Wizards of the North

Chapter 108: silence

The three old men present walked away contentedly. When Bran said that this was the Northland, they thought they understood the attitude of the Northland and understood Bran's attitude.

After watching the three people leave, Bran habitually sat down with his back against the tree and closed his eyes. Just like when I was in the villa, it gradually merged with the tree behind it and the whole city.

Sophie curiously touched and watched around the newly grown tree. Although the tree looked ordinary now, after the scene just now, she couldn't help but want to stay a while and take a look. Bran sitting with her eyes closed let her relax her vigilance, and as Bran gradually merged with her surroundings and gradually lost her sense of existence, she gradually forgot about Bran's existence and gradually immersed in this rare peace.

In Bran's spiritual world, this heroic, tall girl, just put down her guard, and turned around the tree and him happily. The jewelry on the girl's body emits a soft light, it is his creation.

Bran is obsessed with the beauty of the girl, Sophie is obsessed with her desire to explore. The two enjoyed tacit understanding, which was not much comfort. But good times always flew fast. When the sun was slanting west, on this big tree, in the sky not far away, the giant falcon Feiyu issued a warning call, awakening the two.

Through Feiyu's eyes, a group of knights with flying dust was pouring out of the forest road. There was a big flag in front of the team with a dark red flame painted on it, and a black crow fell on the top of the flagpole, shaking his body constantly, trying to maintain balance.

What a timely notification, what a great help!

Bran slowly absorbed the magic power into his body, all the surrounding magic power fluctuations under his will, began to converge and began to fall silent. Then, slightly tired, said to Sophie: "Go back."

Sophie turned and left without reluctance, with inner pride. She lied to the wizard Bran, she let this little pornographic be lost, this time she won.

Yi Er, who was standing not far away, was startled, and she saw the city mansion restored to its original appearance. The great wizard was completely exposed under the sunset, and an ordinary Northland boy could not notice the slightest wave of magic power all over his body.

A rare quiet time, even if it is a deception. Bran sighed, waved to Il, and then ordered: "Run, take the wizard in the city, and run as far as possible."

Il's eyes darkened visibly, "I want to fight for you."

"Yes, but not today."

"When can I come back?"

"After tonight."


Watching the people around him disappear, Bran turned his head and laughed at Dany: "It's a good calculation. The people in our camp are cleaned, and this group of people will arrive."

"Do you want them to come back?"

"It's too late, they won't give us time."

Dany smiled and took Bran into her arms. He hummed softly in his ear like teasing a child. Bran was familiar with this tune. This is the war song of the northern people and the funeral song of the northern people.

In the empty courtyard, the sound constantly bounced and weakened on the surrounding parapets.


Wood led the knight straight across the border and came to the city. No one knows why this guy with his head would insist on running here. Maybe I want to show my disdain for the Green Kingdom, maybe I want to show my superiority. So Wood handed over all the matters to his deputy, but he took a part of the knights and began to wander the land with an attitude of overtaking the master. Under the indulgence of the caring person, his modest care and caution disappeared completely.

Wood looked at the wide open gates and the deserted walls, very proud and disdainful. Is this the Northlander? But so. He knocked his horse belly and walked towards the city gate first. When he was about to enter the city gate, a voice rang from his head.

"You know? This is the Northland."

Everyone stopped their horses subconsciously and raised their heads to look over the city wall. Wood raised his head vigorously, and even started to lean back slightly, trying to see the speaker clearly.


After Bran condensed all the magic power, the wizards of Dragon Knight and the royal capital began to pay close attention to him. Watching him cowardly being held by Dany in his arms, watching the powerful female warrior singing softly in his ears.

The child was softened, and he revealed a soft belly to everyone, showing surrender. He wants people around him to see his crisis and hope for help from others.

The wizards began to sneer and relayed all this. The child finally boarded the city wall helplessly. He gave up resistance and abandoned all his attendants in the city. The Northland is really inferior to one generation. This is everyone's emotion.

When Bran walked towards the city wall alone, the dragoons hidden in the distance were anxious. They were here to prevent Bran from escaping, they were prepared to give a fatal blow from behind. They will not allow Bran to have an accident at this time, nor will they allow him to fall into the hands of others. This was too different from what they expected. This greedy coward who was afraid of death did not even have the courage to let the attendants fight to the death. They quickly sorted their equipment, and climbed onto the mount and rushed over here.

Leiden shuddered when he heard Bran walking towards the city wall alone. He scanned a circle of gloating people, and gently pulled Sophie back quietly.

After getting out of the tent, he dragged Sophie to the stable quickly, and said as he walked: "Leave now, the sooner the better."


Leiden pointed to the north, "At that time, he was also the villa where he walked out alone, and he didn't need an attendant when he killed someone."

"How about you?"

Leiden began to saddle the horse quickly, and continued: "If it were just a child, they might raise their hands to let it go. Be careful on the way."


Following the voice of the Northland, Bran jumped from the top of the city, stamped his foot on Wood's head, and slammed his head upside down behind his back. At the same time, the light of the knife lit up in his hand, and the two heads flew up with a surprised expression, a cavity of blood sprayed out of the neck, dyeing the nearby people red.

The sudden change made the already dense team crowded into a ball, which gave Bran a chance to perform. He used his short stature and flexible short knife to its extreme, turning into a ball of light and shadow in the gap of the crowd. Accompanied by screams and flying and falling with broken hands and feet, his surroundings began to become empty. .

When the accident happened, the dragon cavalry who was charging could not hold back its momentum, and rammed into the Anya team from behind. The brilliance of magic power began to light up in the teams of both sides, and Bran’s magic field also opened with these brilliance, wrapping everyone in it.

Gru was startled, and cried out: "Trap!"

It was late, Bran and the magic power of all the wizards in the field were already tightly entangled. His magic field vibrated violently. With the light of his sword and the despair of all the wizards, his eyes became pitch-black. As the devouring ended, Bran, who had no worries, oscillated faster and faster. First, a low buzzing sound rang, and then the sound began to become more and more sharp, more and more high-pitched, as if thousands of fairies were whistling.

In the screaming sound, the mounts became manic, they twisted and struggled like crazy, throwing the knight on their backs down. The knights threw down the weapons that had long been regarded as life, and tried to cover their ears. But it's useless, the voice sounded in my mind, rising from the bottom of my heart. They began to collapse and began to cry with screams. When the turbulence of the magic field gradually subsided, all the creatures huddled on the ground and let out a weak gasp.

Hall watched Bran come to him, and watched Bran quietly pass by, everything was like a dream. The warm blood flowed over, slowly enveloping him, and gradually cooling down. Hall, who recovered some strength, struggled to stand up. He scanned the surroundings and saw another shaky figure not far away, who might fall down again at any time, that was a young **** knight. He saw that the knight's mouth opened and closed several times, but he could not hear any sound.

In this deadly place, among the corpses of their companions and mounts, the two stood facing each other.


When Bran's magic field opened, the camp in the capital was already in panic. Changes come too fast, what is the result? People cast their gazes on the wizard who had just been spitting out, hoping that he could explain in detail what happened just like before. But the wizard just murmured: "I don't know, I don't know."

After a long time, he exclaimed again: "Dead! All dead!"

After another while, his face began to twist, screaming: "He's coming! He's coming!"

Following his voice, people got up in a panic and ran out. Leiden shouted: "Sit down!"

In the eyes of people full of confusion and horror, Leiden said: "Can you run? Rather than being embarrassed like a dog, it is better to die with dignity."

Someone sighed and sat down sadly. Someone screamed and rushed out of the tent.

Several lines of blood dripped on the tent, and a man covered his neck, staggering back with a face of horror, "cat, black cat..."

The blood flowed continuously along the fingers, and finally fell to the ground under the gaze of people.

Leiden sighed, Sophie was done. Beasts will only faithfully execute orders, since those who flee will be put to death...

He didn't want to think about it anymore.


Dani sat in the city mansion without a word, looking at Zac, Mary and others. Several people who wanted to rush out had fainted at her feet.

Finally Dany's voice seemed to come from far away, "It's over..."


On the gloomy forest road, the girl Sophie ran desperately, and she began to hear gasps in the woods behind her, and the rustling of fur and bushes. Until two pairs of huge, green wolf eyes appeared on both sides of her...

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