Wizards of the North

Chapter 155: the way

Lily was busy in the swamp, and after a little understanding of these bugs through observation, she had many new ideas.

These bugs have crude language and call themselves Nag. Before the individual matures, they have the habit of eating together. Although the Feixu Swamp is vast, there is not much room for growth and development. In a small space, they fight, fight, and survive strong and intelligent.

When they were young, they were no different from ordinary insects, scattered in this swamp. But as he continued to grow, the power hidden in the blood gradually awakened, and his wisdom continued to improve, eventually growing into a real Nag and returning to the race.

The surrender of the insect king is an opportunity for Lily. She always wanted to go out, but limited by the conditions, so she couldn't make it.

At first, she was limited by her own strength, but as her strength increased, she realized that she had no trouble with human hands. How about she has great power? She can grab a site and occupy it, then? No one is sharing all of this, so these are completely meaningless.

She understands Bran more and more. What if a person has more? So Bran began to look for someone who could accept his gift, Dani, Ciri, and her-Lily.

Since when did Bran change? Since having Huahua, he seems to have a goal. First, for Huahua to survive, and then for Huahua to win a place to eat. Then, I wanted to make people who care about him live better, so he gradually came back to life.

Bran planned everything for her, although she did it very concealedly, but now Lily is also beginning to wake up. From taking over the wizarding team in the Northland to taking over the villa, she has understood Bran's mind.

But she didn't want to be like this, she didn't want to be a role played by others, even if it was for her good. Thinking about this, she even started to get angry! Bran didn't want to be controlled by others, and even took the risk to complete the trial in order to get rid of the control of his parents. What about him?

This bastard! Lily gritted her teeth.

Bran chose to go south, so there were not many directions for her to choose. If she wants to open up, she can only go west. Crossed the majestic city walls of the West and entered the territory of the Demon Race.

She couldn't easily risk the lives of her people, and now these bugs-Nag, gave her a better choice.

Looking at the submissive insect king in front of her, Lily began to patiently communicate with it. Before planning, at least these bugs need to understand some simple instructions.

Start with the construction in the swamp and build a simple road to the grassland from here. In this process, she can constantly observe and revise her plan. She also needs to discuss with her tribe and choose a suitable time to release the insects outside the West.

She waved in the air, and a snow falcon fell down...


Anji wielded a kitchen knife and iron hook on the martial arts arena. The pair of weapons looked huge and heavy against her small body. This was not her weapon, but Bran gave her mother. For the mother, the heavy axe, this pair of weapons is just right, but it looks a little funny in her hands.

Fortunately, she inherited the power of her mother, and seemed to have plenty of food. And the father-in-law type that makes both parents feel comfortable at the same time.

After entering the castle, her mother asked her not to leave the pair of weapons at all times. Furthermore, this is the secret of her becoming a strong one. The father who was present shook his head subconsciously, took a glance at his mother's sturdy body, and then curled his lips at her. Even though my mother has always been proud of her body, she just missed it at that time.

My father didn't spend much time at home, either in the castle or in the west. Mother often boasted that she was also a powerful samurai, and her father was robbed home back then. But as a powerful warrior, he must bear corresponding responsibilities, so his father took on the task of two people alone. Mother said that when she grows up, everything will be free, and then she will pick up the battle axe again. Similar words have appeared repeatedly since I remembered things, making her annoying, as if she was a burden.

When I was brought to the castle by my parents for training, I had already said that as long as I became a partner with the little fairy, I would return to my home-Sancha Town.

She was lucky and soon became partners with the little fairy, but she found that the little fairy was more interested in her own weapons. When she told her mother about this discovery, her mother smiled triumphantly but refused to say anything.

However, the plan changed. The parents said that the environment here is better and more suitable for her growth. She was left in the castle, but her parents ran away happily.

Most of the first people who became partners with the little fairies stay here. In the envious eyes of other companions, they are under more rigorous training.

A few days after the news that Lily had gone deep into the swamp came back, her mother appeared before her eyes.

She has grown up, but she has not seen the slightest relief from the bandaged figure, only deep self-blame. Several uncles who came with him left after visiting the children. They will go to the west and be stationed on the majestic city wall.

Exile-self-exile! This was the idea that came to her mind at the time.

Angie felt very powerless. If she was a great wizard like Lily or Bran, she could complete the redemption on behalf of her mother and uncle. But she had no choice, so she could only train hard, hoping to become a strong warrior soon.

Before leaving, my mother told her a secret, the secret of the weapon in her hand. This let her know that the wizard may be powerful, but not invincible, and the samurai is also irreplaceable.

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