“Boss, our ships are all gone, how are we going to sea now?”

“How about building a few more ships?”

“Boss, leave this to us!”

The previous battle was not involved.

It’s going to be a boat, and they feel like they have to realize their value.

“You guys build a main ship, and then two secondary ships can deal with it first!”

“As for the power, don’t think about it, as long as you can live in people, let’s go to Rogue Town to change the ship and go directly to the Great Route!”

You have the ability to flutter fruits, and you don’t need to care about the power of the ship.

It’s good to fly directly in the air.

“Got it, boss, leave it to us!”

“Shipwrights, pay attention, hurry up and go to the shipbuilding!”

“Captain, I’ll go too!” Bucky still has a little experience in building ships.

You can’t join the Pirates and do nothing.

After ordering the materials to be collected, Bucky joined the shipbuilding brigade at this time.

At this time, Nami is desperately looking for the place where she fought before, and she has organized a diving team to prepare to go to the sea to take a look.

Whether there is still treasure in the sea?

“You don’t want your lives?”

“Don’t worry, boss, we’re wearing wetsuits!”

“That’s right, let’s go down and see if there is any treasure we can get it!”

The younger brother quickly assured that they had been experienced before.

No need to worry.

“Whatever you want, I can’t save you if you fall under this, and I don’t know when this sea will close!”

The treasure search team glanced at each other, and then quickly said: “Boss, I actually feel that I have no experience, I better listen to you!” ”

“Hey! What are you going! ”

The speed with which this equipment was packed made Nami a little stunned.

I said before to find some treasure for Lin Yang.

As soon as he heard that Lin Yang couldn’t save them, he actually left directly.

“Captain, O treasure! There is treasure underneath! ”

Nami was still a little unwilling in her heart after all.

Isn’t it a fool not to take the treasure in front of his eyes?

But she has no strength, and she is estimated to be dead if she goes down.

“It’s just such a little treasure, when you find the Golden Township, it is estimated that you will take a little bit of hundreds of millions of Baileys at that time!”

There is a lot of gold on the empty island.

Why bother with such a little treasure?

The pattern is a little bigger.

“Lin Yang, this is the video before Bucky asked me to hand it over to you, so what are we doing with this?”

Yamato handed the video phone worm to Lin Yang.

Before, Lin Yang said that he wanted to record it, wouldn’t he really want to send this to the world?

“Of course, give it to the bird who sold the newspaper!”

“Leave him for what?”

“Fill the cup, or what else will I do with the image of killing the golden lion?”

If violence is not for the sake of cupping.

That would be meaningless!

Asking Bucky to record this himself serves two purposes.

The first is to fill the cup.

The second is to increase your visibility.

After the popularity is increased, it will be a good help for you to recruit your subordinates.

In addition, you can also let many little minions not bother themselves.

Facing too many minions every day is also a nuisance.

He didn’t think about joining the navy, did he become a lackey of the Draco after entering?

Crossing here, not all of them want to dominate the world and snatch beautiful women.

Join the Navy to help Draco rob beautiful women?

Just do it for fools!

Before Goldfinger, he may consider joining the Navy, after all, it is still okay to mix around.

There is no need for goldfingers.

“By the way, do you have a way to contact that bird?”

“Big Morgans? I’ve just heard of it, I’ve been in the country of Wano before, how do I know…”

Yamato shook his head.

How could I possibly have a way to contact him.

“You said that news bird is okay?”

Lin Yang pointed to the bird in the air, and then attracted it with his palm as the center.

The newsbird was still a little confused when it was dragged from the air.

I am still selling newspapers, why is it out of control?

Looking at the person who was grabbing him, the newsbird took out a newspaper and placed it in front of him.

Did this man want to buy a newspaper?

Don’t be so rough with yourself!

“You’re supposed to be from the Morgans newspaper, right?”

If he remembers correctly.

Inside all the news birds, except the world government.

It was all monopolized by the Great Morgans.

Generally, those who do not have the emblem of the Navy or the World Government will be his.

And Lin Yang asked.

The news bird suddenly panicked a little.

This wouldn’t be for revenge, would it?

But it’s a part-time worker.

“Bring this to Morgans, tell him that my name is Lin Yang, and that our pirate group is currently recruiting pirates, but as long as it is elite, it will definitely not accept garbage!”


Newsbird breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It’s okay.

It’s just that I have to bring a news story myself.

Anyway, I will go back later, help bring it.

As long as you can not die.

“Okay, let’s go, remember what I said!”

The news bird nodded quickly, put away the video phone worm that Lin Yang handed to him, and quickly flew away.

After staying for a while, he felt that Lin Yang’s eyes were a little wrong when he looked at him.

It’s not that I haven’t heard of it before, there are some crazy people who eat the news bird!

“Okay, things have spread out!”

What he had to do was done.

Believing in the kind of news about killing the Golden Lion, Morgans should be happy to post first-hand news out.

That’s a big selling point.

And I also put an advertisement, which is a win-win situation.

“What if there are a lot of pirates joining us then?”

“I will personally screen it, and I will definitely not let the garbage in!”

His requirements are not difficult, just a powerful or potential to bring his hands over.

As for a bunch of garbage, he doesn’t want it.

However, after this statement, it can be regarded as a complete opposition to the world government and navy.

PS: Ask for flowers to evaluate monthly pass tips review review comments!!

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