“I’m going to see what they’re playing!”

Lin Yang is also interested now.

The group fought.

How can you do without yourself supervising the war on the side?

Then Lin Yang thought that it seemed that in addition to Hawkeye, there was also Xiliu.

There are others to fight.

Who will it be?

It can’t be that Bucky wants to play around, right?

“Who else are you talking about?”

“The boss is the sand crocodile and Walder, they almost started fighting when you were away just now!”

The two were about to fight before, but fortunately they were stopped.

Then it was agreed to wait until Hawkeye and Hiliu finished fighting.

Let them decide a winner or loser.

A hint of clarity flashed across Lin Yang’s face.

He knew that this couldn’t happen to Bucky.

Bucky’s combat power dares to go to this and choose someone better than him to challenge, which will definitely not happen.

Timidity can be counted as Bucky’s standard.

Take a look in the past.

At this time, Hiliu and Hawkeye were ready.

The pirates who were forming a circle around also quickly gave up their positions for Lin Yang to walk in at this time.

“In other words, you are watching on the ground, you are not afraid of death, get on the boat, and I will send you to the air!”

This is actually so close, if you really want to fight.

At that time, it is estimated that if you do not close your hands, the injury here must be a sure thing.

“Hehe, boss, you’re so good to us!”

“Boss, I love you!”

Lin Yang felt a chill when he heard this, and the key just said that he loved himself seemed to be a rough voice.


“Get away!”

“Haha, I was disgusted by the boss!”

“You bear still likes the boss, don’t you see what the boss likes!”

“If I were the boss, I would beat you up today so that your mother didn’t know you!”

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Then a group of people quickly boarded the boat, and then gathered around the bow to watch the situation below.

“It looks like it’s time to start!”

“Black Knife Night!”


Hiryu took out his weapon, after reporting it.

At this time, he also had a little solemnity in his heart.

The person in front of him is the world’s number one sword master.

If you really want to talk about it, this strength is absolutely leveraged.

“Captain, who do you say will win between the two of them?”

“Well? Nami, why didn’t you go up? ”

Didn’t they all go up before?

Why is Nami still here?

Nami looked at Lin Yang puzzled and said, “Isn’t Wei Wei here too?” ”

He and Vivi are about the same strength.

Even Vivi didn’t go up, and she didn’t seem to need to go up.

“Hee-hee, Nami, I ate the Devil Fruit, now I’m stronger than you!”

Wei Wei quickly smiled and showed her ability.

The stone floated up from her feet, and looking at this familiar ability, Nami was surprised, “This is… Fluttering fruit? ”

This familiar ability, if I remember correctly.

Isn’t it the fluttering fruit ability that both the golden lion and Lin Yang have?

How could this happen to Vivi?


Seeing this, Wei Wei couldn’t help but feel a little proud: “Nami, it seems that I am a little more powerful than you now!” ”

Others are not comparable at present, but it is still okay to compare with Nami’s strength.

“Wow, the sinister of society, you actually ate the devil fruit to improve yourself!”


This is definitely cheating.

Among the girls on the ship before, they were not considered to be at the bottom.

Well, now, after Vivi has the fluttering fruit, the gap will definitely become wider and wider.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Lin Yang pitifully.

The meaning contained in the eyes can be seen by anyone with clear eyes.

Since you can’t beat it, join.

She’s going to cheat too!

Seeing her like this, Lin Yang knocked on Nami’s little head and smiled: “Do you think the devil fruit is a Chinese cabbage, and you want to eat some weak chicken fruit?” ”

Although it is said that there is no fruit of garbage, only developers of garbage.

But there are some fruits that come out as garbage in themselves.

There is absolutely no way to deny this.

Seeing this, Nami shook her head repeatedly, if it was a relatively weak devil fruit.

She would rather not.

This does not mean that you have added a weakness to yourself.

Not awesome resolutely don’t!

Since it is now impossible to keep up, it is simply not compared.

Originally, she and Vivi supervised each other, but now Vivi understands that she has begun to overtake in a corner.

Now I am left like a little fool.

Exercising every day has not yielded any results.

“Actually, you should put your mind on your talent, and if you find the right fruit for you in the future, I will give it to you!”

Nami’s main talent is actually navigation.

It can be said that she is the best navigator than Nami in the entire pirate world.

If you put this talent to good use.

It’s just incomprehensible.

Lin Yang’s words also reached Nami’s heart.

In fact, she was not a combatant herself, before she came to the pirate group.

Lin Yang said that he just needed his own navigation skills.

As for the rest, she didn’t care, it was just because the combat effectiveness in the pirate group was not very sufficient.

That’s why she needs to exercise herself so that she can protect herself.

Since she has a lot of combat power now, her focus should be on navigation.

After all, if there is a problem, the lives of this boat are in their own hands.

I seem to have put the cart before the horse a bit.

Thinking of this, Nami’s mood suddenly brightened.

Looking at the two who had already fought.

At this point, they look as if there are still going back and forth.

It has not yet been seen which of them leaked within the flaw.

This fight was originally meant to make Nami feel a little interesting.

But while fighting, I suddenly feel so bored.

This you will take a look at me, Hawkeye’s combat effectiveness is stronger than that of Hiryu.

But in the front, Hiliu can still go through the tricks with Hawkeye for a while.

“I rely on, Hawkeye’s trick is to prepare Xi to stay childless for half his life!”


Originally, this knife was going to be cut.

As a result, Lin Yang said this, and suddenly Hawkeye froze.

It is really possible to be said by Lin Yang.

If Hiliu hadn’t hidden, I’m afraid he would hate himself in this life?

That is, after such a pause, Hiliu quickly seized the opportunity.

A weapon that directly picked apart Hawkeye, and then thunderstorm instantly came to Hawkeye.

“Wow, Xiliu’s hand does not talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes, and takes advantage of the time when Hawkeye keeps his hand to engage in a sneak attack, which is worthy of the style of pushing out of the city!”


This made Hiliu stop the moment he was about to start.

What is called the style of pushing out of the city,

Isn’t that what the battle looks like?

It wasn’t he who slowed Hawkeye, it was obviously he who thought about other things.

This is a taboo in combat.

This is discrimination against them to advance the city!

It should be like this how everyone fights!

The moment the two stopped, they then looked at each other.

It can be considered that the battle has continued.

They swore that they would definitely not give Lin Yang a chance to influence next.

“Not bad, the two of them are not affected by me in the slightest now, the battle is like this, how can I not fight because I am explaining on the side!”

Looking at Lin Yang like this, he still had a feeling of pride.

It seems that he taught Hawkeye and Hiryu something.

“It’s so shameless, if I were to come and beat you!”

Yamato covered his mouth and smiled, they were a little dull watching this battle on the side.

As a result, Lin Yang said this, and he felt that this battle seemed to be much more interesting.

“I’ll explain it simply, don’t be so serious about you beating you, I said mine don’t be influenced by me!”

If someone talking on the side can also affect the battle.

He felt that these two people could basically be counted as unqualified.

After all, when fighting, you will actually be affected by the words of the people on the side.

But then, the two did not continue to care about what Lin Yang said at this time.

Instead, they scuffled together.

“Wow, Hawkeye’s move is so strong, but why is there no name, is it telling us that as long as I don’t say the name, you will always think that I don’t amplify the move?”

Lin Yang’s words made Hawkeye’s whole person bad.

Do you have to say your tricks when fighting and let the other party know?

Hawkeye never does it himself.

Swinging a knife is swinging a knife.

It’s just to see how much strength you used at that time, not necessarily to shout it.

“But you look at the opposite Xiliu, every move has to be said, and this name is really a little corny, Xi leave once I’ll think of a more cool move!”

“You can’t do this, you can’t stop Hawkeye!”

“For example, the knife you just gave can be directly called an ordinary knife!”


I can’t stand it.

The bastard kept talking in his ear like a fly.

Are they fighting or is Lin Yang fighting?

Can’t you just watch their battle quietly?

“I said you can’t fight yet, I’m so tired to see it, come on something powerful!”

“Captain, come down, I’ll show you how good I am!”

“Are you sure?”

A trace of malice flashed in Lin Yang’s eyes.

Hiliu meant to go down and fight him himself, right?

Doesn’t he want to fight Hawkeye?

Now I suddenly think of myself and myself.

Seeing this, Xiliu nodded again and again: “That’s right, I’m sure, but I can only use sword art to come?” ”

Other abilities, Hiryu felt that he could not win.

After all, Wald was killed in seconds before.

If you want to fight him, you must put some effort into swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship can’t lose to Lin Yang, right?

“What about you, Hawkeye?”

Seeing this, Hawkeye quickly shook his head and refused: “I’m not coming!” ”

He had fought with Lin Yang before, and now he didn’t want to fight him at all.

“Cut, even the swordsmanship does not dare to compare with the captain!”

A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of Hiliu’s mouth, and he didn’t even come to swordsmanship.

It is also known as the world’s number one swordsman.

Klockdar on the side was also curious at this time.

What is Lin Yang’s combat effectiveness.

I haven’t heard of his swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is very powerful.

“Hiliu, don’t say I don’t take care of you, now I’ll give you three chances to attack!”

The magic sword was in front of him.

Although there is no peak template for Sodros, the inheritance of swordsmanship remains.

It’s still okay to deal with Hiliu.

“Captain, don’t be too big, I’m talking about swordsmanship, you can’t use other abilities!”

Hiliu felt that maybe he hadn’t made it clear.

What he said was swordsmanship, and he didn’t need Lin Yang to make himself in swordsmanship.

If it was another three tricks for himself, Hiryu would definitely accept it gladly.

“Well, since you said so, then I won’t let you!”

Lin Yang shrugged, since he didn’t want to let himself.

He didn’t force it.

Just don’t cry if you lose.

Hiliu took up his weapon, took a deep puff of his cigar and said, “In that case, then the captain has brought me here!” ”

“Come on!”

Lin Yang clenched his weapons and faced all kinds of attacks from Xiliu, Lin Yang could defuse them one by one.

At first, Xi Liu’s heart still felt that he was bullying Lin Yang.

Pure swordsmanship has not seen him use it.

But now it seems that I am thinking too much.

This sword technique seems to be even more powerful than himself.

No wonder it was Hawkeye who couldn’t say it before, it turned out that it had already been known.

Blocking one of Xiliu’s sword flowers, a smile flashed at the corner of Lin Yang’s mouth and said, “Xiliu let you see what swordsmanship is!” ”


Hiliu only felt that the weapon in front of him seemed to have turned into a dragon’s head.

Then directly with him and Thunderstorm crashed out at a super fast speed.

“How cruel…”

“These few times, I guess Shiru will have this picture when he sleeps, right?”

“New tricks?”

Hawkeye pupil shrinkage, what exactly is the principle of this trick.

Could it be that the sword qi is attached to it, but how does this fast-moving way not hurt the sword qi?

“I’ll go, a ship doctor didn’t bring me one…”

Hiliu lay on the ground on the verge of crying.

Although it is said that he does not keep his hand, he also considers that he has just joined.

Where is there such a bully of yourself.

This is good, humiliating and embarrassing.

Previously, he had always attacked Lin Yang by himself and defended on the side.

As a result, it was just a move, and he was beaten painfully.

Although it can still be fought, Hiliu doesn’t want to fight at all now.

The gap is already visible, no matter how he fights, he can’t win against Lin Yang.

It would be better not to lose face at all.

“We don’t have a ship doctor yet, let’s give you a simple bandage!”

“No ship doctor!?”

Hiliu thought he had misheard.

There is not even a ship doctor on one ship.

I’m afraid I don’t know how I died, right?

He really wants to cry now.

And the Bucky Pirates on the side, as well as the Baroque Warker who are good at a little medical skills, are now beginning to treat Hiliu.

But when it comes to treatment, this is just a bandage.

And then there is no then.

There really is no ship doctor!

How did you get here along the way?

Previously, Hiliu had just come out of the Push City.

So there is no understanding of the configuration on this pirate ship at all.

After he knew that there was no ship doctor here, he knew how sloppy he was.

None of the special ship doctors shot so hard.

Damn it, this captain!

“Isn’t there still someone to fight? Let’s fight! ”

Lin Yang carried Xiliu aside and gave up the venue.

It seems that Klockdar and Wald had a conflict that had not been resolved before.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to solve it together, isn’t it fragrant?

Wald and Klockdar looked at each other and shook their heads repeatedly: “Forget it, I don’t want to fight a little bit today, let’s fight again when I have the opportunity in the future!” ”

There are no doctors on this ship, who wants to fight.

No matter who wins in the end, it will hurt more or less.

These ship doctors can only treat it simply, and they have nothing to do when they are full.

Fortunately, Yu no Nozomi stayed here to make a demonstration.

Otherwise, if the two of them fought first, it is estimated that they would cry and faint here by then.


No matter how much Lin Yang persuaded them to settle the problem of personal grudges.

They all refused.

No way, Lin Yang can’t force them, right?

“Then again, Captain, are we going to find a few ship doctors?”

Klockdar tentatively asked, didn’t Lin Yang plan to return the ship doctor since he went to sea?

That’s a big no-no.

Although in their Baroque Walker there is the presence of doctors.

Even Bucky the Clown’s previous team had doctors.

But what they lack is one or even a few doctors who are not good at it.

On the sea, navigators and doctors are one of the most important.

Because if these two are missing, to a large extent you will not know how you died on the sea.

“Find! Why don’t you look for it, in fact, I have a suitable candidate, but let’s talk about it later! ”

Now he has a good candidate.

But they haven’t encountered it yet, naturally there is no way.

It is naturally good to meet the ship doctor on the road.

I knew that I would go to Magnetic Drum Island to get a little more of the ship doctor.

He forgot to explain to Hawkeye when he sailed over.

Then due to the execution plan, I missed the magnetic drum island.

There is a doctor who has lived for hundreds of years and of course the existence of Joba.

Even Magnetic Drum Island itself has a team of doctors.

However, there can also be a matter of ship doctors, and there are actually many famous doctors on the sea.

Back on board.

At this time, after packing up everything, Lin Yang directly began to fly over in the direction of the recording pointer.


Hawkeye took out the billion Bailey he got from the navy before and put it in front of Lin Yang and said: “This is what I got before, it has always been placed here by me, and now it is for you!” ”

Taking Hawkeye and handing it to him, he hasn’t held it yet.

It felt as if there was a blazing look looking at me.


Strictly speaking, you should be looking at the box in your hand.

This does not need to be thought about to know, it is estimated that this ship is a well-known financial fan.

Nami stepped forward with a warm look at this time, and then rubbed her hands and said: “As the captain, as the only woman on board with financial awareness, I feel that it is best to leave all these money to me for safekeeping!” ”

Many, many Baileys.

When Nami saw this box before, she had already begun to fantasize about a billion Bailey’s own scene.

“Captain, I don’t know if you’ve found a thing!”

Lin Yang looked at Bucky curiously and said, “What’s going on!?” ”

Does Bucky want to participate too?

“Actually, I’m also a man who can manage money, captain I can…”

Bucky hadn’t finished speaking, only to hear a bang.

Bucky, who had wanted to say something before, was also covering his head in the corner at this time.

And Nami seemed to be able to see a trace of smoke rising from her hand.

Bucky actually wants to grab financial power with himself!

Lin Yang naturally didn’t say a word, and the opinions of the people around him still had to be asked: “What do you think?” ”

Klockdar, Hiliu, Wald and Robin, who had just joined the pirates, shook their heads at this time.

They must not be involved in this kind of thing.

Not at the moment.

And now especially Klockdar is actually a little embarrassed here.

After all, Princess Vivi is also here, and she knows everything she did before.

Although on the surface Vivi did not say anything.

But Klockdar also knew in his heart that the other party must have minded what happened before.

And Wei Wei and Lin Yang have a good relationship, so Klockdar now feels that he must be honest.

There is no good ship doctor on board, and if he is seriously injured, I am afraid that he will not die here.

Small lives matter.

And stay alive to challenge Whitebeard and Barrett in the New World!

Hawkeye shook his head, he was the least concerned about money in this group.

As for Yamato and Vivi, they don’t really care about money.

After all, it is the money of the entire pirate group, and if you want to manage it, it is indeed more troublesome.

Looking at the rest of the people, it seems that they all withdrew.

Bucky, the only one who fought with himself for this opportunity, was still drawing circles in the corner at this time.

A triumphant smile flashed across Nami’s face.

It seems that this money is going to be handed over to himself.

“Good! So decided! ”

Since everyone didn’t care about this money, Lin Yang also had a decision.

Nami on the side couldn’t help but laugh.

That’s right, that’s right!

Hurry up and give me Bailey!

Nami almost picked up these boxes now.

Reaching out, she was now ready to take it.

But in the next second, Nami’s outstretched hand instantly froze in place.

“That’s right, since no one cares about the money, I’ll come here!”


Nami was on the verge of crying.

Isn’t she human?

And how could Lin Yang think of managing his own money!!

Damn it!

A billion Baileys!

“Captain, I think you can think about it, after all, Bailey is actually a little more manageable about this kind of thing!”

“Did you say that?”

After Nami finished speaking, she quickly made a look at the other women.

Even Nicole Robin, who had just joined the Pirates, and the female members of Baroque Walker made a look.

Looking at everyone’s indifferent look, Nami couldn’t help but cough her throat and said, “If I take care of this money, I will have a lot to buy clothes and buy all kinds in the future!” ”

Speaking of buying.

Others were a little interested.

No matter what the world is.

It seems that women’s interests will not change.

“Buying clothes…”

Vivi suddenly thought that she hadn’t bought clothes for a long time.

She is a princess, she hasn’t even bought clothes for a long time!

“That’s right, if you give Nami money, you can buy something for Yamato!”

Lin Yang’s words made Nami’s eyes light up.

That’s right, that’s it!

Who wouldn’t want their woman to buy something!

“But I can also buy it, and I can also buy it for my brothers, right?”

After Lin Yang finished speaking, there were voices of support around him.

“Haha, the captain is so good to us!”

“I support the captain haha!”

“I also want to buy something, hey, it’s a pity that Nami didn’t talk about us just now, otherwise we would support Nami you!”

Good fake…

This group of people was even more praised after Lin Yang finished speaking.

Nami felt like she had said it herself.

They will also be indifferent.

After all, Lin Yang is the captain!

Is this money going to slip out of his hands like this?

Seeing that the rest of the people all supported Lin Yang.

Nami felt that this Bailey was getting farther and farther away from her.

No way!

She had to think of a way.



Lin Yang’s room door was easily opened.

A flash of joy flashed in Nami’s eyes, had those techniques disappeared when she was a thief cat before?

Later, I will secretly bring this Bailey back to the room.

Then tomorrow, maybe Bailey wants to take care of it himself.

In this way, Lin Yang can’t say anything, right?


Lin Yang’s sleep is generally very shallow.

And today Yamato went to sleep with Vivi.

The two seemed to have something to say.

So it was Lin Yang who was resting alone in the room.

Could it be that they are back?

Or is it Yamato or Vivi?

He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the person in front of him.


This goods is here to steal Bailey?

Thinking that Nami will not die, after all, Bailey is simply an inseparable thing for Nami.

But I didn’t expect Nami to actually act tonight.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little teasing.

After the meeting, Nami can’t go back, anyway, it is estimated that Vivi and Yamato will not come over!

Nami sent it herself, isn’t this still accepted?

If this is all run for Nami, then he simply won’t be a man in the future!

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