The audience did not expect that Chen Xu was really building a house!

Ten minutes had passed, and he had planted four tree sticks more than one meter long around the flat ground, and formed a regular rectangle that was three meters long and two meters wide.

Seeing that Lina hadn't returned yet, he had to find a few vines nearby and fasten one of the two-meter-long sticks to the top of the other two two-meter-long sticks with a string character.

Subsequently, Chen Xu used tree thorns to pierce two deep holes in the middle of the front and back of the four foundation pillars. Finally, he carefully held them and inserted them into the soil holes.

After the other two tree sticks were tied to the crossbars, the general skeleton of the entire house came out.

"2333, it looks like parallel bars!"

"Yu Xu, please start your gymnastics show!"

"The one-meter-high horizontal bars on both sides should be walls, and the two-meter high horizontal bars in the middle should be roof beams, right?"

"Creative mode!"

When Chen Xugang was preparing to build the beams, a sparse "rustle" came from the trees in the north.

It turned out that Lena came back with a bunch of shrub branches and vines. "Do you think it works?"

"Very good, it's time to return!"

Chen Xu took the shrub branches and immediately took two out of them and fixed them with vines at the top.

And just as he was making it, Lina took out a few yellow fruits with a little dark spots from her pocket with a little excitement. "I found some wild apricots in the process of looking for branches, and now it is exactly I tasted it when I was mature, sour! "

"But it contains a lot of nutrients such as sugar, protein, and calcium, which is good for energy supplements!"

"Thank you!"

Chen Xu thanked him, because the wild apricots in the deep mountains did not have pesticides, he just wiped them slightly and threw them directly into his mouth.

Suddenly, a sweet and sour juice, with the unique fruit aroma of apricots, spread in his mouth, as if it made him tired of hurrying and cutting trees before, he was restored in a moment.

"This is the skeleton of the house? It looks really sturdy, but the height difference between the ridge and the side wall is a little big, almost 2: 1. In this way, the **** of the roof also increases, which is not conducive to going up. What are the leaves? "

Lina admired the speed at which he built the skeleton of the house, but couldn't help but wonder.

"I just want a big slope. I counted it to be about 45 degrees, because Argentina has a lot of heavy rain in summer. If the roof **** is not big enough to drain the water in time, it will easily accumulate rain and leak."

"Also, I didn't say I was going to put leaves on it, but I tied the leaves!"

In the course of speaking, Chen Xu had **** several shrub branches with vines.

Next, it's time for Lina and the audience to open their eyes.

He took these fixed triangular bush branches and hung them directly on the ridge like building blocks.

In this way, with the vines fixed at the top, the two shrub branches will naturally hang on the ridge, and the remaining two sides will be placed on the beams of the side wall.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Chen Xu brought the vines and bolted the branches to the beams. The prototype of a tree house roof was already out!

"I can't believe it, it was made without any tools!"

While staring, Lina also took the vine and joined Chen Xu's "knotting" team.

She also learned the related knot method in the army, because this is one of the compulsory courses for field rescue and complex terrain climbing skills.

Ten minutes later, the skeleton of the entire roof was completed.

Chen Xu took another shrub branch and found a large piece of broad leaves from the surrounding, whether it was fresh or withered, and then passed them on the branch like a skewer.

Two minutes later, a string of tree-filled branches appeared under the camera of the live broadcast room.

"Great, I thought Grandpa Asahi's leaves were for wiping his ass!"

"Why do you want to do that, skewer?"

"It should be tied to the roof to protect it from rain?"


As said in the barrage, Chen Xu carried the tree branch covered with leaves, gently laid it on the lower end of the roof, and then used vines to wrap around each side a few times to fix it before it was tied. Bush skeleton.

Seeing this scene, Lina had no idea how to describe her inner surprise.

No wonder this boy is not afraid of the steep slope, the leaves will fall, he turned out to think of such a powerful fixing method!

In this case, let alone a rainstorm, it is difficult to blow down the roof even if the rainstorm and the wind are strong.

For a forty-five day life, this is definitely a top sanctuary!

However, some viewers also raised doubts, as these leaves should rot within a few days after being blown by the wind.

At that time, wouldn't the roof be built in vain?

In response to this, Chen Xu replied: "The fastest environment for leaf decay is tropical rain forests, while central Argentina has a subtropical climate and belongs to a mountain forest environment. It takes at least one month for the leaves to decay."

"The premise of this time is that the leaves fall on the ground and are greatly affected by the decomposition of the microorganisms. If they are hung in the air like me, their decay time will be doubled!"

"Chen is right."

As a biological expert, Lina knew that what he said was correct.

Later, she also looked for broad leaves around him, learning Chen Xu's method, and helping him wear them together.

With one more person to help, the construction of the roof is obviously faster.

An hour later, the two stacked a total of more than twenty leaf-covered shrub branches.

In a short time, a simple tree house is completed!

Chen Xu looked up at the sun and murmured, "Sure enough, the two people cooperated much faster than I expected. I thought that it would be dark to the present level, and now it seems that we can still take time out Find some food and take a look at the surrounding terrain by the way! "

It took more than three o'clock to find the campsite at ~ and the tree house took about three hours to build.

In other words, it's almost six o'clock in the afternoon in Argentina.

According to the usual time, the sky is indeed dark at this time, but now is the long summer in the southern hemisphere. The day time is much longer than the evening, at least 7 or 8 o'clock, before entering the night.

"Lighting is also very important. This is a mountainous area. The temperature at night will drop very badly. Based on the clothing we have now, if we do not heat the fire, we will get cold!

Lena reminded.

Chen Xu nodded and immediately asked: "What is your skill in drilling wood for fire?"

She thought for a moment: "OK."

"All right, the task of firing is entrusted to you. I'll go out and find some food, and survey the surrounding terrain by the way!"

After speaking, Chen Xu picked up the sharpened tree thorn and turned into the jungle.

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