The entire pit print is almost the same size as a medium washbasin and is shaped like a claw.

Because the audience can easily distinguish the shape of the palm and the fingers.

And some old fans who have been chasing Chen Xu since the first live broadcast even directly recognized the owner of this footprint!

Yes, it's a bear!

The shape of this footprint is very similar to the bear footprint that Xu Ye saw in Daxing'anling before, and it is bigger!

There is only one possibility:

"This is ... the footprint of a brown bear!"

Wang Chunliang and Chen Xu murmured in unison, and their faces became a little ugly.

No way, if there are brown bears in the vicinity, it's too dangerous.

As one of the largest mammals on land, it has a body shape close to three meters, a shoulder height of 1.5 meters, and a horrible weight of more than 1,600 kilograms. It is a well-deserved food chain overlord!

"Brown bears mainly inhabit coniferous forests in the cold temperate zone, but because they are good at swimming and love to eat fish, they often appear near wetlands and rivers."

"Wang Chunliang is in a very dangerous situation now, because the brown bear is active during the day. If he encounters it in the wetland, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape under the hands of the brown bear with his physical fitness!"

"Don't look at the brown bear's bulky body, but its outbreak speed has exceeded 56 kilometers per hour, at least 1.5 times the highest human speed!"

Chen Xu frowned and said something seriously.

Then he immediately turned around, picked up the box containing the anesthesia gun, and shouted, "Security personnel, follow me on the helicopter immediately. We must be on standby within 10 kilometers. If we really meet the brown bear, we will leave the base car , There is no time to rescue! "


As soon as the words fell, two security personnel immediately followed.

The audience couldn't help but be a little nervous about these words of Grandpa Xu.

But they are more lamenting Wang Chunliang's back. If he really encounters a brown bear, then the first place must be Park Yiming.

After all, neither Lin Xiaoman nor Liu Gang were eliminated after encountering animals and being attacked.

From this point, we can see the gap between several people and Xu Ye.

Whether in terms of physical fitness, knowledge of living things, or emergency response to crisis, they are far worse than Xu Ye.

You know, in the many live broadcasts of Xu Ye, there are many chances of encountering large animals, but he knows these animals very well, and is meticulous, bold, and very resilient.

Like last time in Shennongjia, he and Shennong White Bear had face to face, but they managed to escape.

Wang Chunliang was really scared after seeing the bear paw print.

But he had seen real brown bears in the wild in Alaska during the expedition, so he knew a little bit about this creature.

After thinking for a while, he decided to move on.

But in choosing the direction, he avoided the direction of his footprints.

The range of this wetland is very wide, and most importantly, there are many huge bushes around it, which obscure the view.

Makes the road ahead a bit mysterious.

This became even more horrible especially after knowing that brown bears were likely to be in the vicinity.

Five minutes later, Chen Xu landed in a river valley 10 kilometers away from Wang Chunliang.

As soon as an accident happened, and a distance of 10 kilometers, they needed less than a minute to rush to the scene and quickly start rescue.

About half an hour later, the low-pressure air mass that it said in the morning finally floated over the nearby area.

A sparse light rain began to gradually begin in the sky.

The temperature began to fall again.

Wang Chunliang and Park Yiming soon got wet on the cheeks by rain, and the temperature on the surface began to drop.

What's more, they haven't eaten any food since this morning.

Without food, it means that there is no calories to burn, and then only fat in their body can be consumed.

And in a northern cold place like Siberia, without fat, it is undoubtedly quite fatal.

The two walked for more than an hour.

Due to the different routes chosen by the two sides, the terrain is getting farther and farther apart, so that a river valley appears in front of Wang Chunliang, and Park Yiming is in a wetland.

There is a river in the valley, and it is very wide. The sound alone is much larger than the river that passed by yesterday.

Wang Chunliang came to the bank of the river. With the open area of ​​the river valley, he could finally use the sun again to correct the direction.

Fortunately, he found that the direction of the river was exactly the same as the direction of his survival.

So Wang Chunliang came up with a bold idea:

Go by the water!

That's right, although in this weather, walking in the waterway is a very dangerous behavior, because if you accidentally fall into the water, you will be drenched with clothes and biting cold.

However, Wang Chunliang had no choice.

He knew that because of the first night's cold, he had dragged on almost all day yesterday.

This also means that he should have been left far behind by the other three participants.

Therefore, if he does not seize this opportunity, the first prize will be completely missed by him.

Danger is opportunity, do it!

Years of adventure experience have allowed Wang Chunliang to have greater courage than others, and it is precisely because of his daring and carefulness that he has achieved today's industry achievements.

So he went straight into the jungle by the river valley, and began to choose the logs of the ships.

The northern cold zone is the world of coniferous forests, and there are no tree species like balsa suitable for boating.

Therefore, Wang Chunliang can only choose the kind of small arm-thick tree instead. This kind of tree is harder in wood and poor in drainage.

If you want to make a raft that can bear his weight, you need a lot of wood.

Chen Xu looked at Wang Chunliang's movement through the screen, and was slightly surprised: "Looking at his appearance, he wants to cut trees to make a raft. It should be walking along that waterway. This is also a method. The speed to catch the waterway is at least land More than four times. "

"But in the cold environment of Siberia, it is dangerous to walk in the water, and the brown bear likes to catch fish in the water. If he slides so smoothly, he will probably hit him!"

The audience also a little admired the courage of Wang Chunliang ~ ~ let's not say whether we will meet a brown bear, that is the river I passed yesterday, and made Liu Gang and Park Yiming frozen like that Think cold.

If Wang Chunliang overturned the boat halfway, he would definitely be frozen out.

In more than an hour, Park Yiming has led him a total of 14 kilometers.

And Wang Chunliang finally cut the logs, and then with a saber, he cut the sacks of the program supply bag into long cloth strips and used them as ropes to tie the wood together.

Judging from the use of sacks in these two days, the effect of a raft is far greater than that of a backpack.

After the raft was made, he pushed it into the water and slowly stepped on it himself.

A few seconds later, the raft successfully dragged Wang Chunliang and floated in the river.

He looked so happy, picked up the wood pulp that had been made long ago, slid desperately, and rushed downstream!

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