Wizards of the North

Chapter 636: dusk

Unlike Northland City, Shuangyi City has and only one king in recent years-Lily, so when Lily left, she immediately fell into a situation where there is no leader.

Bran didn't know what Lily thought, but left without appointing an agent. As a result, as soon as Lily walked away, these little **** became restless and couldn't wait to test his position.

Bran wouldn't bother to bother them if he just closed the door and made trouble by himself. In his opinion, as the world becomes more and more expansive, it will be a matter of time for everyone to be separate. If you have time to be noisy, it is better to cherish the moment and enjoy a moment of gathering time.

However, Bran ignored the fact that someone in the group needs to stand up and lead the overall situation. Even if you don't want to replace Lily, someone must play that role and that position. Even if the little wizards do not want to accept his command, they will subconsciously focus on him.

The little wizards did not expect that the temptation would be such a result. Bran didn't even think about discussing the so-called plan with them, but gave everything to magic. Someone wanted to say something, but seeing Genie standing in front of Bran like a good baby, immediately dismissed all thoughts.

Pushing Gini out is to take advantage of Gini's immortality. I can't beat it for sure, but you can't do a good job with me-right?

It seems--no, otherwise Genie wouldn't be flattering.

Seeing that the little wizard wanted to slip away, Bran didn't want to let things go like this, "Since everyone has no opinion, let's start."

"What! No need for us to prepare?"

"Prepare? The first time I heard that the wizard needs preparation to be able to listen to the voice of magic power. See who is not here, let's call it together.

Not only our wizards, but also our elders, wizards, or other people you can think of. It doesn't matter if you can't come, let people temporarily put down their work, and I will take them to listen. "

As soon as the words fell, Xi Rui and Jina, who had been hiding in the dark to watch the excitement, appeared behind Bran with a grin. As soon as Fang appeared, Huahua got rid of Xi Rui's entanglement and fell on Bran's shoulders.

Xi Rui took the opportunity to get close to Bran and said in a low voice, "This is a matter of Shuang Wing City and has nothing to do with me."

Bran tilted his head and rubbed against Huahua, "What do you want to say?"

"When I take this step, it has nothing to do with Double Wing City. At that time, Double Wing City must give me the fire of life first in accordance with the agreement."

Bran nodded imperceptibly, "You don't seem to want to wait until my sister comes back."

"I don't want to!"

Siri thought that her brother would stop him, but didn't want Bran to throw his eyeballs up and down, "Want to do it?"

"Do not want."

Bran sighed, "No more consideration, consideration?"

"I do not!"

Huahua stretched out her claws to catch her eyeballs at this moment, and Bran also changed the subject: "After you and Jina leave, who will be in charge of the ice field?"

"Whisper and Frosty Leaf, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want to know if you are ready. If you are ready, listen to the voice of magic together. If magic chooses you, wouldn't it be better?

Under the witness of everyone, fairness and notarization win everything. "

"What if it is not selected?"

"Don't you want to compare with these people and understand your true situation? It's not whether you can fight or not, it's just to judge by magic.

And if you and Jina cannot get the approval of the magic power, how can you go out smoothly? "

Ciri glared at Bran, "After all, you still don't trust me. If it's a sister, there won't be so much worry."

Bran sighed and patted Xi Rui on the shoulder: "The same worry, but I can't control her. For you, I can exercise my brother's rights."

"Huh! I have grown up and I am also the head of the family."

"Well, I know. But you are still my understanding sister, and you must understand what I did."

Xi Rui couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you let my sister understand?"

"Because she needs my understanding and support for this matter, she must go out before these bastards." Bran sighed slightly, "Look carefully at the people present, including you and me, who is offended?

These **** put too much pressure on people.

I just want our sister to be able to relax and be able to walk ahead of them in certain things. "

Ciri tilted her head to look at Bran, "You just said that you supported your sister's trip because you listened to the voice of magic."

"——Huh! Do you believe this too?"

"But they believed it. Of course, after seeing their reaction, I also believed it."

"I heard it, but I didn't hear it clearly, and I didn't understand it." Bran shrugged slightly, "I need my sister to let go of perception and use her body and mind to listen, but she refused.

Fortunately, I heard it and saw it at the last moment. "

"What did you see?"

"The fear hidden in the bloodline, and fearlessness!" Bran smiled, "It's just that I think some of the order seems to be wrong. Fearlessness, I always thought that this is the natural quality of the people in the North. It is also our innateness. The fear, then with this courageous heart, face all fears in panic.

Who would have thought that behind fearlessness is a huge fear. Perhaps it is because of fear that we will be asked when we are sensible-fearless. "

Ciri quietly took Bran's hand, "Can't you feel it?"

"Although magic has given me a lot, it has also taken a lot." Bran exhaled, "Don't worry, some things are always there, some memories are always there.

Even if many things have long been lost, they turned into some kind of dull pain to remind me at all times, as if they were always there. "

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