“Lord Kaido, this…”

Quinn turned to look at Kaido, who was staring at the monitor.

What the hell is going on with this man.

Even Lord Kaido’s Devil Fruit is there.

The iron law in this world is that a person can only eat one devil fruit, and a devil fruit can only create one capable person in the world.

Quinn felt that his three views were about to be subverted.

“Could it be the one who copies the fruit ability?”

Black Maria wondered.

I had heard of such a devil fruit before.

But this definitely doesn’t give people the ability to copy other people’s fruits, right?


“Something is wrong… This fruit seems to be exactly like mine…”

At first, Kaido thought that this was because the Devil Fruit was more similar.

After all, the dragon phantom beast species devil fruit will not be the only one.

But judging by this appearance, except that this face does not have a beard.

This dragon seems to look the same, even the ability is the same.

The embers inside the monitor were beaten and had no ability to fight back.

He is the strongest of the three plagues.

“Comfortable Mr. Ember, I still have a trick here to do thunder gossip, you should be familiar with it!?”

Of course he is no stranger!

This is Kaido’s favorite trick.

Nima really hurts when she hits herself!


The ember was instantly shot out by Lin Yang.

Although it would not make him lose his ability to fight, Ember now seemed to have shifted all the internal organs in his body.

Fortunately, I am an animal line with good recovery ability.

“What kind of fruit is Nima by the boat fruit!”

Isn’t this Kaido-sama’s ability?

Today is the king of heaven, Laozi is coming, and Ember also said that it cannot be the fruit of the boat!

By Nima!

No one has come to support yet!

You should be able to see yourself being beaten inside this monitor.

What about people!?

It’s all half an hour smaller!

“If you think about other things when you fight me, you may die if I punch me!”

Lin Yang gathered the full strength of the peak Kaido’s punch, before Ember could react.

Knock him straight into the sea.


Ember opened his mouth, his eyes already rolling.

This trick really didn’t slow down a little, and I almost couldn’t stand it!

“Does Lord Kaido need us to come over and help?”

Jack got up and looked at the picture inside the monitor.

Ember was beaten at this time, and there was no room to fight back.

This made him also have a flash of disdain in his heart.

The three plagues are the strongest, and they can’t even beat a nobody.

Jack had previously disobeyed Quinn and Ember.

Now an opportunity to pretend is in front of him.

If he doesn’t cherish it, isn’t it a waste!

“No need to go over, the embers can’t stand it!”

The gap between the four emperors and the imperial deputy is very obvious.

A few moves are okay, but once the four emperors play with all their strength.

The imperial deputy basically can’t stand up for long.

At this time, it was too late.

“Tell someone to go over and bring the embers back!”

These familiar moves, as well as this thunderous gossip.

Kaido thought he was fighting Ember.

The other party obviously did not want to delay time with Ember.

After flying the embers out, Yamato was already about to leave.

Lin Yang also followed, and now it seemed that he could not stop the other party from leaving the country of Wazhi.

“Lin Yang, let’s go quickly!”

Ember was now injured a lot, but he had no intention of letting them go.

Every time he was knocked out by Lin Yang, he would fly over again.

But without exception, each time was shot out again.

“Here it comes!”

Following the vortex, the two directly left the country of Wano.

“Lord Yan Calamity, Lord Kaido let you go back!”

The pirates who were on this side of the monitoring room quickly shouted when they received the order from there.

“Got it!”

It was obviously irrational for a Devil Fruit Ability to chase him into this vortex.

“Sorry Kaido-sama, the mission failed!”

“Did you find anything when you fought that guy just now!”

Failure is a fact.

Kaido naturally did not dwell on this matter.

And what lies ahead is a very serious matter.

When exactly did Lin Yang appear in the country of Wa.

Why is it in the country of Wa.

It all became a mystery.

Such an ability has not been revealed before.

“Lord Kaido, are you suspicious?”

“That’s right! Such a powerful strength is actually just a real fight, this is absolutely impossible! ”

Being able to use his own demon fruit includes his abilities.

Why did this kind of person come to his pirate group, and stay for so long.

He has always stayed in his pirate group without any fame.

Come to what the pirate group wants to do.

Redhead, white beard, Lingling is still a member of the World Government Navy….

Kaido is constantly thinking about these four forces in his mind.

Aunt and Whitebeard were first ruled out by him.

Their pirate group is basically composed of family members, one is their own biological and the other is collected.

Basically, famous family members he knows.

But I have never heard of Lin Yang.

Could it be a redhead or someone from the world government?

Thinking about it this way, Kaido is even more certain.

The World Government has always wanted more sea lou stones.

But it has not been trading with itself from the open side, and the world government and pirates need to cover up this kind of thing.

They generally buy from Doflamingo.

That doesn’t mean world governments don’t want more.

In addition, the redhead has not been dealing with himself very well, although the two sides have not had much conflict.

The suspicion of redhead is also the largest.

“It’s unlikely, if the other party is lurking in the country of Wano, then what to do now by exposing your identity?”

Black Maria thought for a moment.

I can’t really think of the reason.

If the other party is an undercover agent lurking in their pirate group.

Then if his identity is exposed now, he won’t get anything.

In the final analysis, this time it was just Yamato.

The rest includes the loss of the country of Wano as well as some secrets.

You won’t know until you reach a certain level.

Lin Yang did not join the Hundred Beast Pirate Group at all, naturally he would not be clear about some things.

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