Wizards of the North

Chapter 243: Memories

After sending away his sister, Bran let out a long sigh. He felt that he had fallen into the vortex of troubles, his sister needed guidance, Zoya, who had amnesia, needed care, and even Huahua looked sleepy recently.

Bran sat under the old tree holding Huahua, silently looking at Zoya who was whispering with his arms around the white wolf not far away. Zoya still remembered everything between them, but it didn't do any good. These incoherent memories were like obstacles, causing Zoya to fall into a labyrinth with no exit.

In this regard, Bran has nothing to do.

He tried to tell Zoya about her past, but as long as it was related to her, she would turn a blind eye to it. It was quite painful to mention the past with Zoya. She and Bran recalled their encounters and acquaintances, but there were always various deviations in the memories. She can't remember why she met Bran, or her brother appeared with her in Bran Mountain Villa.

The interaction between the three people in the memory becomes jerky because of the missing person, and it is no longer real and reliable. So Zoya began to doubt and tried to find. She asked the question Bran could not answer-who am I? Where am i from

Bran said that magic would find a way out, but magic led Zoya into a never-ending maze.

You are Zoya from the Northland, and this answer gradually makes Bran feel dry. Only this answer can make Zoya look happy, but it is also this answer that makes her deep into the maze.

Bran was tired and didn't want to say the answer that satisfies Zoya. He began to tell the story of the wizard, trying to get Zoya to seek the truth from the magic. One day you will understand the magic, and then you will understand what they have done to you. Then you will understand your own choices, desires, and-betrayal.

Zoya finally noticed Bran's gaze, she raised her head with a bright and moving smile, then got up and came to Bran's side.

"I just saw you talking with Xi Rui, I didn't bother you."

"is there anything?"

"I also want to go out for inspections, and you sent Il to the royal capital. Maybe I can go there and help her by the way."

"It's not suitable for you. If you really want to go for a walk, you can go to the wizard's collar first. It happens that the ancient tree wants to see the sea. After you pass the wizard's collar, continue east along the perpetual river to reach the sea.

"How about you?" Gu Shu interjected.

"Huahua is not very energetic recently, I need to be with him."

"Then I won't go, I will stay with him."

Zoya knocked the ancient tree fiercely, "Are you despising me?"

"No, I just care more about flowers."

Bran hurriedly interrupted them, "You can be with Xi Rui as a little trial. By the way, bring Feather Feather, and a few white wolves that were born this year."

"What do you have to do to go to the wizard collar?"

"Clean up threatening creatures along the way, and take people to inspect the wizard collar by the way."


Bran finally understands now that the white robes are good at sabotage. The white robes jumped up and down in Beidi City, and the construction of the resident did not see much improvement. It didn't take long for this to be released, but the suppression and cleansing were done in a clear-cut manner.

Bran's voice rang in his ears as Buzz, who was directing work at the Baipao resident. He was already familiar with it, and quickly answered.

"I heard that your entourage and disciple were called back again."

Baz was surprised and quickly explained: "We have reported this to the city lord."

"I didn't blame you. I didn't think about it well before. You pick two reliable people to follow Zoya to the wizard collar and make a plan for there."

After finishing the call, Buzz let out a breath. The recent busyness has not been in vain, Bran finally noticed his use. After living with Baipao for a while, he realized that these people were just a bunch of butchers. Their research on magic and the development of abilities are more about killing, and that is a group of executioners. They are useless for construction.

But this is very good and very beneficial to him.

As long as Bran can see that his role is indispensable, then immortality will be guaranteed. Therefore, he decided to show himself as much as possible.

Baz didn't want to be made into a defective product. Scholars have never relaxed their research in Sandstone City. As time goes by, those experimental objects gradually become delirious and eventually become complete monsters. Whenever thinking of those monsters, Buzz shuddered.

In fact, the white robes came out this time, so why are they showing themselves?

Bran must have been disappointed by the poor performance of Baipao in construction. He could see that Bran was leading the white robe to another path. He made these people pay more attention to the nature of power, hoping that they can apply power to a wider range of fields, such as production and creation, not just killing. But these people who are used to killing have become too slow.

Baipao obviously recognized these, and they took this opportunity to let Bran see their strengths.


When Northland City flexed its muscles, Irene stepped back on the east coast. When both feet landed on the shore, the heart that had been hanging was also let go.

She is only the first group of people, and more people will arrive in the future. In a short winter, there are few broken ships, and I don't know how many people can be transported.

She did not expect to come back so soon. Ben was going to avoid this continent, away from that person, away from that beautiful manor. I wanted to gradually forget myself through the barrier of sea water.

She already knew what was happening here, and it felt like a farce. The hard work of a group of people resulted in accelerated destruction.

Beidicheng finally started, and this land fell into his hands. This made it embarrassing for the Dragon Knight who had left the islands and lost the protection of the ocean.

Irene's situation is also very embarrassing, she needs to return to Northland City again. Need to clarify Bran's attitude, need to clarify the relationship between Northland City and Dragon Knight. This made her realize that it was indeed a capricious behavior to return by herself.

When going back this time, in what capacity do I face him? A friend, acquaintance, or just a messenger.

She has many things to ask Bran, what is going on with the monster in the sea? Why did that monster come along with him.

On the island, the person in charge of watching has seen a fleeting figure. It's just that the figure is too fast, he can't be sure that it is Bran. But at that time, who was able to fly like flying at sea?

If it is really him, should he give Longqi an explanation? As soon as he left, he let Longqi bear all the consequences.

Irene knew that some grudges had already been rooted in her chest, and it was hard to let go. When he got along with Bran, he always pretended that nothing happened, but Irene was very sure that Bran was happy to see the Dragon Knight. However, this **** put her in danger.

She wanted to ask, does Bran know how many casualties his actions have caused? Did you know that she was also on the islands?

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