Bathing also protects against nuclear radiation?

The audience couldn't help but wonder, wasn't it something like radiation?

Can this thing be washed away by water?

"Of course."

When Chen Xu saw the barrage, he walked and explained: "Radioactive material is also material. Since it is a material, there will be entities, and areas where nuclear radiation is dense, whether on the ground, walls, objects, or even in the air, Filled with a lot of nuclear radiation dust. "

"I have been in this area for more than an hour, and my body must be covered with a large amount of nuclear radiation dust. Only with a large amount of water can they be completely washed away, so we must find a clean source of water."

"And as far as I know, the city of Pripyat nearest to Chernobyl has a river and many lakes, and we can go there and fix the food problem by the way!"

After speaking, Chen Xu set the nuclear radiation detector into the alarm mode.

In this way, it will automatically emit a buzzing sound-like alarm based on the nuclear radiation value in the current area.

The higher the value, the louder and denser the beep.

When the audience heard this voice, all of a sudden they felt like they were in wasteland, as if they were playing Fallout 4.

With the convenience of "alarm", when Chen Xu is running, he doesn't have to watch the value on the detector all the time, just be careful to avoid there and concentrate on running away.

After all, he's dizzy and nauseous now. If he doesn't leave again, I'm afraid he will be in danger.

After three minutes.

He got out of the barbed wire outside and ran out of prison.

Outside the prison, a yellow-green forest can be seen. Most of them are made of birch and pine trees. On the ground, there are wild grasses and fallen leaves everywhere.

From time to time, there will be some stickers on the trunk.

The yellow and black nuclear radiation warning symbol is engraved on it, and it looks full of danger. At the same time, it must be said that it is quite irritating.

Chen Xu ran like this in the jungle.

But when he didn't take a few steps, all of a sudden, the alarm of the detector on his waist suddenly became extremely sharp.

The next moment, a black object appeared in the grass in front.

It's a pair of pants!

Chen Xu immediately covered his mouth and frowned slightly. "This is most likely that the clothing of infected people after the nuclear explosion must have been contaminated with a large amount of nuclear radiation. We must be careful to avoid it!"

With that said, he hurried a corner and bypassed the black pants.

At this moment, he had to be grateful that this time the seventy to eighty gold coins did not go to waste, and this nuclear radiation detector was really useful.

If Chen Xu didn't bring this thing this time, with his careful character, he would definitely check it out.

As a result, both hands will be contaminated with a large amount of nuclear radiation dust, and even a large amount of nuclear radiation materials will be inhaled.

After running for three or four hundred meters, Chen Xu again slumped on his knee and vomited in the forest.

However, his symptoms are much better now than before.

A glance at the values ​​of nuclear radiation instruments shows that there is only more than 200 micro-Sieverts of nuclear radiation per hour, and it has basically begun to move away from the peripheral areas of nuclear radiation.

So, Chen Xu only rested for tens of seconds, then gritted his teeth again and ran towards the southern end of the jungle.

It ran for more than twenty minutes.

The beep of the nuclear radiation detector is getting smaller and smaller, and at this time, a huge white shelf suddenly appeared more than a hundred meters ahead.

The audience was stunned when they saw it.

In terms of its ratio to trees, the white shelf has to be hundreds of meters high and a few hundred meters long, which is equivalent to a "city wall"!

"What is this? It is also protected against nuclear radiation?"

"I think there are many buildings in Chernobyl that are so handsome, and I want to travel there too!"

"Go there? Do you think you are Xuye?"

"This is a shelf. Can't block nuclear radiation at all? Even a purifier, it's a bit too small for the entire Chernobyl area!"

When Chen Xu saw the huge white elevated tower, he was a bit surprised, and immediately turned a corner: "This is not to block nuclear radiation, but a radar array called Duga 3, built by the former Soviet Union in Ukraine. Used to prevent missile invasion. "

"Duga 3 was the world's strongest over-the-horizon alert radar system at that time, with a total length of 470 meters, a height of 140 meters, and a detection distance of more than 6000 kilometers. You know, the straight line distance from the air that I flew from Kyoto to Tibet before, also Only more than three thousand kilometers. "

"So, this distance is very scary. It is also one of the important defense systems of the former Soviet Union against the US missile deterrence during the Cold War. However, because of the Chernobyl incident, this radar array has long been abandoned."

The audience could not help feeling a pity.

But everyone thinks about it in turn, a region, plus a city, has been abandoned because of this. In contrast, a radar array is nothing.

He walked more than a hundred meters.

There were scattered small wooden houses in the woods, and the glass on them had shattered. These should be the outposts that used to guard the radar array.

When Chen Xu led the audience to the radar array, everyone felt its grandeur.

After all, it is more than 140 meters high. In the city, it is already equivalent to a 50-story building, and the 470-meter-long "buildings" connected together are so spectacular!

However, because it was abandoned for too long and coupled with wind and sun, the iron shelves of the radar array have already become rusty.

Chen Xu passed through the radar array ~ ~ The values ​​on the nuclear radiation detector have dropped to single digits, and his dizziness and nausea symptoms seem to disappear with them.

However, the radiation sickness was reduced, but the hunger in the stomach became stronger.

It is now Ukraine time, more than two in the afternoon.

The prison escape, which lasted for more than an hour, and more than half an hour of running, had almost consumed most of the energy in his body.

Chen Xu grinned and looked around. "It's December, when the night in the northern hemisphere is long and short, and Chernobyl is about 51 degrees north latitude. I guess it will be dark before five o'clock."

"So, we have to hurry up to find the water source and set up a campsite as soon as possible. Chernobyl's night is not as calm as it is now, because it has been a long time in the desert and it has been inaccessible here, but it has become Wildlife paradise. "

"As early as 20 years ago, scientists have found a lot of traces of wild animals here, and many of them are large carnivores, such as wolves and wild dogs. They all mutate due to nuclear radiation and are said to be extremely aggressive!"

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