He ran back in and entered his bedroom. He plopped onto his bed, tired from tonight's excursions. He instantly fell into a hard, rock sleep. He dreamed of the fish dying from the oils and Poseidon punishing him. He was talking fearing nonsense through his sleep. He twisted and turned, but no good dreams had come to visit him this night.

When he awoke he was extremely tired. In his mind, it felt as if he was dying. He knew he wasn't though because, he was not in the Underworld. He got up and changed once again to start another miserable day. He walked outside to check the waves and how good the catch was. He went to the edge of the coast and stared at each property of the water.

The water had changed from a beautiful, navy blue to a disgusting, greenish brown. The fish were all dead. He wondered what could've caused such a strange phenomenon. He started to replay last night. Oh, no! Did I really do that? The lamp oil infected the water and made it impure. The fish can't handle it! No catch, no water… He thought. He worried and pondered over this for sometime.

He hid in his home in despair and frustration. He couldn't believe what he had done! He refilled his canteen with wine and took a nice, long, gulp. Wait. If the fish are dead what happened to the sea dwellers? Ahhhh… What have I done. You stupid fool! How could you? Why would you? He thought again. He went to a window by his back door and looked out. It had been at least twelve hours since, he had awoken. Plenty of time for the village to notice his crime. He knew that soon they would show up and exile him for killing the sea dwellers and everyone's main food supply. Of course, the water would clean itself after a year or, so but that's a whole year with no fish for food!

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