“Big news! Big news! Boss, hurry up and watch this news! ”

Lin Yang took the newspaper brought by his subordinates.

The whole page is about yesterday’s Peach Rabbit and Tina’s defection to the Navy.

And above according to the revelations of the so-called insiders.

It seems to be because of the relationship of Draco.

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Lin Yang fell into deep thought.

It seems that this thing did not appear in the original anime at all, is it because of the butterfly effect that I made?

Peach Rabbit and Tina actually defected to the Navy.

“What the hell is the navy doing now, has even Draco already put his hand in?”

Yamato was not very clear before, and originally thought that the navy was relatively independent.

But this time things seem like I’m thinking too much.

Sure enough, the group of Draco people are the scum of the world, and even the people who protect themselves begin to not let go?

“Aren’t all the people in the World Government like this?”

Wald swallowed the food, picked up the newspaper and laughed.

The group of Draco people really dug their own graves, and they even did this kind of thing.

But after reading in the newspaper for a while, a hint of doubt flashed in Walde’s eyes: “Didn’t the Navy tell the world government about yesterday’s events?” ”

The heavenly gold was snatched away by them.

These things were taken away by Lin Yang along with the ship.

In addition to the three Devil Fruits, the other Bailey Gold Treasures were enough for them for an unknown amount of time.

This wave is directly a wave of fat, and it is true that robbing the Tianlong talent is the easiest to get rich.

“They won’t report this kind of thing, the heavenly gold was robbed, it is estimated that we will all be offered a reward in the black market, but there will be no movement on the bright side!”

As for why the world government did not report this matter, Lin Yang could probably guess.

It is estimated that it is only to save face, and this kind of thing must not be exposed.

Otherwise, with Lin Yang and one of them, there will be bold pirates to try in the future.

So even if Draco already knew about this kind of thing, he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

If you can’t get it back, you can’t get it back, and you still want to use this to do something.

This is definitely impossible, and the people of the world government have not been stupid enough to publicize this kind of slap in the face to Lin Yang.

“By the way, when you get to the next island, Nami will take out a third of the treasure and give it to everyone, let them buy something they want!”

Tens of billions of Baileys plus all kinds of gold jewelry and so on, Nami has been excited since yesterday.

But after hearing Lin Yang say that she would take a third out, she felt that her whole person was a lot darker in an instant.

Although I know very well in my heart, this money must be taken out for everyone to spend together.

After all, Bailey’s thing as a captain is indeed taking the big head, but you can’t let the people below not drink any soup, right?

“Hooray, the boss one-third even Bailey has billions of Bailey, I rely on such a little of us, won’t everyone have more than 20 or 30 million Bailey!?”

“Although there are only twenty or thirty million Baileys in an equal split, I have never spent so many Baileys before!”

“There are more than three hundred or four hundred of us, I rely on it too cool!”

Although it is not a lot to divide evenly, more than 20 million Baileys are available to everyone.

There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with thinking about it that way.

“Ahem, Lin Yang…”

A trace of resentment flashed on Nami’s face, and she was not even hot yet.

It was given directly, and the expenses on the ship were so large every day.

If you don’t save a little, these tens of billions of Baileys may soon be destroyed by Lin Yang.

“It’s okay, there is also a golden township above, even if you give them a good time, you can give them when you get to the capital of seven waters!”

Bailey is actually not very important to Lin Yang himself.

If not, just go directly to Draco to withdraw money.

Is something that can be solved with money still a thing?

“By the way, if these three devil fruits are not known at present, I don’t know what they are, do you want to try them!”

He did not give these three fruits directly to the people below, but looked at the cadres who had not yet eaten the devil fruit.

Similar to Dongli, Brocky, and Hiliu.

However, when you don’t know the fruit ability, it is very likely that not only the combat effectiveness has not increased.

Maybe there will be one more certainty.

“Let me think about it first, I don’t really want to eat it at the moment!”

“I don’t eat either, we Elbaf don’t rely on the Devil Fruit!”


The three refused one after another, if it was a strong fruit, it was nothing.

But after all, it is not clear what this fruit ability is, so forget it.


“Zefa-sensei, read this newspaper!”

“What the hell is the Navy doing?”

Yesterday I just left, and as a result, this happened on the back foot.

Zefa now doesn’t understand what the Warring States are trying to do.

Because he hadn’t told Zefa about this plan before, he actually didn’t know what the Warring States were doing.

But this has nothing to do with him anymore, now after leaving the Navy.

Zefa is also ready to see the world with his own eyes and then redecide which path he should take.

“Don’t worry about these things, we’re not in the navy anymore!”

“Yes, Zefa-sensei!”

Binz and Ain looked at each other, although they couldn’t figure out what Zefa thought.

But since he was ready not to see this, they would not continue to talk about it.

It seems that Zefa-sensei has really decided to leave the Navy.

Otherwise, you won’t even want to read the news anymore.


“It’s just these two women, it’s a little interesting, I’m going to arrest them and make my eleventh room and twelfth room!”

“This… Charros St. …”

The surrounding housekeepers also flashed a trace of embarrassment on their faces at this time.

Now how are they going to find it, people have already run away.

Charros Saint did not care about the embarrassed expression on the butler’s face at this time, and he couldn’t wait to capture Peach Rabbit and Tina immediately.

These two beauties were still in the navy before, and he originally wanted to reach into the navy to take a look.

However, after being warned by the five old stars and Im, he did not have such an idea.

Now that everyone has run away, aren’t you allowed to bring it back yourself?

You can’t say anything about yourself, can you?

At the same time, a flash of anger flashed in his heart.

What kind of bastard is it, you can’t reach out and enter the navy to pick a little for yourself.

But this guy can, why are all Draco and treated differently!

“Don’t care, prepare a boat for me and call the people in the family to go to sea with me!”

Now he was about to go to sea to capture these two beauties, and a trace of embarrassment flashed on the butler’s face when he saw this.

But he is also quietly a housekeeper, and many things are impossible for him to decide.

If he annoyed the Draco, he wouldn’t say that he was the steward of this Draco.

I was afraid that he would not directly become a slave in the next second, so for his own sake, he immediately went down to prepare.

And Charrossan also began to fantasize about what kind of scene it would be like after catching these two people at that time.

“Lord Charros Saint is ready!”

“Go, hehe…”

“Isn’t this something to do with… Let’s go…… Go…”

The Draco butler was originally going to say something, but after seeing the look in Charrossage’s eyes.

He immediately took back this idea.

When it was ready, there was no notification.

Charros Saint could not contain the excitement in his heart at this time, and wanted to take someone over and capture the two of them immediately.

I don’t want to wait at this moment!


“Fufur fur, what the hell are those old guys playing!”

Doflamingo thought when he got the newspaper during the day.

This is unlikely to happen.

After all, even if the Draco people are stupid, the other people are not fools.

How could such a thing be allowed to happen.

Obviously, there must be something in this that you don’t know.

“Would Dover want to check a little?”

“No need, Torrepol, we don’t need to worry about this matter, it is estimated that there is something inside, as long as it has nothing to do with us, don’t care!”

The defection of the Navy, if there is a problem, then investigate.

Now Caesar’s experiment is coming to an end.

And he still has a lot to do, and the deal with Kaido is about to begin.

Now there is simply not much energy to take care of things on the side of the Navy.

Maybe there really is a problem, but if it doesn’t involve itself.

He won’t be nosy now.

And he now seems to have discovered an amazing thing…

If the Navy knew, it would definitely drop its jaw!

“Torrepol, have our people found Lin Yang now?”

Previously, Doflamingo had been paying attention after Lin Yang was captured in Advance City.

It seems that this man should not have been caught in it, and later pushed into the city to escape.

He knew from the inside line he had placed in the navy that Lin Yang had deliberately entered by himself.

He also took Wald and the former chief caretaker Hiliu.

And also took all the people, including Klockdar and Baroque Walker.

That is to say, now there are actually two Qiwu Seas on his pirate ship!

This news is amazing enough, maybe Lin Yang’s high-end combat power was not very much before.

But after a wave of supplies, plus the captains of two giant pirate regiments.

It seems that all he needs to do is go to the New World to find the former Elbaf, or make Dongli and Brocky give it a wave.

The members of the giant soldier pirate group back then will definitely follow.

It’s already a big tail, if this pirate group continues to grow.

Doflamingo can guarantee that this is definitely a team that can become a king or even a king!

Nicole Robin…

A hint of envy flashed in Doflamingo’s eyes, if Nicole Robin’s ability to read the text of history.

Find the text of history again, and he will have a chance to become the next One Piece.

But now offend the world government to such a dead word…

Thinking of this, Doflamingo couldn’t help laughing maniacally, and Torrebol on the side waited for him to laugh almost the same, and slowly said: “I haven’t been in touch yet!” ”

“It’s okay, people are flying pirates after all, remember that once you find it, you must first hand over my phone worm to the other party!”

“Got it, but is it really necessary?”

Torrebol felt that Doflamingo seemed to take this man too seriously.

This seems a bit of an anomaly.

“Fu fur, this guy is now the vortex of the times before he fell, and the whole wave of the era seems to revolve around him!”

Now not only the navy, but even the world government has been played by him.

This attention should be given and the ability of this guy.

He was really curious about what kind of ability could use so much power.

And what exactly is the so-called Uchiha family!?


Five days later.

The defection of Peach Rabbit and Tina to the Navy seems to have slowly cooled down with the passage of time.

After that, the Navy also issued a reward order for the two.

It can also be regarded as a confirmation of the defection of the two.

“Captain, it’s already on Gaya Island!”

“Lean over and see where the record pointer is pointing!”

If memory serves, the recording pointer should be facing the air.

“That’s right, it’s really pointing into the air, and it seems that there really is an empty island above us!”

Nami looked at the record pointer in her hand, and now she was finally sure.

There really is an island on their heads, which means that the golden country actually really exists?

Thinking of this, Nami’s whole person instantly became excited.

“Fly straight up!”

Lin Yang did not choose to go to Gaya Island first, there was nothing worth going up on this one.

The only one who knows about the empty island and has a way to go up is not much needed himself.

“Ding! Jelf template ends, gain ability: space mastery. ”

Depend on!

Can’t you just give a White Devil Mentor form directly?

Although the space is already good.

But the system actually learned to unpack.

This in itself belongs to the state of the White Devil Mentor.

Fusion of Mebis’s heart, that is, the heart of the goblin, he himself becomes a white magic guide, with endless infinite magic power, and can manipulate time and space.

There is also endless magic and the ability of time.

It turned out to be unpacked!

However, the ability to have space is also good, although it is not possible to use all kinds of things at the beginning.

But at least for now, you can rely on previous experience to use it for a simpler one.

Endless magic…

This is what you need the most.

As the ship continued to fly up into the air, a feeling of discomfort instantly rose in everyone’s hearts.

At such an altitude, the air is very thin, and the exercise ability of Qinghai people here will be greatly reduced.

“Endure a little if you want to vomit, don’t spit it out for me on the boat!”

Lin Yang looked at the group of uncomfortable people in front of him, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

This group of guys can’t even bear such a little.

All the way directly rushed up, looking at this heavenly gate-like thing in front of him.

An old woman walked out from the inside, and then slowly said: “Want to go up to the empty island?” ”

“Of course!”

It’s all already here, don’t you want to go up yet?

But do all the people on the empty island have wings behind them?

Looking at this old woman, although she is relatively short, the wings on her back are really unusual.

“Outsiders must pay 1 billion Icks per person when they enter the country!”

“A billion!?”

Nami almost didn’t faint when she heard this number.

Did you hear this wrong, you actually have to give money.

“You can go up without giving money!”

The Amazon old woman didn’t say much at this time, just took out her camera and took a few shots.

Look at them like this.

It is estimated that she does not want to give money, and she naturally will not stop such a large group of people.

After all, according to the rules, foreigners must pay a fee of 1 billion Ike per person when they enter the country, while residents or outsiders need to pay a fee of 2 billion Ike when they go abroad.

If you do not pay the entry fee, you will be considered an illegal entry and will be pursued by the divine soldiers on the island.

She can’t forcibly leave this group of people here, after all, she doesn’t know how she died at that time.

“If you don’t give money, then we will definitely not give money!”

Nami hurriedly said that this can be entered without money.

Unless there is a problem with her own brain, she will definitely not give money!

“It’s okay, then just go up here!”

The old Amazon woman pointed upwards, not meaning to stop them at all.

Then, after they left, she picked up the phone worm at hand and made a phone call: “Attention! There are illegal intruders, probably a few hundred or so! Note! There are illegal intruders, probably a few hundred or so! ”


After receiving the news, the captain of the escort on the other side immediately gathered his men to prepare for action.

There are actually hundreds of people, and I hope that this group of people will drop a lot after they come here.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to rely on them.

It is estimated that only Anilu on the Island of the Gods can drive away the intruder in front of him.

In any case, as the chief guard of Angel Island, he must act first at this time.

“Captain, there are so many people, can we really do it?”

“Why not? Don’t you believe in my strength? ”

The captain of the escort team glared angrily at his subordinate.

He actually doubted his own strength, and the previous invaders were basically solved by him.

After his subordinates were reprimanded, they also felt as if this was the case.

So I didn’t think too much about it.


“It’s too simple for us to come up, didn’t we say we had to pay before? Now we don’t give money and let us come up too? ”

A hint of doubt flashed in Nami’s eyes.

Before, they said that they would pay money, but now they don’t need money and can come up.

What the hell is going on here?

“Because someone will come to arrest us, we are considered to have entered the country illegally!”

“Eh, is there such a way to say it!?”

Nami heard about it for the first time, but when she thought about it, she suddenly remembered the way this old lady took pictures with a camera before.

It seems that there is really a possibility of this, and this is directly photographed and arranged.

“But they still charge a billion yuan, I’m afraid that whoever comes up will escape the bill!”

Nami was speechless, this actually needs a billion.

In other words, no one is expected to pay.

They have more than four hundred pirates here to pay all the money.

Nami couldn’t bear it.

“The currency is different, but I don’t plan to pay for it, and I will take it all away later!”

“You mean…”

Yamato looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, he seemed to have said it before.

He was going to take an island, was he talking about this island?

“That’s right, there are a lot of things we need on this, so we can take it away directly when the time comes, but before that, we still need to solve one person!”

At present, as the god of the empty island, Anilu can be said to have lived a very good life on this.

With the existence of the Thunder Fruit, it is basically invincible in the relatively weak place of the empty island.

After all, it is estimated that only Weber has a piece of sea lou stone here, and it will be wasted later.

Armed color domineering is even less, so on the empty island Anilu is indeed equivalent to a god.

Even if this ability is placed above the blue ocean, as long as it is well trained.

After that, it will definitely be another general combat effectiveness.

One of the purposes of coming here this time is the golden township here.

The other is Anilu, who must have caught him anyway.

If you surrender yourself, if you don’t surrender, you will wait for the principle of the rebirth of the devil fruit that he has studied.

Directly get the thunder fruit out!

“It’s coming soon, hold on!”

It can be felt that above them, as long as it crosses this white cloud.

If nothing else, it will be on the empty island!

“Hurry up, if you fall, don’t say I didn’t remind you how you died then!”

Empty islands exist in the White Sea, 7,000 meters above the White Sea and 10,000 meters above the White Sea.

Falling from here, it is estimated that only Kaido and his own physique will not appear anything.

Others fall down and are estimated to be ready to collect the corpses directly.

Reminded by him like this, the rest of the people also quickly grabbed something on the side at this time.

I’m afraid I’ll fall on my own.

Just divided Bailey, I can’t just die.

As for Nami, she grabbed Vivi on the side.

She is a fluttering fruit ability, and it must be right to catch her herself!

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