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Under Li Xiu's gaze, Guan Jinghao stood there motionless.

Li Xiu stretched out his hand and made a move, and the Forbidden Spear that fell in the distance automatically flew over, hovering beside Li Xiu, and aimed the cannon barrel with orange light at Guan Jinghao in front of him.

Because the distance was too close, the muzzle was almost on Guan Jinghao's face.

Both the president and Lao Jia had weird expressions. They had already experienced the power of the cannon. Although it was still far inferior to Guan Jinghao, who was in the fallen state of God, they should not be underestimated. After all, it was a god-level destructive power. Among the ranks, it is definitely not weak.

Guan Jinghao was able to easily break through the bombardment of the taboo cannon before, but that doesn't mean he won't be hurt by the power of the taboo cannon.

Now he is motionless and can only be beaten passively. Such a face-to-face bombardment may not be able to seriously injure or even kill Guan Jinghao, but it may still be unable to break Guan Jinghao's fallen state of God.

Li Xiu stared at Guan Jinghao and hesitated for a moment, then suddenly withdrew the Forbidden Spear, summoned the Fire Lotus Sword, and flew away on the Fire Lotus Sword, but he didn't attack Guan Jinghao, he didn't even try.

"Why didn't President Li give it a try? Could it be that he was sure that the full blow of that contract would not be able to seriously injure Guan Jinghao?" Lao Jia asked suspiciously.

The president shook his head with a strange expression. There are many possibilities for Li Xiu not to make a move, and he doesn't know which one.

Not long after Li Xiu left, Guan Jinghao, who was controlled by Li Xiu's ghost blindfold, woke up from the illusion, and found that Li Xiu was no longer in front of him, and his expression was a bit complicated.

"I thought I had already caught up with you, but I didn't expect to be so far behind. Why didn't you make a move?" Guan Jinghao muttered to himself.

Guan Jinghao was fascinated by Li Xiu's upgraded ghost blindfold, and fell into the illusion of life. During that time, he had no ability to resist, but Li Xiu didn't attack him, which made him a little puzzled.

At the same time, he also understood how ridiculous it was to think that he could compete with Li Xiu on the road of being a magician after breaking through the line of spiritual consciousness. Now he clearly knows that Li Xiu's spiritual consciousness Even if his spiritual consciousness crossed the line, it was still far behind.

It can only be said that the current magic costume is not worthy of Li Xiu at all. As people often say, most people get 100 points in the test because their ability has reached 100 points, and Li Xiu gets 100 points in the test because the paper is only 100 points. point.

"It turns out that pure spiritual consciousness can be so strong. You are worthy of being the God of the magician. You must not die. I will catch up with you soon." Guan Jinghao looked into the distance, his eyes were still firm, his body The black armor gradually dissipated, and the appearance of the white dress was restored.

Sitting on the lotus-shaped Fire Lotus Sword, Li Xiu summoned the Forbidden Spear and fired several shots at his body.

The undead projectile shot into the body, repairing his damaged body.

There is no doubt that he is no match for Guan Jinghao, who is in the state of God's Fall, just relying on the God-level Forbidden Spear.

If he himself can be promoted to the **** position, maybe he still has the power to fight.

But he didn't fire that last shot, not because he felt that Guan Jinghao couldn't be hurt, but because of what Dongli said.

Within the sphere of influence of the space city, the combined population of the major cities may be as many as hundreds of millions.

Now they can have such a stable life because of the existence of the Space City and the Magic Armor Legion.

If Guan Jinghao were to die, the space city would be in chaos, and it would depend on fate for so many people.

In addition, Li Xiu didn't want to defeat Guan Jinghao in this way, he hoped to defeat Guan Jinghao with pure power of a practitioner.

Of course, Li Xiu did not have the confidence to kill Guan Jinghao who was in the fallen state of God, and his body couldn't keep his spiritual consciousness erupting for a long time. In addition, he didn't intend to kill Guan Jinghao at all, so he left without even trying.

"Guan Jinghao said that the president is not human. If he is really the son of the president, this may not be groundless."

After Li Xiu had seen Guan Jinghao's God's Fall, he felt that the power was indeed comparable to that of the tester.

Some are different, but they can tell what is different.

"President, do you really want to destroy this world?" Li Xiu thought to himself.

Li Xiu didn't go back to Changshengtian, but went all the way to the City of Light.

His body was severely damaged, and being injured by Guan Jinghao was only one aspect. He forcibly used his spiritual consciousness to cross the line continuously, which was stronger than any previous burst of spiritual consciousness.

Even with his current physical strength, he still couldn't support such a terrifying burst of spiritual consciousness, and his body was severely damaged by his own spiritual consciousness. Only relying on the power of the immortal bullet can't completely repair the injured body. He needs the white lotus of Lord Chu. Only by helping to repair the damaged body can it be fully restored in a short time. The Trial Contest in the City of Light is drawing to a close, and champions have been determined for most of the events.

Li Xiu quietly entered the City Lord's Mansion and asked someone to call Chu Jun over.

"What happened? Why are you injured so badly?" Chu Jun was startled when he saw Li Xiu's injuries.

"I'm going to find Guan Jinghao." Li Xiu briefly talked about the matter.

"Guan Jinghao turned out to be a god-level tester?" Chu Jun was surprised when he heard that.

It's hard to imagine that the lord of the space city with the most advanced magic equipment technology in the world is actually a top-level tester.

"Can you help me heal the wound on my body first, it's very uncomfortable." Li Xiu said with a bitter face.

"Sorry, I'll help you heal."

Chu Jun quickly summoned the white lotus, suspended above Li Xiu's head, with rays of light hanging down, slowly repairing Li Xiu's damaged body.

Although Bailian and Immortal Bullet both have the ability to repair the body, they are still somewhat different.

Immortal ammunition repairs faster, but it is mainly more effective for physical trauma, such as muscle torn, bone fracture and other injuries, the effect is very good, and the healing is very fast.

Although Bailian's repair speed is much slower, but Bailian's repair is more delicate, and the effect on nerve damage is better.

The reason why Li Xiu needed Bailian's help was mainly to repair the damaged nerves.

Chu Jun saw that Li Xiu's injury looked terrible, but it was not fatal, and it was only a matter of time before he recovered, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is only one event left in the Trial Contest without a champion. Li Qingyi has won two championships, which is really a great help. Now the outside media call her the number one beauty trialer, it is recognized A goddess-level trainee is even more famous than Ye Xiyuan before."

Chu Jun briefly talked about the situation of the Trial Contest.

Li Xiu was not surprised. Although Li Qingyi had just been promoted to Casting Spirit, she was the blood of the president after all. Li Xiu knew best how powerful the president's sons and daughters were. Not surprised.

"By the way, Lao Ba came to the City of Light and said he wanted to see you, and he wanted to ask you for help with something." Chu Jun continued.

"I'm too tired today. I'm going to rest for the night. You can tell Lao Ba that I'm here tomorrow." Li Xiu probably guessed what Ba Ye wanted him for.

"Understood." Chu Jun nodded slightly.

It took four to five hours for Li Xiu's injured body to fully recover. The main reason is that the repair of damaged nerves is troublesome, and Bailian's level is not high enough, so the repair is too slow.

Although his body had recovered, Li Xiu still felt a little tired. He fell asleep quickly while lying on the bed, and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

After Li Xiu got up, he washed up and ate something before carefully reading the information on the Forbidden Spear's promotion to the **** level.

There is not much difference from the Forbidden Spear of the Casting Spirit level, except for the improvement of the quality of the original embryo, the main reason is that there is an extra light of truth.

The Light of Truth of the Forbidden Gun is called "Forbidden Light". According to the notes, although the name of the Forbidden Light has the word taboo in it, its ability is completely different from that of the Forbidden Gun.

The light of taboo does not have any taboo ability, but can break the taboo power.

In other words, no matter what taboo power the opponent has, it will be directly broken by the taboo light, but Li Xiu is not quite

Understand what kind of power this taboo-breaking effect is useful for.

It's a pity that the Forbidden Spear's promotion to the **** position did not allow Li Xiu's body to be promoted to the **** position.

This is the shortcoming of the light method. In the general light casting method, the deed and the body are integrated. If the life deed is promoted to the **** position, the body will definitely be promoted to the **** position. The light method does not have such benefits, which can be regarded as both advantages and disadvantages Bar.

"It takes two **** gems to promote the Forbidden Spear, and the evil spirit card probably needs two **** gems to be promoted to the **** status. I don't know if two are enough, after all, there is a vampire in my body..." Li Xiu has already figured out where to kill the **** demon spirit to get the gems.

While I was thinking about it, my phone rang suddenly.

Li Xiu took out his mobile phone and looked, it was the eighth master calling.

"Fourth Brother, I heard that you have returned to the City of Light. I have made some good tea. Why don't you try some time." Eighth Master said with a smile.

"Okay, you come to me, or I will go to you." Li Xiu agreed without hesitation.

"Let's go to Tianranju in your city. There is someone who wants to introduce you. It's not convenient to go to your city lord's mansion." Eighth Master said.

Li Xiu didn't ask anyone, and agreed directly.

In the private room of Tianranju, Ba Ye sat drinking tea with a young man, the young man was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Ba Ye, who do you want to bring me to see?" Sima Bubiao couldn't help asking.

Because of Li Xiu's previous warning, Sima Bubiao did not dare to use his own contract to cheat at will, so his results in the Trial Competition were not very satisfactory. Sima Bubiao felt that relying on Ba Ye for his achievements was not considered a kindness at all. Instead, he had to rely on Ba Ye's relationship to be able to enter Changsheng Tian. Somewhat depressed.

"I'll take you to meet my sworn brother, with your ability, it's no problem to enter Changshengtian, but not everyone in Changshengtian has the quota to recruit members, only a few people have the right to recruit members , I can't directly bring you to join Changshengtian, if you are summoned by other people, it will be a little troublesome. My fourth brother has such power, so I will bring you to meet him." Ba Ye drank tea Said.

Sima nodded silently, still a little nervous, after all, this is a matter of asking for help.

Seeing this, Ba Ye smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, that's my sworn brother, it's just a matter of one word."

Only then did Sima Bubiao relax a little, and was about to pick up his teacup to drink water, when he suddenly heard the door of the private room being opened, and someone came in.

Sima Bubiao hurriedly stood up and looked over, seeing the appearance of the person coming, he couldn't help being stunned.

Then Sima Bubiao heard Eighth Master call fourth brother, and suddenly felt his brain buzzing like it exploded.

He originally thought that at Ba Ye's age, his fourth brother should be older, but he never thought that Li Xiu would be the fourth brother that Ba Ye was talking about.

Li Xiu had approached him before, hoping that he could join the City of Light, but he refused directly because of Ba Ye.

Unexpectedly, after going around in circles, it turned back again.

"Fourth brother, let me introduce you, this is my old friend..." Ba Ye pulled Li Xiu over, and wanted to introduce Sima Bubiao to him. "Sima doesn't show you, I recognize it." Li Xiu smiled.

"The fourth brother is indeed the fourth brother. You can tell the extraordinary things about him at a glance. In the future, I will join the technician team of your fourth brother. I have to ask you to take care of him," said the eighth master with a smile.

"City Lord Li." Sima Bubiao yelled bitterly, but he didn't know what to say next.

I rejected others before, but now I ask for them, why bother.

"Then I would like to thank you, Old Ba, for such an excellent trainer, I can't wait to join my technician group. Li Xiu stretched out his hand sincerely, looked at Sima Bubiao and said, "Welcome to join the technician group. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. gone."

"City Lord Li...I..." Sima Bubiao quickly reached out to hold Li Xiu's hand, not knowing what to say for a while, he never thought that Li Xiu could treat him like this.

"What is the name of the city owner? You should call it the chief.

The last fourth brother is your boss. "Ba Ye said.

"I'm sorry, Chief." Sima Bubiao said hastily and cautiously.

"Don't be so nervous, this is not Changshengtian. Even in Changshengtian, my technician team only looks at your ability but not your background. As long as you have the ability, there will definitely be a place for you in the technician team. Heaven will definitely do something." Li Xiu said with a smile.

Sima Bubiao was even more moved when he heard it. Ba Ye saw that there should be a story between the two, but who he is, the old man has become a fine man, so naturally he won't point it out.

"They're all my own, don't stand there, try my tea, I picked it up with my own hands after running a long way." Ba Ye said and pulled Li Xiu to sit down.

"Old Ba, I happen to have something to ask for your help." After Li Xiu tasted Ba Ye's tea, he talked about the business.

"Is it related to jade?" Eighth Master seemed to have expected it, and asked directly without waiting for Li Xiu to say what it was.

"Not bad." Li Xiu nodded slightly.

"Want to ask about the good or bad luck of this trip?" Eighth Master said again.

"Old Ba, you are indeed a man of understanding." Li Xiu really came to ask Ba Ye about good and bad luck.

Li Xiu doesn't know whether Ba Ye's word-testing technique is true or not, but he can be sure of one thing, Ba Ye knows more secrets than ordinary people.

Rather than saying that Li Xiu came to him to test his characters, it was better to say that he wanted to inquire about whether Ba Ye knew about it or not.

Of course, he couldn't ask this question in this way. If he asked that question, Ba Ye would definitely not dare to answer him, so Li Xiu could only come to test the characters.

"Fourth brother, write a word." Ba Ye didn't evade, and didn't know if he really just wanted to test the word, or if he knew something inside.

Li Xiu pondered for a moment, dipped his fingers in the tea, and wrote the character "海" on the table.

The word for sea is naturally the word for sea in the sea of ​​heaven.

Ba Ye looked at the word "Hai" written by Li Xiu on the table, pondered for a while, and then softly said: "I have gone up to the mountain city and upstairs again, making the Jungao Banquet the most romantic. There should be more singing and dancing during the festival, but I am talking about the old days with my friends." .”

"What's the explanation?" Although Li Xiu can understand the literal meaning, it takes a professional to understand such things as signing a document.

What's more, what Li Xiu wanted to know was not only the meaning of the signature, but also Ba Ye's opinion on this matter.

"I'm afraid your trip will be catastrophic." Eighth Master said.

"Where is the catastrophe?" From the literal meaning of the signature, Li Xiu didn't see any catastrophe.

Ba Ye said: "This signature means that after you overcome difficulties, you will definitely be able to rise to the next level, and you will be successful, and your life achievements will be raised to a higher level. Be indifferent, gossip about old friendships with old friends.”

"This sounds like a good omen, where is the catastrophe?" Sima Bubiao couldn't help asking after hearing this.

"This sign is indeed a good omen, but if it comes true, there must be a calamity before this sign. If you can survive this calamity, you will be able to rise to the top of the sky, soar to 90,000 miles, and look down at the world and laugh at all beings. But all of this The prerequisite for this is that you can survive that catastrophe." Ba Ye pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "But since you can get this signature, it means that your catastrophe should be safe and sound."

Ba Ye didn't say anything, but Li Xiu had already thought of this. From his understanding, Ba Ye should want to tell him that although this business has great risks, as long as he can break through, there will be great benefits.

"Where did that old friend come from?" Li Xiu asked thoughtfully.

Those Li Xius in the front understood everything, but they didn't know what to do with the old friends in the back. Could it be that in the sea of ​​that day, there were still his old acquaintances? he?

After thinking about it, Li Xiu thought that the only people he knew in Tianzhihai were the demon spirits in the blue metal coffin in the Haitian trial ground. Maybe this time he would meet his old love.

But how could that monster be his old friend? It should be the old enemy, so it would be good not to look for him to fight all the time. How could I talk to him?

Eighth Master stretched out his finger, dipped it in the tea, and wrote a character of Hai on the table, but he broke the character of Hai to write.

"The sea is the word for You wrote with water, which means that you will definitely have waves during your trip, and you will have to experience strong winds and waves. On the other side, there is a mother, which means that you will meet a woman there, This woman is related to the success or failure of your trip." Ba Ye analyzed while writing.

"You said my old friend is a woman?" Li Xiu couldn't figure it out even more. How could he know a woman from Tianzhihai.

"No, that woman is not your old friend, but she is related to the success or failure of your trip." Baye said.

"Then where did the old friend you mentioned come from?" Li Xiu couldn't figure out who the woman Ba ​​Ye was talking about, and Ba Ye didn't intend to explain in depth, so he continued to ask.

"The sea is tolerant of all rivers and rivers, and the world can accommodate people. I can only detect that you have an old acquaintance, but I can't detect who it is. You can think for yourself, whether it is someone you knew before." Ba Ye shook his head and said. .

Li Xiu felt that Ba Ye's words were a bit of nonsense. He knew quite a few people before, but he really couldn't think of anyone who had something to do with Tianzhihai.

But he understood what Ba Ye meant. Although there are risks, there are also great rewards. Whether to go or not depends on his own choice.

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