“The boss seems to have a pirate ship leaning over!”

From a distance, Jesus Bu looks from this banner it seems… Kaido?

Their pirate group and Kaido have not dealt with it very much.

But this is their main ship, the Red Firth.

Kaido or the people of their pirate group should not be stupid enough to want to start a big war between the four emperors.


Behind the Red Firth is not only a pirate ship, but Kaido’s dragon form is also hovering in the air.

Red stood up, and he wasn’t surprised when Kaido came over.

“The little ones are ready to fight!”

“Hehe, got it!”

“It looks like another big war has started today!”

In the face of war, the red-haired pirates will never be afraid.

The redhead took the elite route, and basically the combat effectiveness on this ship was the top of their pirate group.

Even if he met the other four emperors, he was not vain at all.

Besides, Kaido, a madman, can’t do anything.

I used to go to Whitebeard to make trouble, and I went to the headquarters of the Navy if I had nothing to do.

“Whew, something is wrong!” Ben Beckman spat out a smoke ring, always feeling that this thing was not so simple.

Kaido used to go crazy and went out alone.

This time there are two ships, and Kaido’s goal seems to be to chase this pirate ship in front.

There was civil unrest in the Kaido Pirates?

“No matter what, let’s get in a good fighting state!”

“Yes, too!”

Ben Beckman nodded in agreement.

It doesn’t matter what the outcome of the matter.

Now the two ships are clearly coming towards them.

The same four emperors, could it be that their red-haired pirate group would still be afraid!


“Already leaned over, what should I do?”

Yamato looked at the Red Firth nearby, and the pirates led by the red-haired Shanks stood on the side of the ship and looked at the two of them.

The oppressive power of the Four Emperors….

When I faced Kaido before, maybe it was because of my father’s relationship.

Yamato didn’t feel anything yet, but she couldn’t find a hint of courage to resist from the redhead.

This strength is naturally suppressed!

“Two people!? What are the people of the Kaido Pirates doing with us? ”

Looking at each other across the ship, the red-haired pirate group did not rush to move.

It seems to be the same as Beckman guessed, he was chased and killed by Kaido behind him and ran all the way.

“Ding! With a pebble hitting the stone, the host relies on the ship Four Emperors Shanks with his own weak strength, and the Iron Head Baby system is successfully activated, and the Golden Lion Shiji Peak Template lasts for three days and three additional huge islands are already in the air. ”

Three days!

And it was also a golden lion at its peak.

[Golden Lion Shiji]: Even if there are Kapu and Warring States in the naval headquarters, I have to go up and iron my head, and today it was not they who caught me into the Advance City, but I took the initiative to send it in!


Although the golden lion’s head is iron, it is very much.

But the peak strength is that even Roger has been forced into a corner.

Even the naval headquarters that fought with Karp and Sengoku was destroyed by half.

This is also one of the few cases in which the headquarters of the Navy has been destroyed.

The Golden Lion at its peak definitely had the combat power of the Four Emperors level.

Even above the sea, the combat effectiveness is much higher.

The three large islands in the air had sensed their presence after he had used his abilities.

As long as he has his mind, he can leave the island down at any time!

“Finally not running!?”

“Lord Kaido, this… This is redhead…”

The pirates who caught up were stared at by a group of red-haired people, and they panicked instantly.

This Nima is just a man who came to chase Yamato and fool her into eloping.

How did I meet another Four Emperors.

“Who do you think Lao Tzu is! Lao Tzu is a hundred beasts Kaido, give the boat to Lao Tzu to lean over, today will capture these two bastards no matter what! ”

Kaido roared.

Although the pirates on the side were a little panicked, they did not have the courage to disobey Kaido’s order.

Hurriedly drove the pirate ship over.

“The boss is coming! Kaido leaned over! ”

Kaido’s form can still be seen clearly even from such a distance.

“Kaido, are you here to start a war?”

“Red hair to Lao Tzu roll, today Lao Tzu just needs to take these two people!”

If changed to before.

Kaido is definitely going to fight with the redhead.

But the purpose of his coming here today is to bring Yamato back.

And his target now is not on the redhead.

The man in front of him who abducted Yamato has exactly the same ability as himself.

Kaido went to sea half because of Yamato.

Half of it was because of itchy hands and wanted to play with him.

It’s like fighting with another self.

“The boss is afraid that he is a yarn, so him directly!”

“Whew, we still have things now…” After speaking, Beckman took a puff of cigarette and then changed his tone: “But no matter what, those who provoke our red-haired pirate group will not be tolerated!” ”

Kaido’s words instantly aroused the members of the red-haired pirate group.

As a group of pirates of the Four Emperors, they are not afraid of any group of pirates.

Including Kaido, who is also the Four Emperors.

Above the sea, if it was rumored that their red-haired pirate group met Kaido, they were calmed by his words, and then left silently.

In the future, how will their red-haired pirate group still mix on the sea!

Originally, Shanks didn’t want to deal with this kind of thing.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like their own business for the pirate group.

For his part, he has always been looking for balance.

In a balanced situation, he doesn’t really want to do anything

But Kaido said so, and he was really leaving.

The others must not think that they are afraid of Kaido?

“What if I say I want to keep these two people!!”

Now the matter is no longer a matter within their Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

And it is a matter of the dignity of one of the four emperors.

His redhead secured the man in front of him today.

“Then let’s go to war!!!!”

Pirate ships appeared behind Kaido.

Before going to sea, the three plagues had already gathered and all followed.

“The adults of the three plagues and flying sexters are coming!!!”

The pirates on Kaido’s ship instantly perked up.

Now they have the upper hand in numbers.

“It seems to have caused a big disaster…”

Yamato muttered.

She just eloped with Lin Yang.

This makes a big war between the four emperors!?

“What to do?” Yamato turned her head to look at Lin Yang, now she didn’t know what to do.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Lin Yang stood at the bow of the boat and looked at Kaido and the redhead, who were domineering and confrontational, and said, “How about two give me a face?” ”

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