Wizards of the North

Chapter 344: Pool water

Lily knows exactly what Bran is doing. She didn't want to fall behind too much, so she was also trying to weave the magic net of Shuang Wing City, but things were not going well.

There are many wizards in Double Wing City, and everyone can condense an independent net. But if you want to merge them into one, you can't do it. Without the assimilation and swallowing of Bran's ability, the magical powers of many different attributes cannot be integrated. This made them realize that Bran's seemingly insidious ability to assimilate and swallow is also a kind of tolerance.

Moreover, their power is not corrosive, and it is difficult to advance when the magic network reaches a limit. The initial excitement soon ended in frustration.

They can only wait, hoping that Bran can extend the magic net to Double Wing City as soon as possible, so that they will have many interesting and far-reaching things. For example, experience the power of other people through the magic network, as well as the superimposed power and one body of several people that they look forward to most.

After the frustration, Lily turned her gaze to the pool of foresight. That drop of water has now turned into a shallow water. After Sina's body was transported, Lily always wanted to know what would happen if the two were mixed together.

First take one drop of each, then two drops...

After many experiments, there is no rule at all. They either merge or reject, and even separate again after merging.

In order to relieve the depression, Lily made a move similar to venting, and she threw all of Sina's body into the pool of foresight. Boom! This is the vision Lily appreciates.

This vision soon attracted the attention of many little wizards. They saw all kinds of scenery from the boiling water, there were mountains and rivers, there were deep abysses, and birds and beasts flashed by from time to time. Until there appeared a group of strangers watching the pool water, just like them...

The deep pond in the picture is far from comparable to the shallow water in front of you. Its dark and deep seems to be able to drown everything.

The final picture seemed to be frozen, no change in the pool despite the turmoil. After a few days, the water in the pool gradually subsided and the picture disappeared.

A creature in the pool tried to stand up from it, but it only caused a slight turbulence in the pool. After a few helpless ups and downs, it seemed to have exhausted all its energy, and crouched on the surface of the water recognizing its fate.

A little wizard fished it out curiously. It was an unknown life the size of a palm and made of water. So many little wizards were immediately attracted and pointed around this little thing.

The nurturing of life is not over. When this little creature was fished out, another similar creature appeared in the pool...

As the creatures were fished out, the water gradually lost its strength and became lifeless.

A few days later, the water in the lost pool finally dried up, and there were a group of little creatures wandering around in the city.


On a small island in the sea, Kanuo stared at the water in a daze. Unexpected changes made him completely lose contact with the pool. Not being shielded, but power being consumed.

There is only one possibility for this, but he can't believe it. Did that girl discover the secret of the pool? Use pool water to inspire new creatures.

How could this kind of thing happen here? It seems to have succeeded, how is this possible?

It didn't take long for the pool on the island to generate water. He was preparing to complete the first task of this trip, observing the girl and the wizards large and small there.

Kano sighed, the most unlikely link, but an accident suddenly appeared. This reminded him again, the scene of his own corruption and drying in the pool of foresight, and Nita's warning that you will definitely die.

He suddenly felt a little weak, and he has been suffering from bad luck ever since he got in touch with this continent. But he must continue, because he is the best person to deal with these things, and it will only be worse if it is replaced by someone else.

Otherwise, how could those old guys assign him?

The two young dragons on the island did not know where they flew, and as they left, the island became more peaceful. The two dragons pretended to roar several times a day, making people annoyingly noisy.

But the two sides are only ally, even if he is a saint, it is hard to say anything about this little thing. But there is really something wrong with the direction that the two dragons fly, north.

Kano always felt that the problem shouldn't be so simple. Nita really didn't foresee all of this, and she was like cheating the little dragon named Maya, and didn't tell the truth to any party. This allowed them to obtain a pure, perfect black dragon.

Yes! What else can you do if you want to fool a wizard who can talk to the dead? That's why Nita didn't dare to let these people know any truth, even if it was his saint.

Kano turned his back to the pool of foresight and began to reflect.

He relied so much on the pool of foresight that he was no longer diligent in thinking. Chi Shui had already foreseen his death, and if he continued to rely on it, death would really be unavoidable.

He must get rid of the inducement of the water in order to get a chance of life. He must fool everyone around him, even himself, to escape the fate of death.

Like Nita, there may be a glimmer of hope in the opposite direction.

Kano turned his gaze to the north again, what's there? What will the dragon get there? Can I find a silver lining there?

Nita is still calling herself an old friend, but that tone does not look like an old friend. Does it mean something?

With Kanuo's thoughts, the pool of foresight behind him also appeared. This is no longer the Emerald Continent, and the awakening barren land began to have an impact on the Pool of Foresight, but Kanuo fell into contemplation but did not discover all of this.

I don't know how long it took, Kano let out a sulky breath.

He decided to go to the north to see what was in that frozen land?

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