Wizards of the North

Chapter 789: ?inherited

Looking out the window, Dan Darkye sighed as he imitated his grandmother. Of course, repeating the same mistakes would not happen to him. Besides, I was brought up by my grandmother, just like my third uncle.

My mother had secretly said that there was a reason for putting herself next to her grandma over the years. Back then, my father and second uncle were mainly taught by my grandfather, but they didn't make much sense. It happened that the third uncle and two aunts excel under the guidance of grandma.

In fact, this is also the main reason why grandpa has no status. One thing Grandpa often said is that I also taught Bran and spanked him several times. But this kind of remark is not very convincing, after all, father and second uncle slap more on the ass...

Living with grandpa and grandma, I gradually discovered some little secrets. The third uncle and aunt still kept many things when they were young, and both grandpa and grandma were very precious, guarding the children like thieves. Unfortunately, there are always omissions, so there are always children who will succeed.

Whenever this happens, grandpa or grandma will complain about the old trees in the house. Then the old tree will smile back and say that it is your child. Slowly, the children got used to this tone, knowing that it was imitating the third uncle's tone. No wonder the elders always shake their heads and smile when they hear this.

Actually, I didn't get it right. I even looked at the picture album left by the third uncle, but there were too many unrecognizable symbols in it, and I couldn't understand it at all. Of course, the children of the Northland have their own means and will reveal everything through magic. It's just that I didn't know that at that time, and the magic was not always on my side. Then a small maze suddenly appeared in front of him, making himself trapped like a fool. Very interesting, isn't it? It seems to be fighting against my childhood uncle.

Now think about it, mazes are everywhere. The manor is a labyrinth, the castle is a labyrinth, and the entire Northland is also a labyrinth, leading the playing children in different directions. Then all kinds of interesting things will follow, either an unexpected surprise or a depressing trap. In the interweaving of surprise and frustration, the brothers and sisters around them gradually embarked on a different path.

Just like the words that my brother said, you really don't look like my brother; in fact, this is the same for yourself. But, unlike the different benefits, brothers and sisters can explore the truth through cooperation. Using light to fight against the light and shadow to fight against the night is obviously unrealistic and very overpowering.

But what about the other way around? The old tree is always so caring, and will give a little reminder every critical moment. As time passed, the children liked the old trees, and they would always go to the trees for help if they had any problems. It is said that ancient trees and uncles took the lead in reaching an agreement a long time ago—uncles handed over some knowledge to them, and they were responsible for passing on this knowledge. Later, the great wizards followed this approach.

Grandma said, don't look at the uncle who is always indifferent when facing danger, in fact, he is already planning for the worst. It is said that the uncle gave all the knowledge to the ancient tree before taking that step. It's just that children like me can't know who it is. In any case, one thing is certain, the ancient tree is the most knowledgeable group except wizards. Of course, it is also a favorite group of people, whether it is adults or children.

Unlike wizards who have outstanding personalities and are not so friendly, Gushu has a generally stable and reliable character. Many times, they are more like elders than grandpa or grandma. Of course, it is not a black sheep. However, I heard that grandma said that those who didn't pay attention would leave with the great wizard, just like the wood of the uncle's house and the grandfather Frost on the ice field. Perhaps, this is the gathering of things...

It’s not my own words to gather things together, it's grandma. According to grandma's evaluation, the model among the old trees should be the old tree in the manor. Just like the grandma said, temperament is a natural thing, even an uncle cannot change it. When the uncle and these people left one by one, the old tree became the well-deserved owner of the manor.

In private, the elders called him the ancient tree of knowledge, because some people speculated that his uncle should have given him all of what he had learned. When only quietly verifying, he neither denied nor admitted, but he smiled and asked where he heard it from.

Although I didn't get a clear answer, I don't know why I like this mysterious attitude, as if I also have a big secret.

Grandma said that the existence of old trees maintains the true fairness of the Northland. Well, I agree with this point, because all the brothers and sisters will be guided by him carefully and patiently.

Compared with the children in the north, the uncle's house is more like a group of monkeys. This is not what he said, it is still grandma. However, I like the term "monkey". The three pieces of wood in my uncle’s house were inconsistent with each other, especially the small tree that had been placed high in hope by my uncle. The legs grew out before the roots grew. It is said that the fairy of his family is discussing how to cultivate a tree with a rooted spirit...

However, this matter may be a bit difficult!

In fact, that group of monkeys is also enviable. It's like they grew up with the cubs of the White Wolf and Snow Falcon, and they have forged a deep friendship since they were young. On my side, it's hard to want an animal companion. Sometimes I think about it, how can I be considered a qualified Northlander without an animal companion?

However, there are still attendants. But it is no longer a Northlander, but a civilian from the Emerald Continent. Grandma said that they are the ancient cousins ​​of the Northland and a branch of us. Of course, vows are no longer a life and death contract entrusted to each other...

However, when he saw the attendant appear in front of him, he began to feel sad, because he knew in his heart that he was about to leave. That was how the uncle and aunt were back then, and they began to support themselves after they made the vow of life and death. Sure enough, he was first sent back to his father, and then sent here.


The people here look down on the children in Northland too, thinking that they are still young so they don't understand anything. Maybe, but they underestimated their own strength. Whether it was Ayman nearby or Zhuoma under the idol in the distance, their words and deeds did not escape their eyes and ears.

It seems that I am a little annoying...

He greeted the attendant gently, and then jumped straight out. The cemetery exudes the breath of death to the west, and the tower next to it reveals a familiar dark smell. On the other side of the city, there are two palpitating powers hidden in the Temple of Dark Moon, so that they don't want to be messed up. So, go to the south of the city...

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