Why Can’t I Play Games

Chapter 148 The Final Clown Game

February 19.

"Legend World" was delayed for about eight days, and finally opened the public beta.

Although this game is no different from "Legend" in terms of occupation and gameplay, in terms of image quality and game content, this game is dozens of times better than "Legend" with poor reputation for Wrangler technology, and the upgrade is more Fast, high experience, more activities, and controllability in all aspects are all based on the player...

With the release of this game, the word-of-mouth of "Legend", which has been gradually decaying, has rebounded a lot.

What surprised all the players was that Liu Ruohan, the current boss of Wrangler Technology, took part in the cosplay in person. On the game beta stage, he performed a very beautiful and charming dance with a Taoist staff. A good figure makes thousands of players yearn for it. Many old players of "Legend" entered "Legend World" after seeing that dance on the Internet.

Although it is still slightly lower than the official forecast of the Wrangler, the Wrangler is still able to accept this data, and is even very satisfied, thinking that this game is indeed promising in the future.


Because from February 1st to now, even online games like "War of Warcraft", one of the best online games in China, are losing fans and being active.

"Perfect Life" is crazy in China!

Not only did it go crazy in China, but even overseas, it was pushed to a climax because of an interview.


"The reason why players can't stop playing the game "Perfect Life" is the degree of freedom of this game, and the release of the darkest day in the player's heart********** When it was first released, this game Relying on the ultra-free role-playing and attracting a large number of players..."

"Then, starting from the concept of digital life, the controversy of this game has been pushed to the peak..."

"And now..."

"This so-called digital life is actually human's inferiority and rationality competing..."

"A long time ago, several anthropologists in Poland made a prison implementation. In the prison experiment, let some experimenters act as prisoners, and some prisoners act as prison staff..."

"The experiment was very harmonious at first, and everyone laughed and didn't take it seriously, but after a trivial conflict, the prisoners and the prison staff began to have some small conflicts..."

"Small conflicts can generally be resolved, but no one appeared to prevent and resolve them. In the end, this kind of conflict was magnified infinitely without the constraints of the law..."

"The anthropologists originally wanted to continue the experiment, but, unfortunately, the experiment was eventually stopped..."

"This suspended experiment continues to appear in the game now!"

"Compared to reality, games are more a place for people to release all the darkness in their hearts..."

"The former prisoners have become managers, and the former managers have all become prisoners at this moment..."


"What will happen?"

"I'm scared, but I still log in to the game every day..."

After being interviewed by the "International Psychological Channel", Benjamin, a well-known international psychologist, looked very solemn and even faintly worried.

In the game "Perfect Life", a group of homeless troops, under the banner of attacking and liberating, tried to rush into the Arkham Mental Hospital to save everyone and restore the game to normal.


The oppressed FBI did not respond.

No one responded.

Even the thief player who was about to turn back into a prisoner did not respond.

"Reminder: Human players can't kill me!"

Carl, one of the Thief players, heard this hint from "Digital Life" Frank.

When he heard the prompt, the whole world suddenly changed.

His identity changed from a manager to a prisoner in an instant!

Afterwards, in his interface, many privileges disappeared in an instant...

The downtrodden FBI players are once again their managers.

He clearly felt the hatred and anger of these players!

123 The wooden man's game is flipped again!

He became a player and a fugitive...


Benjamin saw a shocking side.

After the former oppressed turned over, they did not consider overthrowing "digital life", but believed in the argument that "digital life" cannot be defeated by players.

They were not angry that Frank, the "digital life", was playing with their hearts, but instead helped him to do evil. After strictly implementing the rules of "digital life", they even intensified their efforts to target those prisoners crazily.

123 In the wooden man game...

There are always a few FBI personnel fighting for the punishment of digital life, rushing into the scene, so that those thieves who fail the game will be punished accordingly!

After they saw the thief player being imprisoned, they not only used various props to bully them in the game, but even made a series of ridicules on various forums!

Even for those players who won 123 wooden figures, the FBI players will make all kinds of stumbling blocks, making it more difficult for the thieves to escape and make the thieves miserable.

They turned a deaf ear to the appeals of thieves and homeless players.

"Digital life cannot be defeated by players, the system has stipulated this, what can we do?"

"You're doing it in vain..."

"This is a game, what are you doing so seriously?"


Facing appeals, they will always have only these words.

It's just a game!

Even, after the digital life "Frank" released more actions to torture players, these FBI players were as surprised as New Year's Eve!

This game once became a "torturing person", releasing the darkness in my heart, and I can't wait for the game to be the most vivid!

Slapping, pulling ears, kicking heads, spitting on prisoner players, shocking players...

Seeing that these new actions are being used to the fullest by FBI players, and some players even find this torture method not enjoyable in the forum, I hope to add more torture such as kicking the crotch, digging eyes, and cutting fingers After human actions...

Benjamin was horrified!

When all the darkness deep in the heart of a person is released, and the things that have been suppressed are no longer suppressed, then the person...

Still human?

or it could be!


At this moment, he suddenly realized that there might be a reason why the prison game was stopped in time in reality!

"This is a disaster for humanity!"

"This game can't go on any longer!"

"It's shocking!"


He really can't imagine, if this is not a game, but in reality, what will happen to these people after releasing their dark psychology.

February 24th!

Benjamin discovered that the game of "A Perfect Life" has started to rotate again...

Let the FBI become the tortured party, and the thief player becomes the management party!

Game mechanics, and added some action.

Although it's not kicking the crotch, gouging out the eyes, cutting fingers...

But the scale is still bigger.

It has turned into some scary projects like punching the bridge of the nose and pulling out hair.

He saw the comments section on the forum again.

The opinion section felt that these actions were not hearty enough, far from satisfying the feeling of hatred in their hearts.

They want revenge, even harsher revenge!

Benjamin even saw fellow player @"Digital Life" Frank in the game many times, constantly hinting that he could do anything for him, as long as he gave him some action permissions.


"Digital Life" Frank quickly responded with a few words.

"sure, no problem!"

Benjamin was so excited to see that companion that he was about to fly!


The Chinese version of "Perfect Life" is different from the European and American versions.

Although the Huaxia version has a large scale, it is also controlled within a certain range, and the system strictly requires various prohibitions.


The European and American versions have completely let themselves go!

"Digital life can be killed!"

"As long as we unite and find the digital life, everyone can kill him!"

"As long as players from each other's camp can cooperate with each other!"

"When necessary, our company will take extreme measures to shut down servers and delete files..."


February 25.

Wu Zhuang announced the news at the press conference after seeing that the scene of the game was getting a little rough this time, and he might not be able to control it.


The situation was completely different from Wu Zhuang's imagination.

The Huaxia sector is fine. A group of players have indeed begun to wake up and are calling for unity to fight against digital life.

Many players in the Arkham Mental Hospital also joined the appeal, and many players escaped from the Arkham Mental Hospital with mutual help.

Many people are actually quite rational.

But European and American players are used to being free, and the scale makes them happy. More importantly, they are being abused now. They are eager for the next time they stand up and abuse others...

How can I end it when I'm being abused?

Isn't this a loss?

It must be tortured back!

The psychology of revenge has been growing in their hearts...

turned into hatred.

And this kind of hatred once made the people they used to be free very united.

Both the abused and the abused refused to cooperate with players outside of Arkham Asylum.


Some people refuted Wu Zhuang's words on the spot on the forum!

Moreover, there are many people who refute!

They say that digital beings control the game, control the program.

How could the player kill it!

Even the main creators of the game couldn't kill them, even when they heard that Cosmos Technology intends to shut down the server and restart it...

It was also boycotted by a group of players!

They feel this is taking away their freedom!

They even think that "digital life" is also life, and digital life cannot be deprived by this method, which is illegal!

The scariest thing is that there are some extreme players. These players even hired lawyers. On the Internet, they pretended to be "Frank" and threatened that as long as Universe Technology dared to shut down the server and kill Frank, they would sue Universe Technology regardless. Kill them, sue them for crimes!

The most shocking thing is that there are more and more believers like Frank on the Internet!

Especially the free lighthouse country, unexpectedly when it started, a group of staunch supporters appeared.

"He gave us the freedom to unleash our humanity!"

"This is just a game. No matter how powerful he is, he can only exist in the game, and it is impossible to have any impact on reality!"

"Why shut down the server, resolutely resist!"

"We are not criminals, we just like the breath of freedom. Although we are a bit powerful in the game, in reality, we are polite. We can clearly distinguish between games and reality!"

"Long live Frank! Long live digital life!"


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