Chen Fan thought about it and found that the 300,000 yuan that bought the Dan furnace was really difficult to get.

Asking for money at home is definitely not an option.

I know very well what the situation is at home, and if I want to make up this 300,000, I almost have to smash pots and sell iron, I really can’t bear it.

And he hasn’t gone to college yet, so he said that he wanted to refine pills, which is estimated to scare the two old people.

After all, they don’t know they have a system.

Looking for other students to borrow money?

After thinking too much, except for Liang Yue and Bai Fumei in his class, the others couldn’t make up thousands of pieces all over their bodies.

Xiao Chen’s family is very good, but it is impossible to borrow money from him if he takes the wrong medicine.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Fan helplessly found that he had no choice but to cheekily ask Liang Yue to borrow money again.

Forget it, don’t face it back….

When men do things, sometimes they have to be willing to be shameful.

After the big deal, I made money myself, and I doubled it back to her.

Chen Fan had done psychological construction for himself for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and dialed Liang Yue’s phone.

In the first ring of Wuyang City, there is a manor that covers a considerable area.

At the heart of the estate is a huge castle-like villa, surrounded by well-tended gardens.

To be able to have such a manor in such a place as the First Ring Road, the strength of the master’s family can be seen.

This is Liang Yue’s home.

In the spacious living room with luxurious and restrained decoration, Liang Yue was nestled on the sofa, holding a thick book and reading.

The pale golden sunlight shone on her from behind through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and her hair like a waterfall was covered with a faint glow.

Bathed in the warm sun, Liang Yue squinted her eyes slightly comfortably.

Now she is like a soft and cute kitten, not like the image of cold temperament and strong aura in front of outsiders.

On the opposite side, his father Liang Jing sat idly on the sofa, drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

The father and daughter are enjoying a leisurely weekend time.

Toot toot.

The phone rings suddenly.

Liang Yue picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was Chen Fan calling, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she sat up, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously flashed with a happy smile.

Liang Jingxian glanced at his daughter with some surprise.

Whose phone? Girl’s reaction is a bit unusual, huh?

His eyes flashed, and he immediately withdrew his gaze and continued to read the newspaper quietly, but his ears quietly pricked up.

Liang Yue answered the phone sharply.

“Chen Fan, are you looking for me for something?”

Calling girls on weekends is mostly to ask people to hang out.

Thinking of this, Liang Yue’s eyes couldn’t help but have some expectation.

On the other end of the phone, there was Chen Fan’s somewhat hesitant voice.

“That… I wonder if it’s inconvenient for you to lend me another 300,000 yuan? ”

Liang Yue was stunned, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but her tone was ridiculous:

“Did the 200,000 you just borrow be spent so quickly? Are you looking for a woman outside by spending money so quickly? ”

Chen Fan said awkwardly:

“No, I want to buy a Dan furnace.”

Liang Yue’s eyes widened in surprise:

“You want to refine pills?! You’re not kidding, are you? ”

She opened her mouth slightly, and the whole person was stunned.

Alchemy is something that will only begin to be exposed to in college, and most college students who specialize in pills will not be able to basically master primary alchemy and start trying alchemy until their junior or fourth year.

In fact, in most first-class universities, if you successfully refine a pint of pills, you can successfully graduate.

In second- and third-rate universities, you only need to refine the primary pills that cannot be used to obtain a graduation certificate.

Now Chen Fan told himself that he hadn’t graduated from high school yet, and he was going to try alchemy?

How is this possible?!

There is only one possibility for those who can try alchemy at this stage of high school.

It is from a family of alchemists.

Those people had been exposed to Dan Dao since childhood, and they had been exposed to Dan Dao very early, coupled with the unreserved and careful teaching of their elders.

Even so, you have to be extremely talented to be qualified to try alchemy at the age of high school.

Such people are extremely rare, and Chen Fan obviously does not belong to this category of people.

Even himself, the power of the family is in the forefront of the entire Wuyang City, and he does not have the ability to let himself have the strength of alchemy at the high school level.

How did Chen Fan do it?

Liang Yue’s thoughts were churning in her mind, and she couldn’t figure it out.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Fan’s clear voice interrupted her thoughts:

“No kidding, you know my character, I wouldn’t joke about it.”

From Chen Fan’s voice, she heard the incomparable seriousness and strong confidence.

Being a classmate for so many years, Liang Yue knew very well that Chen Fan was a calm and rational, honest and steady person.

Since he dared to borrow money to try refining pills, he probably had a lot of certainty.

Thinking of this, Liang Yue held back her doubts and spoke:

“Okay, I’ll transfer the money to you right away.”

Chen Fan said gratefully:

“Thank you very much, I will be able to return it to you in a few days.”

Liang Yue pursed her lips and smiled

“Don’t worry, it’s okay if you don’t pay it back, the debt settlement method I said last time is still valid.”

The way to settle the debt last time was to let him pay it off.

Chen Fan: “…”

He gritted his teeth in some annoyance.

Asking me to pay for meat every day, really when I am a weak and deceivable little white rabbit?

No, it is necessary to prop up the status of men!

Chen Fan decisively counterattacked: “It’s okay, then I’ll come over now?” ”

Liang Yue didn’t expect him to answer like this, he was taken aback, subconsciously glanced at his father, and suddenly his pretty face turned red.

She bit her silver teeth slightly: “I’m at home, no!” Square! Convenient! Another day. ”

After speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Fan imagined the appearance of Colonel Liang fleeing in the desert, and snorted proudly.

Little sample, it can’t cure you.

There is a saying that it is really delicious and fun-loving.

In the villa of the Liang family.

Liang Yue bit her lip a little embarrassedly and transferred the money to Chen Fan.

Looking at the posture of the little daughter that her daughter had never seen before, listening to Liang Jingxian in the corner of the wall next to her, she was curious like hundreds of cat paws scratching in her heart.

He took a sip of his teacup and asked pretending not to care

“Yueyue, your classmate asked you to borrow money?”

Liang Yue returned to his senses, hesitated, or decided to tell the truth

“Chen Fan wants to try refining pills, and ask me to borrow money to buy a pill furnace.”

Chen Fan is a famous student god in Dixing Middle School, she has been in front of her father before, and his father knows him.

Liang Jing was stunned:

“Try alchemy in high school?”

Liang Yue asked, “Father, do you think it is possible for Chen Fan to succeed in refining?” ”

Liang Jingxian frowned and shook his head decisively:

“Absolutely impossible!”

“I know Chen Fan’s situation, he is not the kind of genius from the alchemy family!”

He paused and shook his head a little regretfully:

“I was quite optimistic about this child before, in the end he is still a young man, he lacks tempering, his heart is not stable enough, and he is too ambitious.”

Liang Jingxian looked at his daughter and said implicitly:

“Young people still have to learn to be down-to-earth!”

Liang Yue nodded, propped her chin, thoughtfully.

No matter how you look at Chen Fan, it is impossible to succeed, and his father is not optimistic about him at all.

But why, he inexplicably felt that he could refine successfully?

Perhaps, true genius is good at creating miracles?

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