Whiskey Peak.

Look at the ships that descend from the sky.

The island’s bounty hunters remembered the bounty orders they had seen recently.

New Flying Pirates!

Killed the golden lion to fight off the man who had fought off the general.

Unexpectedly, he actually chose this route.

Now before them are two paths.

When nothing happens.

Directly let Lin Yang leave them.

The other one is the same as before.

Whiskey Peak is a town that welcomes pirates, but the truth is that bounty hunters gather.

It is also a subordinate branch of the secret criminal organization Baroque Walker.

They actually gathered together with their sights on the bounty of pirates who were going to the Great Seaway.

There are many young and inexperienced pirates who have become their plate.

But Lin Yang is obviously not the same as these pirates.

People’s debut is the peak.

Either fight the golden lion or hit the general.

No matter how they look at it, they seem to have a little feeling of going up to deliver food.

“What should I do, do you want to try it?”

“Do you want to die? Don’t you look at what the results of the people are? ”

“But as long as you do this pirate group of them, you think about how much bounty there is!”

Before, they were exhausted and exhausted, that is, 100 million Baileys at one time.

But Lin Yang, if they are this pirate group, they can be caught.

Then this bounty is directly Lin Yang, and he has one billion Baileys alone.

Money touches people’s hearts.

This gives up this opportunity, and may not have a chance in the future.

“How about we pour wine on each other first, as before, if we can, we can, but we don’t act?”

After a while of discussion among the surrounding bounty hunters.

I also feel that this decision is very reliable.

“It’s coming!”

Same as before.

The way to welcome the pirates, many pirates in the enthusiastic pirate group were a little surprised.

No island has ever welcomed pirates.

That’s so weird.

But after the explanation of the mayor, the surrounding pirates were obviously moved.

After all, if you invite them to play for free, there is actually such a good thing?

“It’s so weird!”

Yamato had never heard of such a thing before.

Moreover, she never believed that there was an island that welcomed pirates.

If every time the pirates come over to give them a banquet.

How could this small island have so much money for a banquet.

“Then you are Captain Lin Yang, we are ready for the banquet, do you want to go for a drink together?”

After saying this, they also brought out two beauties who seemed to want them to go and have a few cups with Lin Yang.

Many pirates around also looked at Lin Yang at this time.

Although the heart is very moved.

But if Lin Yang didn’t give an order, they absolutely couldn’t act rashly.

The iron law in pirates is that you must listen to the captain, which is the iron law of the iron law.

“No need, just give me all the supplies, I’m leaving, and give me a record pointer Alabastan!”

He didn’t have time to play here with this group of pirate hunters.

Lin Yang’s journey did not want to waste time on the first half of the Great Voyage.

“But adults, our side is ready, and there are many girls here who adore your deeds…”

“No need, and those three people come with me!”

Lin Yang pointed to the three people in the corner.

Between the previous glances, he seemed to have seen Baroque Walker’s person.

There should be a record pointer to Alabastan on them, right?


The mayor is also a little embarrassed now.

What to do now?

As long as the other party supplies do not go to the banquet at all.

Is this really a pirate?

But if you give up now, it is not equivalent to giving up an opportunity for nothing.

And are they going to bleed heavily?

Thinking of this, the mayor of the town hurriedly retained: “Let’s leave after the banquet, it will take a little time to gather the materials, and tomorrow during the day, Captain Lin Yang can leave directly!” ”

“Boss, or let’s have a banquet!”

“Yes, people are so enthusiastic, if you don’t stay, it will not feel good!”

Many pirates of the Lin Yang Pirate Group were a little moved by him.

There are banquets and supplies tomorrow.

That’s too passionate, right?

There’s no way to refuse!

“You don’t think I’m a rookie who has just arrived on the Great Route, do you?”

“Uh… Captain Lin Yang, what do you mean? ”

The mayor suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be that he knew what this place was mainly about?

If that’s really the case.

The mayor felt that this was going to be bad.

They all drugged the pirates in the wine and then caught them.

But if you fight head-on, it is estimated that you will definitely not be able to win the other side.

“Do you still want me to say it? The whiskey mountain formed by bounty hunters also deceives newcomers to the great voyage from all over the world! ”

“I’ll give you a chance now, give me the supplies ready right away, otherwise I don’t mind letting you disappear with Whiskey Peak!”

He got it….

The mayor secretly said that it was bad.

Sure enough, they thought things too simply.

“They’re all bounty hunters!?”

“I lean, I was deceived, the boss should kill them directly!”

“It’s really impossible to prevent, is this the Great Route? It is worthy of being the boss, and you can see at a glance that there is a problem! ”

“Does that still need to be said? The boss is not powerful, is this still the boss? ”

The pirates who wanted to participate in the banquet before also pulled out their weapons at this time.

Almost caught the way of this group of bounty hunters.

Thinking of this, they also felt a pang of guilt in their hearts.

Before they also persuaded Lin Yang to participate in this, it was almost a big mess.

Thinking of this, they couldn’t wait to directly kill all of this group of bounty hunters at this time.

It actually made them lose face in front of Lin Yang.

If Lin Yang was disappointed in them, he couldn’t imagine it!

“Hurry up and prepare supplies!”

The mayor hurriedly shouted.

The other side gives them a chance.

He now felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

If the other party wants them to live, they want them to live, and if they want them to die, they have to die.

There is simply no way to decide this by yourself.

Hurriedly finished preparing the materials.

The mayor of the town took a deep breath at this time, and whether he can survive now depends on whether Lin Yang keeps his promises.

I said before that I would let them go once after getting him supplies.

“Bring them all, and the three over there, and the duck, where do you want to go?”

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