountain is not just me, I come to the mountain!

In view of Li Chungang's refusal to go to New York to hold a new book signing event, Caitlin had no choice but to change the location of the signing event to Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl of China.

Now, the most urgent thing is to strike while the iron is hot to further expand the publicity for "Lord of the Rings".

When Random House teamed up with Manjinghua Publishing Company to announce that they will hold a signing event for "Lord of the Rings" in Shanghai......

The news of the long-lost signing event made the domestic readers who have been fermenting because of this book in the past few days instantly boil, and a large number of foreign readers who have just been harvested from various countries in the world also packed their bags without hesitation. , Book a ticket to Shanghai and rush to go.

According to the reflection of the Shanghai Immigration Department: The number of foreign tourists entering the country during these two days has reached the peak in the past six months, with an average of tens of thousands of people per day. When these foreign tourists to China were asked why they came to China, most of them answered that they came for the signing event of "Lord of the Rings".

I'm afraid even Li Chungang himself doesn't know that "Lord of the Rings" has already gained so many foreign fans in just three or four days after its global release.

At this time, the staff of Random House and Manjinghua Publishing Company had already set up a small booth at the signing event, and the huge poster of "The Lord of the Rings" fell from the top and hung on both sides, which made many people feel uncomfortable. Passers-by are staring at him.

Many of them even used their mobile phones to record the time when the signing session started, fearing that they would forget it later!

"I have to say that this book is very well written, even though it looks a little old-fashioned, readers all over the world have already told everyone with practical actions how popular it is!"

Thompson re-entered the city of Shanghai after a long absence. Speaking of which, his feelings about this city are very complicated, because at the beginning, this city was used as his exile. I've been wasting my life here until I completely retired.

And this time his arrival has only one purpose: to increase efforts to promote "Lord of the Rings".

Li Chungang stretched his waist, and he said with a smile: "What good news did you bring? Let me say it to make me happy, it's more refreshing than drinking coffee."

"In the past three days, your "Lord of the Rings" has become the best-selling work in the world. And...you know it has won the top e-book sales list on all Amazon sites around the world at the same time Yet?"

"Uh, I really don't know about this. Does every country have an Amazon website?"

Thompson shook his head: "No, no, no, it's impossible to have them in every country. It can only be said that there are major countries. North America has the United States and Canada, Central America and South America have Brazil and Mexico, and Europe has the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. , Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Asia has China, Japan, Bangzi, Korea, India, and Australia is of course Australia. If they are users from other countries, they will choose the nearest country or the United States to download e-books. provide appropriate services.”

"The question I'm more curious about is that the Chinese and English versions I handed over to you at Random House. I don't know how many other languages ​​you have translated? As a result, so many people around the world buy e-books ? If there is no language version in their own country, can they understand it after buying it?"

This is where Li Chungang's doubts lie. He is confident that he can easily win the championship in China and in most countries where English is the main language, but he did not expect to be so powerful in the world.

"There are so many people, otherwise why do you say you are amazing! In a country, there will always be some people who can understand English. If you look at Singapore, the downloads of the English version and the Chinese version are almost the same, and Amazon in other countries On the e-book sales list, the Chinese version of "The Lord of the Rings" also has a good ranking, but the gap with the English version is a bit big!"


Looking around with the expression of a chicken thief, he found that only himself and Thompson were there.

"Thompson, tell me about the situation of your Random House. What is the situation between President Caitlin and her competitor?"

After "The Lord of the Rings" was released on the market, Li Chungang has been holding back this question for several days. He wanted to inquire about it, but he couldn't find a good excuse and reason for a while, so he asked Lin Meng what he got. The answer is also unclear. After all, this is an internal matter of Random House. Small news media dare not repay such a giant-level matter casually, and large news media have a "tacit agreement" with such giants as Random House. According to the report, going back and forth led to outsiders not being able to understand the specific situation outside of their internal personnel.


After hearing Li Chungang's question, Thompson subconsciously showed embarrassment, hesitating whether he should reveal the internal affairs of his company.

If it were someone else, there would be no need to hesitate for a second, it would definitely be an instant rejection with righteous words!

But the person who asked himself this question happened to be the young man standing in front of him, this young man who was regarded as a "savior" in his heart.

Rationality is telling him that he should refuse, but sensibility is always telling him that he cannot lose his "friendship" with Li Chungang. Once he loses it, it is very likely that everything he has now will become a mirage and a dream.

Thompson gritted his teeth and told the truth: "According to our statistics, the traitor Keppel Ron's "Lost in Time and Space" has sold a total of 440 million copies worldwide, only reaching 70% of the first printing of 600 million copies. On the contrary, the 1.2 billion copies of "Lord of the Rings" were printed for the first time in the world. I didn't expect that you Huaguo alone would have sold 600 million copies, plus the sales of all countries in the world. In just three days, the first print quantity has been sold out.

Following this crushing data, some shareholders who originally favored Oswald have contacted Caitlin in the past few days and expressed their support for her to become the next CEO!

But now there is a worrying variable. "


More than 1.2 billion against 440 million, nearly three times more crushing data, in this situation, the opponent can still have a reversal card?

Anyway, Li Chungang himself really couldn't think of any way to turn defeat into victory in such a one-sided situation. After thinking about it deeply, he couldn't help showing an intriguing expression on his face, because he thought of a way that might turn defeat into victory... ....

That is Oswald repeating his old tricks to "dig" himself.

Just is it possible?

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