Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 120 Hermione’s Plan

At the same time, Harry and Ron looked at Ethan with some envy. It had always been their dream to enter the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and become an Auror.

Hermione, who had solved the major problem on her mind, immediately had other thoughts. She took out the box containing the S.P.E.W badge.

Harry and Ron also noticed Hermione's actions. They felt that Hermione was simply crazy and wanted to drag a professor into her crazy organization.

So Harry and Ron winked at Hermione, hoping that in this way, Hermione would give up her crazy idea.

Hermione was unmoved by Harry and Ron's gestures and still stubbornly placed the box on the table.

Hermione took out a badge with S.P.E.W on it and handed it to Ethan.

"Professor Ethan, this is an organization I founded, called the House Elf Rights Promotion Association." Hermione introduced to Ethan enthusiastically.

Harry and Ron wailed, but they still couldn't persuade Hermione to introduce that outrageous organization.

"Oh my god, Hermione, do you think Professor Ethan will be walking around with a badge that says vomiting?" Ron whispered to Hermione.

Hermione glared at Ron fiercely and did not answer him. Instead, she continued to introduce to Ethan.

"The purpose of this organization is to prohibit the cruel treatment of our magical creature friends and improve their legal status." Hermione said to Ethan seriously.

Hermione seemed reckless, but in fact she had already made a very careful plan. She had been introducing her organization to other students these past few days.

Unfortunately, it had little effect. No one took her organization seriously, not even her two friends.

So she turned her target to Ethan. Professor Ethan has always been very popular among the students at Hogwarts.

She remembered that Ethan had approved and encouraged her actions to protect the house elves from the beginning.

So she felt that if she could develop Ethan as a member of her organization, it would definitely play a great role in her organization.

"Oh my God! Hermione! Why don't you understand!" Ron said loudly, "They all like this - they like to be other people's slaves!"

"That's impossible! No one would like to be a slave!" Hermione shouted, louder than Ron.

"I've been studying this issue in depth in the library. The slave status of elves can be traced back to centuries ago. I can't believe that no one has taken measures about it." Hermione said seriously.

Ethan did not interrupt Hermione. Hermione had a good intention to protect the house elves, which was very worthy of encouragement.

"I have set a short-term goal, which is to ensure that house elves receive reasonable wages and a good working environment. Our long-term goals include changing the law against the use of wands, and trying to get an elf into the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Because it’s appalling how underrepresented the interests of elves are.”

After a long period of consideration, Hermione came up with a strategy that she believed to be effective.

Ethan naturally knew that Hermione's thought-proud plan was actually very naive and had many goals that were currently impossible to achieve.

But Ethan didn't point it out. There are many things that can only be deeply understood by exploring and trying them yourself.

This understanding is much better than Ethan pointing it out directly now.

"Hermione, how are you going to do this?" Ethan asked.

"First of all, I plan to develop membership." Hermione said emotionally.

Hermione took out a large piggy bank and shook it vigorously.

There were only a few scattered sounds of coins clanking inside, and it could be seen that Hermione's career was not making any progress.

"I think participants have to pay two Silver Sickles to buy badges and fund the organization's activities. This income can be used for us to print and distribute flyers." Hermione said proudly.

Hermione suddenly turned her attention to Ethan, and her big innocent eyes blinked at Ethan.

"Professor Ethan, are you willing to support my career?" Hermione said softly.

Only then did Ethan realize that Hermione had been targeting him for so long, which made him dumbfounded.

"Okay, Hermione, I am willing to join this association for the promotion of the rights of house-raised elves." After saying that, Ethan took out two gold galleons and planned to throw them into Hermione's piggy bank.

At this moment, Hermione covered the entrance of the piggy bank, "Oh my God, Professor Ethan, this is too much! Just two Silver Sikos are enough!"

Harry and Ron stared at Ethan in equal surprise. They also didn't expect that Ethan was actually convinced by Hermione's words, and was even willing to spend a huge sum of money to support Hermione's career.

"Take it, Hermione, this is my support for the house elves." Ethan said to Hermione with a smile.

When Hermione saw Ethan saying this, she stopped insisting and handed over the piggy bank and asked Ethan to put the gold galleons into it.

There was a crisp sound as the gold Galleons fell into the piggy bank, and Hermione's face turned red with excitement.

"Professor Ethan, I guarantee that all the money you spend supporting the organization will be used for the most important purposes!" Hermione vowed.

She believes that her organization has made huge progress because she has successfully brought a "big name" into her organization.

"Wait! Professor Ethan!" Hermione shouted excitedly and began to rummage in the box.

It didn't take long for Hermione to pull out a golden badge from the box that was different from the other badges.

"Professor Ethan, you are now the honorary vice president of the House Elf Rights Promotion Association!" Hermione announced happily.

After saying that, she was so excited that she even planned to step forward and put the badge on Ethan herself, but Ron pulled her back and she came to her senses.

Hermione handed the badge to Ethan with some embarrassment, and Ethan pinned the badge on his chest after looking at it.

Looking at Ethan with the shiny golden S.P.E.W pinned on his chest, Harry and Ron wanted to laugh, but Hermione stopped them with fierce eyes.

With the support of Professor Ethan, Hermione proudly placed the piggy bank under the noses of Harry and Ron and shook it vigorously, making the piggy bank make a rattling sound.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked strangely.

"I think Professor Ethan has joined, and you will definitely join too," Hermione said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, let's just join." Ron didn't want to disappoint Professor Ethan, so he had to agree to Hermione's idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation.

Hermione was even happier when she heard Ron agree, and she shook the piggy bank harder at Ron and Harry.

"It's so noisy, Hermione, we know there are gold galleons in it!" Ron complained, covering his ears in an exaggerated manner.

But Hermione did not stop this action. Instead, she put the piggy bank directly in front of Ron's eyes and signaled something to Ron.

"What do you mean, do you want to collect money from us? We are your friends!" Ron complained.

"This is a cause that supports the power of house elves! We should all contribute! Even I invested money in it!" Hermione said without doubt.

Harry and Ron were so entangled that they had no choice but to put two silver coins into the piggy bank.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Hermione said happily.

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