“Lin Yang…”

The five old stars felt that this news was definitely the last thing they wanted to know now.

Nicole Robin, the blueprints of Hades are all in his hand.

What the hell is he going to do?

Snatched the design drawing of Hades, how did the other party know about Hades?

“Are you sure !!?”

The five old stars narrowed their eyes, and there was still a last trace of illusion in their hearts.

Hopefully, this is also Kalifa’s speculation that has not been confirmed, and if so, they feel that they can still accept a little.


She wouldn’t have reported it until it was decided.

Originally, Kalifa also didn’t believe it a little, after all, the other party had only been here for a long time to know the location of the Hades blueprint.

And they CP9 lurked here for so many years without looking for a fight.

Isn’t that just saying they’re useless?

But whether to accept it or not, the truth of the matter may be like this.

Franky didn’t have to run over to cheat the iceberg so late.

After briefly saying everything I had heard outside the iceberg office.

The five old stars took a deep breath and ordered: “Now give you a task, hide it inside first!” ”

Originally, the five old stars were planning to use Kalifa to engage in intelligence.

But now that the Hades design was in Lin Yang’s hands, their goals immediately changed.

The Navy does the intelligence thing, and they don’t need to pay too much attention.

The first goal now should be to get the blueprints of Hades.

This is something that their world government has always longed for, as long as there are blueprints.

Then plus Vegapunk can definitely make this.

“What about the previous mission?”

Before, Kalifa was close to Lin Yang, but now if she wants to hide it.

Obviously, many things have to be done slowly, and it is even best to join the pirate group as a small transparent.

“Don’t do the current task for the time being, you can collect it, but don’t forcibly collect intelligence, you know?”

“Well! Got it!! ”

Kalifa probably also understands that she probably doesn’t want to collect intelligence herself.

Just stay inside the pirate group and be a spy.

However, this task seems to be a little simpler than before, but it is often very simple at the beginning.

In the end, it will definitely be more difficult, and she has this premonition.

After hanging up the phone with Kalifa, Sword Star put down the phone worm in his hand and did not speak for a long time at this time.

If this thing were to be replaced before, he felt that he would not have a headache.

All of these things fell into Lin Yang’s hands.

Nicole Robin and Hades.

What the other party wanted to do, and what Lin Yang had done before didn’t seem to put the world government in mind at all.

In other words, once he was able to create Hades.

This will definitely not be good news for the world government.

“What now?”

“We must stop the other party in the Chambord Islands, at least to bring the Hades blueprint!”

It seems that for the treatment of the Lin Yang Pirate Group, now the five old stars also have one more reason.

The design of Hades has always been what their world government wants, once it falls into the hands of Lin Yang or other pirates or even the revolutionary army.

This is the last thing they want to see.

“But now the other party has basically disappeared since the small garden, and Hiliu and Wald have not appeared, most likely they have joined them!”

When advancing the city before, Hiliu and Wald left with Lin Yang.

Although there was a gambling contract before, this is between Wald and Lin Yang.

But this time, Lin Yang’s appearance directly snatched the Hades design blueprint.

Then the outcome of this bet is already preordained, and if Wald wins, he will definitely not hide it now.

This must have been Lin Yang’s idea.

Now the thing before them is to face Hawkeye, Wald, Yamato and Hiliu.

The team really seems to have grown.

“The biggest headache is Nicole Robin, how could they get together!”

The Hades design drawings and Nicole Robin were the last thing they wanted to see fall into Lin Yang’s hands.

Nicole Robin doesn’t need much, and everyone knows exactly what this means.

The text of the history can only be interpreted by scholars of the Mitsuki and O’Hara.

Now that O’Hara has been destroyed, Robin is the only survivor, and Ota, who can read the text of history by the Mitsuki clan, has also passed away.

Today, Robin is the only one left to interpret the text of history.

Needless to say, the importance of the historical text is a necessary condition for reaching the end of the great voyage, Ralph Drew.

One Piece as the greatest title in the One Piece world.

Even the sea emperors Kaido, Auntie, and Blackbeard who have already reigned in the world intend to get involved.

All want to complete the feat of reaching the final island of Ralph Drew.

Thus becoming the second One Piece after Roger.

But One Piece is not so good.

Just one request to reach Ralph Drew was enough to deter most pirates.

Because Ralph Drew’s location is unknown.

It cannot be found by recording the pointer.

Its location is hidden in four red pieces of historical text.

After O’Hara’s erasure incident, because of Sauro’s sacrifice and the pheasant’s open net.

At just eight years old, Nicole Robin became O’Hara’s orphan.

He also became the son of a demon wanted by the world government.

Every time I think of this, this is also the reason why the five old stars have always been dissatisfied with the green pheasant.

If it had been a red dog in that place, then Nicole Robin would have been absolutely impossible to go.

Although it is for the strength of the pheasant itself and the relationship between Karp.

The five old stars basically rarely say anything about this.

But sometimes thinking about it is like a bone stuck in your throat, wanting to spit it out but it hurts.

It is clear that he is not a strong person, but he cannot be completely at ease with this person or for them.

In order not to attract the attention of the world and dissolve the impact of the O’Hara incident.

Reduce the pirates’ chase of possibility for historical texts.

Also to conceal the identity of Robin O’Hara scholars, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

So although the five old stars issued a wanted for Robin.

But he fabricated a charge of destroying six warships.

With a high price of 79 million berry, people are attracted to provide hidden news of Robin.

With a view to apprehending him as soon as possible.

Completely erase O’Hara from the entire history.

“There is no way around this, it is normal for them to mix together, both of them are beings who make the world unstable!”

Goatee said coldly.

In his opinion, it is completely normal for two people to get together.

Nicole Robin will definitely find a backer after so many years of chasing and killing, and obviously people like Lin Yang are the most suitable.

Because he has already been counted as not sharing the world government, there is basically no chance of reconciliation.

In the past, Robin had suffered countless betrayals, so when two people who had no way back walked together, it was normal no matter how they looked at it.

“Yes, too!”

Sword Star agreed, the same as Goatee Five Old Star said.

If two people who already have no way back walk together, it seems that everything is explained clearly.

But isn’t Nicole Robin, if memory serves, on Klockdal’s side?

Suddenly, as if they had thought of something, several people quickly picked up the phone worm belonging to Klockdar and called: “Klockdal, where are you!?” ”

After the call was connected, Wu Laoxing quickly asked coldly.

There were only two possibilities for the other party to connect the phone, and now that it was dead, Klockdar’s phone worm had fallen into Lin Yang’s hands.

After being eliminated, Nicole Robin naturally joined Lin Yang’s pirate group.

The other is the most terrifying, that is, Klockdar joins Lin Yang’s pirate group along with his Baroque Walker.

It was the last thing they wanted, wishing Klockdar had already been killed.

How could they not know what the other party had done in Alabastan all these years.

In the Baroque Working Society led by Klockdahl, Nicole Robin was the vice president.

The reason why Klockdar took Nicole Robin in.

The main purpose is to interpret the historical text hidden in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

And learn the whereabouts of Hades, one of the ancient weapons.

They all know this, and there is even a little point that they want to use Nicole Robin and Klockdahl to find.

So for so many years, it can be regarded as turning a blind eye.

After all, interpreting the text of history is a crime strictly prohibited by the five old stars of the world government.

To this end, the Five Old Stars ordered to launch a demon slaughter order against O’Hara.

There is no reason to let the two of them interpret it here, mainly Hades.

On the one hand, the other party has the title of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas is a selection of seven pirates nominated by the five old stars of the World Government.

With great strength and influence, the world government has used this to deter the number of pirates that have increased dramatically since the beginning of the era of pirates, and to contain the four emperors of pirates.

Therefore, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai is subordinate to the camp of the world government.

And protected by the world government, not subject to the constraints of the navy, revoked the bounty order.

Not only that, but the pirates who join the command of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas will also enjoy the same privileges.

Just like in the original anime, Bucky was nominated by His Majesty Nanabukai of the World Government.

Those criminals who had joined Bucky’s Advance City Prison were not subject to naval restraints, and all kinds of pirate behavior were legal.

In addition, the Dressrosa period.

Senior General Fujitora also made it clear whether to capture Nanabu Hai Trafalgaro.

Luo and Luffy are allies, that is, hostile, if Luffy is Luo’s subordinate, it is legal.

Therefore, Klockdar does not worry about the world government getting in for Nicole Robin.

After all, Nicole Robin is a subordinate of Nanabukai Klockdar and is not an alliance.

According to the system of Nanabukai, neither the navy nor the world government can attack Nicole Robin.

On the other hand, the World Government’s capture of Nicole Robin was carried out in secret and not publicly.

Although a bounty of up to 79 million Berry was issued to Nicole Robin.

But the reason for the arrest was not to interpret the text of history, but to falsely claim that it destroyed six warships.

This is also for the prick. Thrill the bounty hunter and make more people stare at Nicole Robin.

The world government does not actually want to disclose the fact that Nicole Robin can interpret the text of history, so it can only be done secretly.

After all, once made public, it is likely to arouse more interest in the text of history.

Therefore, Klockdar took in Nicole Robin.

The World Government will not take the initiative to find trouble with Nanabukai Klockdar.

Otherwise, the arrest operation would not have been carried out in secret.

In this case, the world government naturally wants to wait for the appearance of Hades.

Then find a reason to resurrect the ancient weapons, and capture them all, including Klockdar.

As long as the three generals are dispatched, then not only Nicole Robin can solve it, but also Hades.

They think very clearly about this kind of good thing.

“The phone of the five old stars…”

“Ah, did the five old stars finally think of it?”

Lin Yang and Klockdar’s voice…

The five old stars found that as long as they thought of the worst outcome every time, then this is the result.

I didn’t want to see Klockdar join the other party, and now he actually joined.

And there are noisy sounds around, listening to this is most likely a banquet.

This group of guys…

“Hello, the five old stars haven’t seen each other for a long time, how are you doing lately!”

Facing Lin Yang’s self-acquainted appearance, Sword Star replied coldly: “We are doing well, if you can come to the Holy Land by yourself, we will probably have a better life!” ”

This bastard is really not worried about his current situation at all.

There was actually a banquet here.

However, there was nothing for this Lin Yang, but smiled back: “I will come over when I have the opportunity in the future, haha, but what to call my crew at this time!?” ”

In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will go to the Holy Land.

At that time, they will also bring a little gift to them and the Draco people in the Holy Land.

And the five old stars also flashed a trace of solemnity in their hearts, this bastard actually let Klockdar join.

Now the other party’s pirate group is really about to grow to a very terrifying point.

Although there are relatively few people below, their combat effectiveness has been expanded relatively completely.

Nanabukai has two, plus Wald and others.

Now there is Nicole Robin plus the Hades design drawing, this kind of thing feels a bit of a headache to think about.

“Do you know what you’re doing now? Are you ready to stand completely against the world? ”

This team is absolutely intolerable, not to mention the addition of two Qiwu Hai.

This is completely unacceptable to them.

It is clearly a slap in the face of the world government.

They all felt a little pain in their faces at this moment.

Qiwu Hai has rebelled twice, and he has joined the pirate group of the same person.

Does it mean that there will be other Qiwu Hai rebellions in the future, and they will simply all leave.

However, thinking of the privileges they gave each other, and now they actually had to rebel, the five old stars even wondered if they were too good for this group of pirates.

Let them forget, forget that on their heads there is a navy and a world government.

As for Lin Yang, of course he knew what he was doing, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but outline a smile: “Of course you know, are you afraid now!?” ”

The five old stars, who had been curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on his left face, slowly said, “How about we make a deal!?” ”

They don’t have so much time to talk nonsense here with Lin Yang now.

Once it can be solved by trading, they feel that they can do it completely by trading.

Anyway, as long as the balance is maintained, what can Lin Yang do even if he is active on the sea for a while?

Time will tell that nothing but the world government will remain.

Lin Yang was a little curious about how the world government was preparing to trade with himself: “Tell me about it!” ”

What can they come up with to what interests them, or even what do they trade?

“Nicole Robin and the design of Hades are handed over to us, we can help you become the Four Emperors!”


I originally thought it was something, but it turned out to be a fancy to Nicole Robin and the design drawings of Hades.

And the other party wants to give himself is actually the four emperors, then again, the four emperors can actually let the world government give it now?

Isn’t this what powerful people inside the pirates can do?

“Hey, the Four Emperors…”

“When will the world government decide on the Four Emperors?”

“What a joke, hand over the Hades and our partners who just got it!”

“That’s right, even becoming the Four Emperors is something we can do ourselves!”

There was a sound of discussion around, which also made Nicole Robin’s heart slightly settled.

She also did not expect that the world government would actually come up with such conditions in order to catch herself.

Become the Four Emperors, this is how many pirates cannot do at present.

There are only four emperors on the sea, and as for One Piece, there are currently no other than Roger.

“I said that you guys are not funny, when can you arrange the four emperors?”

A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of Lin Yang’s mouth, did he really think that the new world was their back garden?

Could it be that the other party thought that the Four Emperors were actually the same as the naval headquarters they controlled?

It is arranged at will.

“We can help you sweep away a Four Emperors, and clear the obstacles for you according to the use of the power of the World Government, and we only need Nicole Robin and the Hades design and what you did before, we have written it all off, with your current strength and the cooperation of our World Government, becoming a Four Emperors is simple!”

Although they can’t arrange for a Four Emperors to come out, the strength to eliminate a Four Emperors is definitely there.

As long as they agree to this condition, then the world government will help them clear an obstacle out.

Moreover, the strength of the Lin Yang Pirate Group is also very strong now, and it is completely feasible to cooperate with their words.

The conditions stated by the world government are indeed heartwarming.

After all, the Four Emperors, this is what many people can not hope for.

Moreover, the world government actually helped, and the previous things were written off.

In other words, Lin Yang’s advance into the city, the betrayal of Qiwu Hai, and the robbery of heavenly gold were all written off.

You can imagine how much the World Government now wants to grab Nicole Robin and get the Hades blueprints.

Everything Lin Yang did before was to be caught and locked up in the city for the rest of his life.

As a result, just take the transaction as if it didn’t happen.

“So what? Do you think I’m someone who will betray my partner? ”

“No, there is no question of betrayal or not selling in this world, but of profit, we promise that as long as you hand Nicole Robin over to us, as long as she stays at ease in the place we provide her, we can ensure that she will be good in this life or, without worrying about eating and drinking every day!”

This is already the biggest concession in the eyes of the five old stars.

After catching Nicole Robin, they can provide a good environment for Nicole Robin.

As long as she stays in this life for the rest of her life, they can also guarantee that she will live this life well.

You know, those who studied history before were directly executed.


Even Nicole Robin was a little shaken at this time.

Even if there is a kind of self-sacrifice that can be exchanged for security here, it does not seem to be a problem.

But she didn’t want to go…

At the same time, she was also a little afraid that Lin Yang would not agree to the world government because of this condition.

If you are yourself, are you not moved to hear this condition?

If you don’t move, this is absolutely fake, it seems that it is just the loss of a design drawing and a crew member disembarked.

This kind of good service to let her live safely in this life, isn’t it a crew member dismounting?

It’s just that this crew member is not free after that.

But this life was not what she wanted.

Nicole Robin wants to interpret history, and finally has the opportunity to interpret history.

This pirate group is powerful, and the captain and crew are not like the people they have met before.

She liked the ship a little, if it was traded out at this time…

Maybe it’s a good thing for Lin Yang, it’s a burden in the end.

Once the opportunity arises, everyone will abandon themselves.

I remember what everyone said to themselves before, and when what I did after that was completely different.

Nicole Robin’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of loss.

I have been betrayed so many times, and I don’t care about this once.

But even thinking so, Nicole Robin couldn’t help but feel a little nervous at this time.

Lin Yang, would he betray himself and hand her over to the world government in exchange for these conditions?

At this point, everyone looked at Lin Yang with bated breath, not only the five old stars but also Nicole Robin.

Everyone is waiting for his answer!

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