Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 163 Jealousy changes Hermione beyond recognition

Ron, Harry and Hermione were walking along a muddy path along with the flow of people.

There was an open space at the end of the muddy path, where many horse-drawn carriages were parked.

From the perspective of Harry, Ron and Hermione, these carriages did not have horses. As long as they got on, the carriages would drive automatically.

Harry and Ron had a bit of an argument about how the carriage worked.

Harry thought the carriage must be pulled by invisible horses.

Ron believed that the carriage was powered by magic, and the two had argued over this.

Except for first-year students, who enter Hogwarts by rowing across the Black Lake, other grades enter Hogwarts by horse-drawn carriage.

Ron wrapped his robe tightly, feeling that he had not yet recovered from the terrible cold caused by the dementors.

"Wait for me!" Ron said to Harry and Hermione.

He rummaged around in his pocket, and Ron remembered that he had a small peppercorn in his pocket.

This candy can greatly relieve the feeling of cold.

Hermione was standing there waiting for Ron. She looked around and suddenly saw Professor Ethan and Luna boarding a carriage while talking and laughing.

And the carriage looked like it was about to move.

"We have to leave quickly!" Hermione shouted.

He grabbed Harry and Ron's sleeves and ran towards the carriage where Ethan and Luna were.

"Hey! What are you crazy about?" Ron shouted loudly as he was almost dragged down by Hermione.

Finally, under the leadership of Hermione, the three of them caught up with Ethan's carriage.

The three of them were panting while sitting in the carriage. Ron wanted to complain, but Hermione stopped him with her eyes.

"Hello!" Luna, who was sitting in the carriage, greeted the three of them warmly.

Only then did Hermione realize that her behavior was a bit reckless, and she greeted Luna shyly.

The carriage was driving quickly on the muddy road, and there was a faint musty smell in the carriage.

Harry looked towards the sky and could still see the Dementors floating in the sky, which made his heart feel a little heavy.

"Professor Ethan, why did these dementors attack the train? And come to Hogwarts?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"This is an order from the Ministry of Magic." Ethan explained to Harry. "In order to capture Sirius Black, the Ministry of Magic sent dementors into Hogwarts."

"This is so inappropriate!" Hermione complained, "Those things are out of control! They even attacked a train full of students!"

"I promise you Hermione, someone will be responsible for what happened on the train," Ethan said.

"Professor Ethan, what was that silver magic you used on the train?" Hermione asked curiously.

"That's the Patronus Charm." Anyway, it was fine on the carriage, so Ethan explained it to everyone.

"The Patron Saint Spell is a very powerful defensive magic. It can summon a Patron Saint that belongs to you. The Patron Saint Spell is the best way to defeat the Dementors."

"And, given the situation this semester, I suggest you all learn this spell," Ethan said to everyone on the carriage.

"Professor Ethan, can you teach us?" Ron asked excitedly. Ron felt that this Patronus Charm was really cool.

"I think this is the responsibility of your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Ethan said to Ron, "I can't take his job."

Ron was a little disappointed when he heard this. He felt that Professor Lupine was as unreliable as the two professors in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Quirrell and Lockhart.

Ethan saw Ron's emotions, "I assure you that Professor Lupin is an excellent professor, and he will definitely give you some practical things."

After listening to Ethan's words, Ron felt slightly better.

"Professor Ethan, what are these carriages powered by?" Harry asked the question he was most concerned about.

"It's the Thestral" Luna suddenly interrupted and explained to everyone in her singing voice.

"It's a big black winged horse. Our cars have always been pulled by them."

"Don't be ridiculous, there is nothing in front of the carriage! This car must be driven by magic!" Ron said disdainfully.

"Ron!" Hermione patted Ron's hand to signal him not to be so rude.

"Luna, is the Night Horse you are talking about invisible? As far as I know, only invisible beasts can become invisible." Hermione said to Luna.

"No" Luna shook her head, "Professor Ethan and I can see them." After saying that, Luna subconsciously leaned closer to Ethan.

Luna's words caused a fire to rise out of thin air in Hermione's heart. She felt that such a fact was so ridiculous. Why could she not see what Luna and Professor Ethan could see?

Why can Luna fly around on Professor Ethan's back?

Even though he is so good and still the assistant of Professor Ethan, why is the relationship between Luna and Professor Ethan inexplicably closer than her?

"Why?" Hermione suddenly shouted loudly in the carriage, startling everyone.

Everyone looked at Hermione in confusion, not understanding what was happening.

Hermione also realized that her emotions were a little out of control, and her face suddenly turned red.

"I mean - why can only you see it?" Hermione said softly.

"Only those who have witnessed death can see the Thestral" Luna said softly.

"Have you witnessed death one by one?" Hermione said to Luna cautiously.

"Yes, when I was nine years old, my mother died in an accident while experimenting with magic spells in front of me," Luna said lightly, as if she didn't care about the matter.

"Oh my god Luna, I'm so sorry!" Hermione said apologetically.

"It's okay." Luna waved her hand easily to Hermione.

Hermione felt like a complete fool now, and her inexplicable emotions suddenly put herself in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Now he not only made a fool of himself in front of Professor Ethan, but also became a bad guy and revealed Luna's scar. Now even his friends, Harry and Ron, looked at Hermione in surprise.

Hermione wished she could jump off the carriage immediately to end this embarrassing trip.

Fortunately, the carriage just happened to be heading to the end. The carriage drove through an ornate iron gate, passed many pillars decorated with stone sculptures of beasts, and officially entered Hogwarts.

After the carriage climbed a slope, everyone could see the pointed roof of Hogwarts Tower.

Finally, the carriage finally stopped and stopped at the foot of Hogwarts Castle.

Hermione grabbed her luggage and jumped out of the carriage immediately. She didn't want to stay on the carriage for a second longer.

Harry and Ron, who were confused, had no choice but to follow Hermione and run into the castle.

Ethan was also a little confused about Hermione's little thoughts. He scratched his head, got off the carriage with Luna, and walked into Hogwarts Castle.

Hogwarts' annual banquet to welcome new students is about to begin. All professors will be present at that time, and Ethan cannot be absent.

Thinking of this, Ethan also quickly quickened his pace and walked towards the Hogwarts auditorium.

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